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12-06-2002, 03:49 PM
Here's the scoop. Over the last two months I've fallen every week or so on the same exact spot, usually when the last bruise is on the verge of healing, and get a new one. (Man, falling on this spot brings tears and pain!) I'm not falling on this spot but smacking big time. (Right outer thigh.) First I was over rotating, then I killed myself on a dang lutz, and now doing something stupid on the 2 sal. (Of course, my coach was standing there. =-/) Anyhoo, does anyone know if I'm going to get a permanent mark here? I've had an ugly purple mass for months now. It doesn't exactly make you feel cute sporting a purple mass. Has anyone experienced this and did it finally go away. Seriously, I do want to know.


12-06-2002, 03:55 PM
Ouch. Are you aiming for this spot?

The bruise should go away if you stop landing on it! Really, the bruise should eventually disappear.

Could you invest in a pad for that area to help absorb some of the blow? Might cushion it enough so you get less brusing.

12-06-2002, 03:58 PM
It will go away, but I was told by one of our doctor skating mothers (who was horrified at a nasty bruise I got in the summer) that it could take about 6 weeks - if you don't fall on it. Mine took about 4.

To protect the area from further damage and to let it heal while continuing to skate (and who wants to stop :)), you can take a big thick kitchen sponge and place it over the area depending on where the bruise is. Mine was on my hip so I just wore dresses for a while and stuck the sponge into the side of my dress - looked kind of weird, but worked very well.

12-06-2002, 04:08 PM
Ouch, that sounds nasty. I am constantly whacking into things and bruising myself just during daily life (tall/gangly body type) and remember one particularly nasty spot (front upper thigh) that took so long to fade away that I thought it was permanent. I had a large, sort of faded brownish mark for several months, but it did finally go away completely. I know if Mrs. Redboots were on now she would recommend arnica gel.


12-06-2002, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by kar5162
:)), you can take a big thick kitchen sponge and place it over the area depending on where the bruise is. Mine was on my hip so I just wore dresses for a while and stuck the sponge into the side of my dress - looked kind of weird, but worked very well.

What a great idea! I was going to send away for some special pads but your idea is better and faster. I was thinking of using computer mouse pads but I like your sponge idea better! Thanks!

12-06-2002, 11:46 PM
It's kinda reassuring I have company! Yep, we're nuts or something. =-)For the record, I'm not nuts enough to do this on purpose! Just one of those things I guess. =-/ I have had one of those brown rings in the last few weeks, but then I whack the spot again and I turn purple. I just was worried that if I keep this up it just might give up on healing and stick around as a permanent decoration. A sponge huh? I just might do it! Just thinking of falling on that spot again, and I'm sure I will, makes me hurt. As for stopping......didn't stop me today. =-) Thanks for the tips and understanding. I'm so glad I have company too! =-)


12-07-2002, 12:03 AM
I know how you feel. I got knocked down at a public session two weeks ago and got a good whack on the hip, then the same week, caught my foot in my skate bag getting out of the car and fell on the same hip again. Today on my way out to the rink, I slipped on our freshly painted wooden porch, now snow covered, and got the hip again.

I don't visibly bruise on the hips or upper thighs at all. Just get the pain and nothing to show for it. When I was a roller skater, all the girls had those bruises and acted like they were medals of honor, and I looked like I never fell.

12-07-2002, 10:11 PM
is it a raised mass? or just discoloration? I once had a whopper of a bruise at the junction of my rear and the top of my thigh and it was raised (along w/being green, purple and then yellow).

I now have a permanent bump there, not terribly visible, but I can feel it.

Hope it gets better....and don't you just love how you fall on the same spot every time? I do too, ouch...

12-10-2002, 07:01 AM
If you have a Christmas present wish list, ask for a Skating Safe Crash Pad - click here (http://www.skatingsafe.com/) . I have one for my hip and I assure you it's worth every penny!

Arnica (click here) (http://www.kcweb.com/herb/arnica.htm) for the bruises. :)

12-10-2002, 02:47 PM
First, get your bruise checked by a doctor just in case it could be a hematoma which could have more blood under the skin. (Not necessarily dangerous, but it should be checked just in case it needs more than just watching and waiting).

If you can't afford a SkatingSafe pad right now, PLEASE put a computer mousepad under your tights/pants over that bruise!!! That will cut the pain and bruising when you fall. You need to stop falling on that spot or since I know you won't stop skating and risking falls, you need to protect the area. Please get a SkatingSafe pad or mousepad for protection. I can't recommend the SkatingSafe pads enough--they have saved my butt...and hips...and knees...many, many times. They were worth every single penny.
