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View Full Version : Another cool move from TV

12-21-2002, 09:55 PM
OK, I admit I spend hours watching the same programs over and over nit picking for the details that I love. In Kurt Browning's "Gotta Skate" this year, Steven Cousins does a deep BI edge with a power pull to BO three turn. It looks like a BI counter, and I wasn't sure what it was until I had replayed it about five times. Finally, I realized the tracing was visible on the ice. The BO edge before the three turn is only about a blade length and the whole thing is very fluid. I told my daughter about it when we were at the rink, and she was able to do it very nicely after about four or five tries. Wish I could :roll:

I'm thinking of asking my coach to choreograph a moves only program for me, as I don't jump or spin (yet), but really enjoy moves.

12-21-2002, 11:47 PM
Jumps and spins are impressive, but I've always loved to see great footwork.

At COI, Pleshenko did a run from one end of the ice to the other using nothing but fast change footwork. I think it was the most impressive thing I've ever seen.

Maybe that's why I miss figures. Even as a youngster, L-O-N-G before I ever tried skating, I would watch entire figures programs on TV, totally enthralled with the skill and precision required.

Yep, give me footwork any day!!!