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02-02-2003, 01:43 PM
I have a special diet. It's called the "See Food Diet". I see the food,
think about it, decide if I feel like it and if I'm hungry and if I
want it and I'm hungry I eat it if I have time.

I'm so busy that I often run out of time to eat big meals so, I just
eat as much as I can eat slowly. If I can't finish, too bad. There's
always the fridge to put the left overs that I can eat after I
finished skating.

Another good diet is the "After You Skate Diet". It's like you have a
half hour of free calorie time after skating. This only works if you
have less than a 20 minute ride home from the rink. I've only a 5
minute ride so. Same as the "See Food Diet" only you eat directly
after skating. You still need to eat slow and not like a pig. Take
your time chewing to enjoy the taste of your food. In 25 minutes
you'll feel full and most of the calories will burn off before they
make it to your blood stream. Oh, do enjoy all the food groups.
Modesty in portion and host of choice. LOL

Both of these take control. If you are weak with food, stick to
Weight Watchers.


Note: If you have a medical problem such as a Dermoid Ovarian Cyst like I use to have, both of the above diets don't work. They are both working now for me.

02-02-2003, 03:23 PM
ummm..I'm at a loss about why you put the heading dieting and skating. The whole moral of the story is eat sensibly. Sit down when you eat, don't eat too much junk. If you are concerned about your weight talk to a professional and avoid any diet tricks of the trade.

Some people use food as an emotional trigger. My roomie is addicted to peanut butter. For him, he has to avoid it or he eats the whole jar. And if I'm hungry and I see a lot of food, I'll eat it until I want to throw up. I don't think your "see food" plan is appropriate for all people. And the "after you skate eating" is not too good too. I know after skating I'm starving and often think I can eat. Well, surprise you end up eating twice as much. And yes you can say, chew slow. But when you are hungry its sometimes difficult.

Avoid diets, enjoy your skating, consult a professional if you have eating concerns

02-03-2003, 08:24 AM
I don't really diet, I'm only 5"1, so I try and keep my caloric intake around 1500-1600 calories a day, avoid excessive sugar and caffeine, but still have a cookie when I want it. I eat lean meats and I avoid carbohydrates at night. I watch what I eat but mainly I just eat as healthy as possible. Drink lots of water before and after I skate.

02-03-2003, 01:32 PM
I try to eat a high fibre cereal before skating (about 2 hr prior). I also carry power bars to the rink and eat one after skating b/c I skate for a long time and have a long drive home. When I get home I am not starving and can eat sensibly.


02-03-2003, 01:58 PM
My latest is the Cheap and Lazy diet. I don't eat out except for "occasions" (birthdays, anniversaries, etc), I don't eat anything that takes more than 5 minutes to prepare. So I eat sandwiches, pasta, chicken, lots of spinach salad (infinitely better than iceberg lettuce) and fruit.

It's going ok. It helped a lot that I got a full-time desk job where I can't snack during the day and have to go to bed early so I don't snack all night, and I can't afford to order lunch out all the time so I eat a lot of Lean Cuisine. I started doing situps a few weeks ago, 50 a day except Sat, and a little bit of jump rope every day in addition to the 6hrs/wk I skate currently. I've already noticed a big increase in control of the twisting moves on Novice - brackets, quick rockers, FI3-BI3s.

I've lost about 15 lbs since Sept, nothing monumental but seeing the numbers decrease is nice. I'm hoping to lose another 15 by May/June. If I set my sights too high I'm destined to fail.


02-03-2003, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by jp1andOnly
ummm..I'm at a loss about why you put the heading dieting and skating. The whole moral of the story is eat sensibly.

And the "after you skate eating" is not too good too. I know after skating I'm starving and often think I can eat. And yes you can say, chew slow. But when you are hungry its sometimes difficult.

Avoid diets, enjoy your skating, consult a professional if you have eating concerns

It's a joke. I'm not on any diet at all. I don't eat big amounts at a time. I do eat a variety of things. I do eat slow. And I don't eat because I feel one way or another. I eat when I'm hungry and as soon as the hunger goes away, I'm done. I don't have a need to finish my plate just because the food is there. I eat the same whether it's before or after I skate. I just do eat after I skate because many times, I come straight from work to skate and then and only then after I'm done skating can I cook.
