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02-04-2003, 09:34 AM
Do boys usually land the double and triple jumps at a younger age than girls, or do girls land them earlier?

02-04-2003, 10:06 AM
I don't propose to have any actual evidence to back this up, but I have always heard that girls learn before puberty, boys after.

Now with all the jumping going on a an earlier age, I'm sure that is outdated.

02-04-2003, 07:39 PM
There is a young boy in our club who has been to Jr Nationals twice. Last year his mother was telling us that the 13 yr old girls put the boys to shame. She said they had all their triples, and most of the boys did not.

02-04-2003, 08:32 PM
If you notice at competitions like Sectionals, or Easterns, the pre-juv, juv, and pre-nov ladies are always more advanced than the men. Most of them are trying and landing double axel, and have solid doubles, with tryed and occasionally landed triples. The men however, struggle on their doubles, and either cheat, two-foot or touch-down on most of their jumps. At the novice level, the men are more advanced than the ladies, with most of them (well the ones on top) landed about 3 triples, whereas the girls have around 2....but a lot of the guys are trying and succeeding in landing almost all the triples, although the girls are too, but not with as much success. So, to sum it up, the men reach and surpass the ladies at the Novice level.

02-05-2003, 07:53 AM
Since Jr. Nationals is Juvenile and Intermediate levels, I doubt that the girls have all their triples. In reports of the skating of this past Jr. Nationals, I read that perhaps one girl had a 3/lutz...and that was very unusual. I believe that at Intermediate the top girls may have one or two triples, and they aren't consistent. The top Intermediate girls do have a 2/axel, however, and so do the boys, so things are fairly even steven.

Just like love2skate said, the differences are more apparent at Novice.