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06-04-2002, 12:09 PM
Who here has had crazy skating dreams?

I had one not a long time ago but it was SO bizarre I had to share:

I landed my double toe, sal, loop all on my first try within five minutes after someone said I couldn't do it. And I was so close on my double flip. And even before landing a double axel, I was landing a triple toe! It was so funny how I felt the correct position in the jump and how my weight was perfectly on the right axis. Gee, those jumps felt so easy to do.... Now if I could only skate like that in REAL life!! I woke up and was so upset that hadn't really happened! :x

06-04-2002, 02:59 PM
All the time!! A pretty regular dream is that I'm working on a jump and fall. I actually do one of those "falling" things and wake myself up. I also have lovely dreams of skating the way I want too. Michelle Kwan has nothing on me. :lol: I also "work" out my skating problems in dreams. I have figured some weird little problem out by practcing the skill in my sleep. I'm serious! Skating dreams, especially the Michelle Kwan kind, make my sleep very restful and relaxed. I wake up feeling ready to....go skating! :D


06-04-2002, 04:13 PM
All of my best skating is done in my dreams :roll: I think it is memories from my roller dance days so many years ago, but whatever it is, it is golden.

06-04-2002, 04:38 PM
If you're talking dreams where I was actualy skating, I've had a few, all of them where I've skated really good! I once had one where I did a brilliant scratch spin in front of adoring kids :mrgreen: and I also once had one where I did an axel-double salchow combo on my living room floor (I hadn't got past waltz jump at the time!). But then there's the more bizarre kind, like dreaming that Jayne Torvill was in the Spice Girls...

06-04-2002, 08:41 PM
Once I dreamed that I did a perfectly centered scratch spin, and it felt so easy...Sigh...now to transfer that to real life, and I'll be a happy person! :D


06-05-2002, 12:52 AM
I am THE best skater in my dreams, lol.

Actually, about two nights ago I had a skating dream... the ice was very crowded, and there were carpets scattered around on it. I did a few HUGE waltz jumps and started to go into doing axels, but every time I'd get ready a girl would jump into my way. I never did get to do a single axel, lol.

A few nights before that, I dreamt that I was skating while someone else had their lesson, so they had the right of way. She'd circle around to do something, so I'd skate right up against the boards - literally, my body was pressed to the boards and I was leaning on them, lol... but she would get flustered as she saw me, and stop what she was doing... she kept doing this, even after I explained that I wouldn't jump out in front of her, lol.

Last night I just dreamt about others skating, not myself... a very weird one though. The character of Kira Nerys from Star Trek: DS9 was now a pairs skater, and her partner was Captain Sisko... but she kept skating with another blonde guy instead. They'd do these amazing lifts but only standing still, they never really skated around, lol. Odd, odd, odd.

Yep, I dream about skating often, LOL!!! Usually either I just leap on the ice and start doing doubles and triples, or the ice is crowded and I can't skate... not sure what that means.

Mrs Redboots
06-05-2002, 08:44 AM
Usually when I dream about skating, I don't actually ever get to do any - the ice has melted, or we are swimming instead, or.... Last night I dreamt I was at a competition, but not competing myself, and spent hours chatting to someone who I knew quite well in my dream, but was a totally imaginary person, really. And I even bought a coffee, and was disgusted when I took a mouthful and it had [i:28f27dd4a2]milk[/i:28f27dd4a2] in it (I drink my coffee black, and dislike the taste of white coffee!). You can't usually taste things in dreams.....

06-05-2002, 09:30 AM
I had an extremely strange dream during my last competitions. I was sick (and you know the crazy dreams you get when you are sick) and dreamed that I went out and did 3 different quads and a triple axel in my long in Intermediate but no one was even in the arena - including the judges and my coach when I finished. Everyone was in there when I started the program though.

06-05-2002, 06:22 PM
I have tons of dreams about skating, but they always end up in me NOT skating.

It could be a ton of different reasons. I'm late for my lesson and my coach has already left, the ice has tons of holes in it....etc. I've had about 10-11 dreams where I'm rushing to my lesson because I'm late.

Last night I had a dream that the ice rink was actually a huge concert arena. I had arrived for my lesson only to find out they were holding a concert. There were something like 40-50 thousand people there and a huge choir singing. I tried to find the coach's room to talk with my coach about rescheduling my lesson, and found that the coach's room was only accessible through a tiny doorway (2ft by 3 ft) that was about 7' from the floor....you actually had to jump up into the doorway to try and crawl through it.....

Weird...I'm sure some psychologist would have a field day with these dreams!

06-07-2002, 02:09 PM
I had the BEST dream last night! I was doing off-ice jumps at home, and was landing wonderful, consistent doubles! I was doing axels, double salchows, double toe loops and double flips, and they all felt really light and easy, especially the flips. If only!

06-08-2002, 10:49 AM
Funny you bring up skating in your dreams..

I had one about a week ago where I skated pairs with Nicole Bobek.....I wasn't half bad either...which tells me it was definitely a dream!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-08-2002, 11:02 AM
Last fall the night before I competed, I had a dream that the ice was bouncy and I was able to land perfect triple loops and double axels on it :)

06-08-2002, 09:02 PM
:lol: skating in your sleep? I can do better than that. How about being on the ice competing doing your program while sleeping? Yup, I did that one in Thornhill, ON this year at the Skate Canada Central Ontario Adult Spring Competition. I came in 4th and have no idea what I did on ice.

How did this happen?
I practiced earlier that morning at my rink in Windsor before leaving to pick up my girls for the road trip to Thornhill. It was smooth sailing until I got to Chatham on the 401 where I ran into a detour by the OPP for an investigation that they were doing which I didn't know about or I would have taken Highway 2 to London and then join the 401 again. But I didn't know. The detour took us into no man's land and lasted for 2 hours. I ended up being 2 hours behind so by the time I got to Toronto where my hotel was, I couldn't check in never mind get a nap before just barely making to the comp to register in time. Then once I found out how the comp was running, they told me it was running an hour and a half behind schedule. By the time I got to sleep on ice it was 9:45 PM. The judges knew I was sleeping on ice and that's why I was 4th. This is true life, not a dream.


06-09-2002, 09:44 AM
I had this one a while ago, I wrote about it on FSW at the time on Skating Fluff (I think). I was supposed to be performing in an ice show and I was getting a lift with Sale and Pelletier who were also in it. We had just turned the corner onto the main road when I realised I'd forgotten my skate bag! I told them to wait for me and that I'd only be 5 minutes, and ran back to my college to find my bag (though it looked nothing like my college, of course). I couldn't find my bag anywhere and was looking all over for it, and started finding it bit by bit i.e. first a glove, then in another room a sock, etc. An hour later I had it all and went back to S&P in the car and they were asleep and we'd missed the show! But then later on I was at the show (dunno how that happened) and we did the first group number, the ice had some kind of huge piece of scenery in the middle, and the arena had no audience and no seats, but there you go. Then me and all the skaters were playing some kind of game round the arena, and Tara Lipinski and Sasha Cohen were both on the ice, having a kind of skate-off against each other. They were skating so close together that they kept hitting each other and getting tangled up, and when one raised e.g. her leg, the other tried to raise her leg higher! Then that was the end. :mrgreen: Weird eh? lol

06-09-2002, 11:12 AM
I'm always dreaming of skating in strange places....skating through caves and long canals, up and down hills. In one of my dreams I go up in the air for a lutz and just float in the air rotating several times, staying up there for what seems to be forever!