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View Full Version : My first competition is on Sunday...oooeee

12-06-2002, 03:34 PM
My first ever competition is this Sunday afternoon. I am doing a dress rehearsal tonight - costume and all. It's a partially enclosed rink, so I expect to be very cold and very nervous. I'm already very nervous. Oooeee.

Nervous about doing well
Nervous about doing this in front of people
Nervous about wearing skimpy outfit in public, showing big fat bottom and slobby belly to town of Yonkers. Normally, only husband sees me so scantily clad.

12-06-2002, 03:37 PM
Good luck! Just enjoy yourself. Take one long deep cleansing breath before you begin to skate and if you feel yourself tensing up take more deep breaths. Trust me most people aren't going to be as critical of you as you are of yourself! You've worked hard so go out and there and show it off!!!

12-06-2002, 03:55 PM
At least you don't have to skate in a skating dress in front of people while playing your violin . . . How bad can it be? : )

Good luck!

-- wannask8

12-06-2002, 03:59 PM
Remember that those watching you are there to see you skate and wish you well. The judges also really want you to do well. If you enjoy the experience, they will too.

12-06-2002, 04:16 PM
and have fun. Remember to smile! :)

12-06-2002, 04:39 PM
Best of luck and do enjoy yourself!!!! :D

The people in the stands will be one of two types.

A. They WON'T be skaters and won't be able to tell if you make a minor mistake.

B. They WILL be skaters and will understand a small mistake because they've been there.

12-06-2002, 06:33 PM
Enjoy yourself!!!
And be proud of yourself for getting out there and skating! I have found that despite how awful I know I must look,lol that the people I see afterwards, whom I dont' even know, are congratulating me for just getting out there and trying my best.
Just go out and remember that this is the one of the most fun things you can do as an adult with kids around!! ( no bills, no responsibilities, no phone ringing, etc...) just playing on the ice!!!

Remember slow deep breaths!!
You go!!!!!!:D

12-06-2002, 08:31 PM
Congratulations! Wish I had the skills and guts to compete.

I'm betting you look a lot better than you think you do. I have always had a big bottom, even when I was a size 6. Finally, I am proud to have a "skater's butt," and have recently been getting compliments to that effect :lol: :lol: :lol: I also am self conscious of my slobby belly, but have been told it's not nearly as noticeable as I imagine. People will be focusing on your skating, and if they do think you are heavy, that will only add to their admiration of your skating skills :!:

BTW, we are in good company. I had a front row seat for SOI last year, and can attest that Katerina Witt had a "slobby belly" and still looked fabulous landing doubles.

Ice Queen
12-07-2002, 11:33 PM
I am so excited for you Roaring Skates and I wish you the best of luck tomorrow. Although I've never competed I would suggest the deep breathing exercises too. And hold your head up high and smile while you are taking the ice. Focus on completing each element and I know you'll be great! And remember we're all hear cheering you on.


12-08-2002, 06:03 AM
Lol, Roaring Skates, you are very brave and can do what millions of people cannot.
You go for it and enjoy!
Let us know everything when you get home!

12-08-2002, 11:44 AM
Hope you had fun and just played with your music on the ice. Hope the warm up wasn't too much for you.

12-08-2002, 01:41 PM
So, tell us, how'd it go? I'm sure you did brilliantly and impressed everyone. :D

12-08-2002, 03:17 PM
Yeah, how did it go??? Bet you were fabu!