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View Full Version : Adult Nationals tentative schedule

03-07-2003, 06:48 PM
A tentative event schedule for AN's is posted on the Ann Arbor figure skating club's website:


From the main page scroll down to recent additions and it is the first thing listed.
These are just the event times, it says groups will be posted soon.

Just thought you'd all like to know!


Black Sheep
03-07-2003, 07:08 PM
My events are the same days (and about the same times) as they were last year. 8-)

03-08-2003, 02:15 PM
Thanks for providing this link.

Yikes! I'm in Ladies Bronze III, and this will be my first Nationals. According to the tentative schedule in the registration packet, the qualifying round was supposed to happen on Wednesday and the final on Friday. I made all of my travel arrangements based on this info.

But unless I'm reading it incorrectly, the updated schedule shows only a final round on Friday. Evidently, not enough skaters registered to split the group. I have to say I'm very disappointed. :( I was hoping that there would be a qual round. The more the merrier. :) So I'll probably arrive later in the week than I had planned, although changing my travel arrangements will result in penalties. I'm majorly bummed. :(

Does anyone know how many skaters registered for Ladies Bronze III?


03-08-2003, 04:45 PM
Ok - somebody help me out here. The way I read it is the Gold II Ladies warm up is at 9:20 am but we don't compete until after 12:00 8O ? That can't be right - or can it? Those of you who have been there before... is this right?

03-08-2003, 10:47 PM
I'm sure you still get a 5 min. warm up for the actual event Skater1964, so you can rest easy. I didn't compete last year as I had planned, but I watched several events.

As for Bronze III....had I known there would be no skating until Friday...I could have competed. (Except for the injuries, but I might have tried anyway!)

Mrs Redboots
03-09-2003, 07:02 AM
Originally posted by sk8er1964
Ok - somebody help me out here. The way I read it is the Gold II Ladies warm up is at 9:20 am but we don't compete until after 12:00 8O ? That can't be right - or can it? Those of you who have been there before... is this right? No, the "warm-up" they mean is more practice ice, to give you a chance to run through your programme on the ice surface you will compete it on. You will get the normal warm-up when your competition starts!

Raine, why don't you stick to your original travel plans - it is always fun just being around, watching, getting to know folk (and I promise you, they really are fantastic people), and generally having a couple of days' holiday before your event? You would have such fun, and not being there for all of it means you miss so much.

03-09-2003, 08:00 AM
I agree. You should definitely get there early, skate as much practice ice as you can handle and watch. If this is your first AN, it's helpful to get a feel for how things run and get comfortable in the facility. Plus, it's lots of fun to just watch other skaters and make some new friends!

03-09-2003, 08:15 AM
Thanks for the info :D! That makes me feel much better.

03-09-2003, 08:34 AM
Thanks Annabel and Skaternum! I'm feeling a little better about it now.
Maybe I'll arrive on Tuesday as originally planned. There are a number of events I'd like to watch on Wednesday and Thursday, and it would be good to have the opportunity to do a few practice sessions on Ice Cube ice.


Blue Line
03-09-2003, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by Raine

Does anyone know how many skaters registered for Ladies Bronze III?

The listing I have is at 19 skaters for Ladies Bronze 3, assuming no one has withdrawn.

03-09-2003, 10:19 AM
Thanks, Blue Line. That's still a good-sized competition.


03-09-2003, 06:19 PM
Wait a minute....they scheduled Champ. Masters Ladies the same time as Masters Ladies Interp?

I think there will be a bit of schedule reshuffling...

03-12-2003, 05:18 AM
Good luck everyone!!!! :D

I plan to be there on Friday and Saturday to cheer everyone on. Count one less in Silver III. I had to scratch yesterday. :( By back just isn't ready to handle a program yet.

03-13-2003, 09:31 AM
The Ann Arbor site has groups listed for ladies bronze and silver. Looks like a much smaller turn out.

03-13-2003, 10:06 AM
The document listing the rosters for the qualifying groups reveals that there are 3, not 2 flights for Bronze I Ladies. Missing in the day by day schedule is Ladies Bronze I C, which takes place after Bronze I B Ladies and before Bronze 2A Ladies.

19 entries in Bronze III Ladies and there is no qualifying round? I thought 18 was the maximum you could have for a single event. Perhaps there has been a withdrawal.

I noticed the Master Ladies' Championship-Interp clash as well. One solution is to switch the Master Interp Ladies 1 event with the Gold Ladies 2 event (they last roughly the same time). No one would be able to enter both open gold and Ch. masters, so those events can be held at the same time.

03-13-2003, 10:44 AM
If there are three groups, how high must you place to skate the final round?

I am excited about my first AN!! WooHoo!!

(Hey, it is my first ice skating nationals of any kind! ;-)


03-13-2003, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by dcden
I noticed the Master Ladies' Championship-Interp clash as well. One solution is to switch the Master Interp Ladies 1 event with the Gold Ladies 2 event (they last roughly the same time). No one would be able to enter both open gold and Ch. masters, so those events can be held at the same time.

Nooooooo! I like the Saturday for my event! I hear that there are 19 entries in Gold Ladies II :roll: .

03-13-2003, 12:52 PM
Thanks for the heads-up on the group assignments!

I am curious, does anyone know how they decide who is Group A, B, C? I had heard that it is by age at AN, much like the non-qual competitions my daughter has done. It doesn't appear that this is the case here, though...at 36, I am one of the young'uns in Class 2, and my skating buddy is 44 so she is at the older end. Yet we are in the same group. Not that it matters, really. We usually end up skating against each other anyway so we are used to it, but I was just assuming we'd be in different groups because of being at opposite ends of the age spectrum within Class 2.

Curious Taz

03-13-2003, 01:00 PM
taz...I assume it's a random draw.

03-13-2003, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by manleywoman
taz...I assume it's a random draw.

Yep, this was the best I could figure, too.

03-13-2003, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by dani
If there are three groups, how high must you place to skate the final round?

I am excited about my first AN!! WooHoo!!

(Hey, it is my first ice skating nationals of any kind! ;-)


Looking back at last year, it looks like there were 15-16 skaters in the final rounds. I don't know this for sure, but with three groups my best guess would be top 5?

Black Sheep
03-18-2003, 02:58 PM
They now have detailed skeds. of these up. There are 18 skaters in my group--yikes! You'd think they'd break this up into two groups....8O

03-18-2003, 04:42 PM
It's interesting to read the program titles - a nice addition.

03-18-2003, 10:04 PM
Don't feel bad, Black Sheep. There are 18 in mine too (the schedule says 19, but one looks like a duplicate).

Of course, in my case, I'll be happy to just be out there. Physical therapy starts this week, twice a week, for six weeks. The doc thinks that I'll be able to skate, but with what kind of strength is the question.