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View Full Version : Need some encouragement

01-27-2003, 09:07 PM
Wow. I must be having a bad charma month.... or something. My 5 year old was pushed off a slide 10 days ago and broke her elbow, rather badly, and I missed a week of skating. Then I really lightly sprained my right ankle walking off the stairs (totally not paying attention). I'm back skating now and I'm supposed to go up to the Washington DC competition and this week, my usually good axel, which I've had solidly for 6 months has vanished. I know they come and go, but I've had really nice big beautiful axels for a while now (as well as double sals and the occasional double loop). Usually when I have a bad axel day, I get two or three or four but for the last 3 days, its been zip, none. I can't seem to find the feel for it and I'm so bummed out about it. This was my badge of honor jump, I worked so hard for it. I almost quit skating today, I have to admit. Pathetic, I know. I finally got 2 itty, bitty ones by doing walz-loop jumps standing on the blue line - I haven't had to do that since about August.

Has anyone else had this trouble - had it vanish when you really had a good jump? I'm so worried I'll never get it back.

01-27-2003, 09:52 PM
I'm so sorry about your daughter! This has got to be taking a toll on you more than just the skating you have missed. That's probably why you were distracted and sprained your ankle. You may not be able to focus as well as usual just now. It's also possible that you just can't feel the degree of pleasure in skating that you are used to while your daughter is so recently injured.

I don't have any jumps to lose, but my daughter has lost her axel and gotten it back more than once, and her camel completely left town the week before her pre-juv FS test. It showed up the very day of the test. Don't give up and don't give in to this momentary down period. Your axel will return, hopefully in time for the DC comp. Remind yourself of your other skating skills that are still working for you, and try to let yourself have fun out there.

BTW, I broke my arm badly when I was five (fell out of a tree after being stung by wasps) and there was no rehab required at all. Kids that age really do bounce back.

01-28-2003, 06:20 AM
It's so hard when our kids our hurt :( So much of our success in skating depends on our mental state. I personally don't have experience with the axel, but my daughter has a beautiful one that has come and gone several times. I was on the ice with her the last time this happened. She went back to the blue line and finally eeked out a few, just like you said you did....So, the answer is that you are in good company. Yes, good jumps disappear and come back, and I'm sure your lovely axel will be there for you too!

Best of luck to you and your child. Hopefully the weeks will pass quickly, and all will be well! By the way, I have always ordered a product called a "dry cast" shower/bath cover for broken bones with good success. They really keep the water out if your child has a plaster cast. If you need info, PM me.

01-28-2003, 07:26 AM
I've just read a book about this.... (yeh Auntie D! ;) )

How many times have you done an axel?
Probably thousands...so you KNOW how to do it.

When you go to skate it next time, concentrate on the one thing that your coach or yourself realises needs to be corrected.
For instance, it may be that you are opening up your arms too soon, therefore you would THINK about keeping the arms in slightly longer.
"Hold my arms in!"
Don't think about anything else.
Don't think about NOT being able to do it.
Don't think about what anyone is doing or thinking as you cannot change any of that.
Only think about what you can control, like aspects of the jump that you need to carry out in order to land it.

If you have yourself on video doing a good axel, then watch that video over and over.
If not try to visualise yourself doing the axel correctly.
Maybe even try the axel with a different entry.

01-28-2003, 08:13 AM
It sounds like you could use a day or two on the ice just to have fun and enjoy skating. Don't worry about the axel. It's there, just not available right now. You have done them, so you know you CAN do them again. With evertything going on you just need a chance to catch your breath and enjoy skaing. When this happens to me with the double, I don't push it. I clear my head with skills I can do well that day and enjoy doing. After that, (the next session or the one after that) the doubles are back and fine.
I hope your daughter is doing better!

01-28-2003, 08:17 AM
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter.. and I have to say that I think it's normal for any skater to lose any of their jumps, especially when they take some time off. I just had an injury the day I got my double axel and I haven't tried it now in about a week, so I'm sure I lost it. But I know I can get it back, it's all muscle memory, if you could once do any jump, your muscles know how to do the jump so you can do it again, just try a little harder! :D

Black Sheep
01-28-2003, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by KJD
Has anyone else had this trouble - had it vanish when you really had a good jump? I'm so worried I'll never get it back.

That happens to me when I am sick, or just starting to get sick. But when I recover from whatever ailment I get, I'm revitalized and roaring to go, so it's pretty easy to get back into my element! :D

01-28-2003, 08:07 PM
Try not thinking about landing it
sometimes when i have trouble with myjumps it helps to concentrate more on the take off- after all a bad take off won't allow you to land a jump.
hope you get it back!