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View Full Version : Does Anyone Have FSW News or Gossip?

06-04-2002, 09:14 PM
I'm just wondering if anyone has the inside scoop on what's happening at FSW and iskater post-"pay us". I'm curious if they yet realized what a mistake they have made... They have probably lost so many users that neither subscriptions nor advertising will be profitable...

For those of you who wanted to hold onto my Adult Nationals report, don't worry, I have a copy in Word. I just need to finish typing up a few more events (which got delayed due to injury) and then I'll be passing it off to Mark Goodkin for permanent posting on his iceskatingaddict.com site.

Tara :D

06-09-2002, 12:08 AM
Hi Tara! The day after the big change, I read a post on another board that there were only a handful of posts from about 4 people on the FSW boards......later I read the membership was rising and was about maybe 400? The numbers kept going up, but the posters were thinking that the numbers were a bit inflated by people who had joined and signed up for live coverage during the Olympics.

Anyone else with some news?

06-09-2002, 12:24 AM
Seems membership is at something like 1500....(as reported a week ago on the skatefans list)....but they also said only about 12 people are posting on the boards regularly.

06-09-2002, 12:59 AM
I don't think there are many of us skaters at FSW anymore. Fans have the cash to burn but we already burt ours with club fees, coach fees, test fees, competition fees, skating clothes and our skates. Which means we're broke and can't afford FSW.

06-09-2002, 10:02 AM
*This* fan certainly doesn't have any cash to burn! LOL I had signed up for the live play-by-play coverage in March, so I have access to the boards, but haven't been going there very often. There's not much activity......usually between 15 and 25 posts per day (total for all forums).

It's a shame iskater alienated so many people by closing the boards without any notice. I bet a large amount of the people they closed off would've been their best customers, but now most of them will probably go out of their way NOT to purchase anything from iskater! :o