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View Full Version : Thoughts and Sayings for the New Year!

01-03-2003, 06:02 AM
Hi everyone that knows me ..... and those that don't ;) Happy New Year to you all :)

Just a few sayings that you may find pertinent/funny/useful :roll:

Don't lose your temper when you're on the ice, it destroys the capacity for rational thought
Coaches can be inspired by their pupils, but they can also become frustrated if misunderstood ;) (This one is dedicated to Madame)
Your biggest muscle is your brain. If you can get your brain to work for you, the body will follow (ha ha ha)
Dear Skater ..... please don't just look, please observe!
The trouble with common sense is ......... that it ain't that common ;)
Find out what happens before what happens, happens
Don't get mad ..... get even BETTER!
When you want to learn as badly as you want air, then I won't have to teach you .....
Impulsion is controlled forward (or backward!) energy!
For the Dancers among us: "Don't look where he is going, that's HIS job"
Don't look at your feet ..... they won't fall off

L x

01-03-2003, 12:06 PM
Be prepared : boots, skateguards, blade covers, gloves, drying cloth, tissues, screwdriver, music tapes, crash pads, hair clip or band, purse.

If at first you don't succeed try, try try again and then move on to something else, cursing Robert the Bruce forever saying such words.

Think positively at all times.


01-03-2003, 01:27 PM
If at first you don't succeed, it goes a long way in explaining they giant, multi-shades of purple bruise on your butt!!!!!

Mine is currently oh-so-lovely....damn salchow!!!

01-03-2003, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by melanieuk
[b]If at first you don't succeed try, try try again and then move on to something else, cursing Robert the Bruce forever saying such words.

I love it, Melanieuk!!! :lol: Describes my skate today to a tee!

01-03-2003, 11:16 PM
First you gotta want it. Second you have to believe in yourself. Third you have to do it.

Luck comes with hard work, determined spirit, and belief in yourself.
