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12-28-2002, 02:56 PM
It's that time again!!!

Mine are (in no particular order):[list=1] ***Pass Bronze Moves*** Numero uno goal for this year!!! Must pass it in 2003!!!
Get the loop consistently landing on my landing foot. (No 2-feet
Ditto for flips!!! I am consistently landing 2 feet now... :(
Get the dreaded BACKSPIN... I'm getting very close, according to
my coaches...
Get the camel spin... also have gotten a few close calls, according
to my primary coach.
Get half lutz... I'm trying to be realistic... but no way I'm getting
the lutz with all this stuff going on....
[/list=1]That's it!!! :D

12-28-2002, 03:19 PM
i am doing a test probably in january so i would like top be able to pass that with flying colours:D
i would also like to be able to learn most of my singles as i can do the 3-jump, salchow and toe-loop.
also i would like to be able to learn some more spins! :D :D :D

12-28-2002, 05:39 PM
1. Pass European Waltz (this was on the list last year...)

2. Pass Bronze Moves

3. Work on Silver MITF

12-28-2002, 05:41 PM
Ok, here's mine...

1) More speed.
2) Actually skate a program with connecting moves.
3) Try the axel on the harness without hyperventillating - my coach thinks I'm ready - I'm a big chicken.)
4) Get my lutz and camel more consistent (being able to do those moves were my goals for this year. Have done both very well a few times, but are fairly hit or miss.)
5) Not look at results from competitions before they are aired! :oops:

Someone should save a link to this thread and re-post it mid-year and end of year for updates.

12-28-2002, 05:49 PM
Nice thread! I have not yet started any skating lessons (they start on 1/13), so I don't know yet what kind of resolutions to make. I'll have to wait and post later!

12-28-2002, 06:35 PM
Hoo boy! I don't even want to think about it yet, but here goes ...

1. Make my sit spin actually look like a sit spin.
2. Get my lutz-loop combo to have "run out" on the exit.
3. Get a layback.
4. Make progress on an axel. (Notice I didn't say I'd "get" an axel. Not stupid enough to say that!)
5. With the help of new Klingbeils coming in February, which I pray will fix some of the problems with my right leg, get my pre-juvenile moves passable. (This goal is optional!)

icesk8er31, I love your 5th goal! Maybe I'll try that too. :)

12-28-2002, 09:33 PM
1. Pass two Silver dances, probably Rocker and American
2. Pass at least the free dance and the Paso for ISI Dance 7 (anyone else see a pattern developing here- one of avoiding the Silver Tango? LOL)
3. Try my Novice MITF, even though I probably won't pass
4. Compete at ISI Adult Champs and maybe my district championships
5. Either place in the top half of Novice of the top three-quarters of Junior at Lake Placid, depending on which dances are chosen
6. Do at least one (non-qualifying) competition in Junior and maybe one Senior

12-28-2002, 09:34 PM
Ooo, Awesome a thread that you really have to put some thought into!

My Goals
1-To get my double axel consistant (that was on the list last year) and a triple (I figure if I add that maybe the axel might be done ;) )
2-To skate the program I was actually given, I have a tendancy to go to competition and change the cheography somethings when the elements start going well.
3- To finish everything that I start, thats definetly a big one! Not to give up in short form I suppose
4-To pass at least 2 of my diamond dances

And as a very HOPEFULLY short term goal I hope to find some short program music that I like!!:)
I hope that all of you accomplish all of your goals good luck!!

12-29-2002, 09:48 AM
To sit my next tests - Bronze Level 3 Elements & Free, and try the Inter Bronze field moves aswell.
Improve my spins by 100%

12-29-2002, 10:32 AM
Wow I haven't posted in forver but I figure this post would be a good one to start with

1. Pass Junior Moves
2. Pass Junior Free
3. Get a clean and consistant double axel instead of my cheated inconsistant one
4. Perform clean shorts all year in competition
5. Begin 2 triples
6. Better footwork

12-29-2002, 02:50 PM
Well, I have no idea what my will happen next year because my rink's closing in April, the next nearest is an hour and a half by car each way, and I'm probably going to university in the Autumn. Having said that however, I'd love to:

1. Improve my spins. I want a consistent, good 1 foot upright spin, and I'd love to start on scratch and/or sit spins. Here's hoping!
2. Get the loop consistent, crack the flip and get it consistent, and start on the lutz. If I could get that by the end of the year too, that'd be great!
3. Really good spirals on all the edges. Leg as high as possible. (At the moment it's above my waist, but I want it higher!)
4. Improve on dances and learn a bunch more. And I'd like to test some, but I doubt that'll happen.
5. Skate in a dress or skirt! I've never done that and I want to! lol. (Nobody else does on the sessions I skate on, apart from a couple of little kids and two women. I always said I wanted a really good spin before I got one, anyway.)
6. I would love to have a programme. Doubt that'll happen either.

12-29-2002, 05:55 PM
Great thread - I'll be looking forward to seeing how we have done by next Christmas! :D

Ok, here's mine - and I'll admit that they are a bit ambitious.

1. Enjoy my return to competitive figure skating at my soon to be held competitions. I was able to fulfill my this-year's-goal of being to compete at next year's Adult Nationals by passing all the required tests in time.

2. Consistently land two or three doubles (salchow, toe loop and loop) by Adult Nationals in April.

3. Fix my muscle memory problem with the Axel (I can land it consistently, but I have a scrape on take-off that is driving me nuts!)

4. Improve my stamina, and lose 25 more pounds (40 since last February and counting...)

6. Land a double flip and double lutz.

7. Pass the Intermediate MIF - those are really challenging to me.

8. Keep improving and keep having the time of my life skating!!! :D :D :D :D

12-29-2002, 09:26 PM
1) Test and pass Bronze Moves (get my first crack at it Feb 9th!)

2) Test Bronze Free...sometime.

3) Get my sit spin up to the level of my camel and layback. It's passable but not good enough.

4) Get my backspin faster.

5) Make my flying camel bigger...right now I'm more like hopping :oops:...Had to stop work on that one when my hand was cast this past August.

6) Compete at the Peach Classic this year! I really, really want to do this.

Just will take things one at a time, I suppose!

Mrs Redboots
12-30-2002, 05:59 AM
5. Pass Level 1 Variation and Free dances (not essential)

4. Get Level 2 Dance Moves to passing standard (don't have to test
them), and work hard on Level 3 moves

3. Get the figures I'm learning more circular and less oval!

2. Develop more control and less fear, to avoid rushing


(Rachel, have you accepted a provisional offer yet - if so, I hope it's in a town where there's a rink!)

12-30-2002, 07:43 AM
Originally posted by Mrs Redboots
(Rachel, have you accepted a provisional offer yet - if so, I hope it's in a town where there's a rink!)

I haven't even applied to anywhere that hasn't got a rink, lol! I've had a few provisional offers from a couple of the places I've applied to, but I don't have to accept or decline yet. Which is good because I haven't made up my mind yet! :)

12-30-2002, 07:50 AM
OK, let's see...

1. Get axel consistent enough to try in competition sometime this year.
2. Make flying sitspin actually FLY instead of an itty-bitty hop.
3. Attempt gold MITF test.
4. Skate clean in competition (this may conflict with #1).

12-30-2002, 08:00 AM
It's easy to make these now. Hopefully I'll remember them next December 31st. Here goes:

1. Get back to the level that I was before I broke my leg and had a baby
2. Conquer competition and test nerves
3. Find a pairs partner other than the pairs coach (haha)
4. Get my skates sharpened more than once a year

Well, that should do it. That's a sizeable chunk if I do say so myself. Number 2 will be my biggest demon.

Good luck everyone!

12-30-2002, 08:50 AM
Okay, mine are:
1) FINALLY pass Juvenile MIF, so I can get working on the Adult Gold ones. I don't need this test, but am determined to pass it, since I've been working on it so long!
2) Compete for the first time at Adult Nationals - placements are optional; I just want to be able to say I did it!
3) Master the camel spin; start on combinations.
4) Get started on the axel again. I was trying it 2 years ago, but injured my ankle and had to stop. I'd like to land one before I get too old to try it! In fact, I think I'll start another thread on that question - how old were people when they first landed it? I'm looking for upper-end limits, here!
5) Continue to improve core strength and flexibility; show off the improvement by losing some weight!

12-30-2002, 11:13 AM
Pass Canadian Prelim FS test all jumps to flip, all basic spins.
Start working on my axel
Have a decent backspin
Have combo spins
Have faster and cleaner footwork in all directions.
Pass Canadian introductory interpretive FS
Pass all my dances up to Fiesta Tango
Be on the medal podium at all my competitions (hoping).
To be organized and informed of travel conditions going to competitions so that I'm well rested.
To be injury free.


12-30-2002, 11:34 AM
Here are mine:

1. Test and pass Adult Silver moves and free. Testing on Jan. 14, one day before the AN deadline. Wish me luck!
2. Get my spins up to the level of my jumps. This was on my list last year. My sit is fine but my camel is still icky and I can't hold my arms over my head in a layback :oops: .
3. Land the double loop. And get that accidental double toe to be a real one.
4. Flatten out my split jump to 180 degrees.
5. Work on Adult Gold MITF.
6. Spend fewer $$$ on dresses and tights.

I hope everyone accomplishes their goals. Once you learn it, it will be easy!

12-30-2002, 12:39 PM
Ok, here goes mine:

1.Pass Gold MITF and free in either Jan or Feb

2. Get my double salchow more consistant and moving out better

3. Fix my camel spin so its more consistant

4. Pass Intermediate moves

5. Cleanly land double loops

12-30-2002, 12:41 PM
not many -

1) Actually TAKE my pre-bronze test. :-) I am just being lazy.

2) Work with another coach on my spread eagle - I know I can get it, I am so close - my coach can't do one so I need "outside" help

3) Do figures with my coach once a week, I know she'll be thrilled she loves figures, and it will help my edges.

4) Enjoy skating and be gentler on my body.

12-30-2002, 02:42 PM
Hi everyone!

I like this thread!! This time last year saw my buying my first pair of ice skates!! (I am now on my third pair :-(

Anyway, I would say my goals are:

1. Skate clean at AN
2. Center my scratch spin
3. Improve all of my spins
4. Learn a camel (I can get at most 2 revs before I fall)
5. Learn a layback!
6. Learn an axel and double sal
7. Pass silver MIF and FS and my Bronze and pre-silver dances.

Wow, those are ambitious. Something that can't really be a goal because I don't have control is that I would like to find a dance partner!! So, if anyone knows of a 6' plus guy in Florida that would like to skate dance, let me know!! ;-)

Hugs and good luck to all of us!

12-31-2002, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by Designdiva
Here are mine:

1. Test and pass Adult Silver moves and free. Testing on Jan. 14, one day before the AN deadline. Wish me luck!

Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck!!

12-31-2002, 12:20 PM
Don't know which of these I'll actually accomplish, but I want to try them all:

1. Improve forward stroking. I'm horrendously lazy about stroking correctly between elements that I'm working on. I know I need to concentrate on how I'm using the blade when I stroke.

2. Master all of the 3 turns (right now I'm stuck on blinking FI3s).

3. Begin learning the 1/2 rev and single rev jumps, including walleys (I think they look neat!)

4. Improve forward XOs (neglected since I've been working on other elements)

5. Try to learn to spin CCW (I'm CW). I have a strong suspicion that I will backspin better on my right foot. That means I better learn to forward spin on my left foot (CCW) so that I have a hope of ever having a decent change-foot spin! :D

6. Work on forward cross rolls and forward and backward swing rolls.

7. Spirals on the L leg and RFO spirals (I can only do RFI right now).

Debbie S
12-31-2002, 03:07 PM
Hi Mika!

My goals:

1. Get a back spin.
2. Improve all spins.
3. Learn a loop, flip, lutz, and axel.
4. Get more speed and height on jumps.
5. Improve back 3's.
6. Stop getting scared I'll fall and (as a result) "freezing up" (which usually leads me to stumble anyway) on jumps, spins, and turns.

Happy New Year!!

01-01-2003, 02:55 AM

~ Balance skating and college...blah
~ Do 2Sal combos
~ Double Toe!! (HATE this jump)
~ Get that stupid Y spin.
~ Pass my moves tests.
~ Have fun while doing it all! :)

Off the ice:

~ Buy that beautiful $3000 Taylor Acoustic Guitar with the custom mother of pearl decals on the neck and head of it. LOL maybe thats not as realistic as all the rest of my goals, but a girl can dream! Im thinking that would be a great christmas present for next year (hint hint...)!

01-01-2003, 09:53 PM
Pass at least one Moves test, either the pre-pre or pre-bronze

Overcome my fear of FI three turns

Skate a program to music, no jumps expected (daughter just offered to choreograph for me :lol: )

Begin dance (means finding a dance coach)

Develop graceful spirals

Wind up into a one foot turn and manage at least 4 revs

Deepen the edges on B and F cross strokes without losing speed

Blue Line
01-01-2003, 10:04 PM
A wimpy list that'll keep me busy. ;)

1. Stretch until I am insane...and can lift my leg high enough to have a decent spiral.
2. Take a test.
3. Have a program, all for me!
4. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

01-02-2003, 08:48 AM
My goals:

1. Stay vertical
2. Don't break any bones
3. Stay vertical
4. Rehab my shoulder so I can raise my arms
5. Stay vertical
6. Pass Gamma and Delta
7. Stay vertical
9. Stay vertical
10. Learn to do at least a minimal jump
11. And did I mention, stay vertical

Happy Skating New Year to everyone!!!!

01-02-2003, 09:36 PM
Good idea to focus on the goals of the year:

1. Faster, longer scratch spin
2. Back spin -->combination spin fwd-back-fwd -love that ISI FS 3 requirement!
3. Sit spin/back sit and combo someday
4. Camel spin
5. Layback spin
see a theme here??
6. Flip better
7. Loop from cool entries
8. Lutz from footwork maybe??
9. Dead on brackets, choctaws and outside mohawks
10. Tango stop
11. excellent back outside spiral
12. ISI FS 4 footwork
13. Pass Adult Bronze FS and Moves
14. Compete with a program again
15. Pass Bronze and Silver ISI judging tests
16. Choreograph some kicking programs for my two students
17. Survive picking up all of my kids in my tot classes (the back!)

Lose lots and lots of weight

Boy this is a lot--better quit my day job! Well I can dream!

01-03-2003, 08:50 AM
Since my skating buddy Jameybrbr posted, I guess I better be next!!:P

1. Get solid forward three turns that are "testable."
2. Achieve clean toe loop and salchow that really jump, not just step.
3. Improve footwork and skate an ISI FS 1 Competitive Footwork program this year.
4. Get my ISI FS 1 Freestyle program in shape for competition with more connecting moves.
5. Test and pass Adult Pre-Bronze MITF.
6. POSSIBLY Test and pass Adult Pre-Bronze Freestyle.
7. Get a good, multi-revolution one foot spin.
8. Improve my stroking, crossovers and other basics.
10. And as Gary would say, STAY VERTICAL!!!! :lol:

Happy New Skating Year, everyone!!!

Beth 8-)