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View Full Version : spinning longer

11-25-2002, 11:56 PM
i was just wondering... for spins, you have this sweet spot when you hit it you can spin like forever right?
I recently discovered that what I thought was the sweet spot wasn't really a sweet spot because my spin can be held for a decent length... about 12 rounds (sit) but I lose speed very fast, so obviously I am not in a perfect position. My question is now that I am so familiar with getting to balance over that particular position, I actually have to shift it slightly... how do I try to get to the new position and sort of erase the old habit of getting to the other spot... anyone had to do this before?

12-02-2002, 01:34 PM
(((Tidesong))) I have that same problem with the backspin in that I spin on the wrong part of the blade, and have been practising this way for ages, purley because I haven't been able to fix it.

I'd say 12 revs was ok for a sit....you must expect some slow down.
It's all in the entry how much speed you'll have.

Are you too far back on blade or too far forward?
It's not easy, but you have to either lean forward a bit or back a bit.
Keep head up, and your back as straight as you can.

12-02-2002, 07:32 PM
I was thinking you might want to experiment with different arm positions that might speed you up....my coach had me put my left arm out straight to the side and my right arm on my thigh and boy did I spin faster. I noticed that some of our kids use different arm positions, some straight out front, some hands down on thigh, some arms crossed and tucked in like a jump, and all variations of the above. I also rarely see sit spins going 12 revs. I'd say the average is about 5- 7, then the skater exits while there is still some decent momentum going. This is also due to not having all the time in the world when your in a program and you have to move on! I'm certainly no expert on sit spins....sigh...good luck on yours!

12-03-2002, 06:07 AM
To get a very fast sit spin that rotates for a long time you have to hit the position w/in the first rev off the 3turn. The free leg should pass through the widest possible arc and immediately into position. Slow sit spins result from (among other things) taking too long to get into the position.

To encourage a fast descent, grab your free leg w/ your hand and pull it around. Keep it straight w/ the toe turned outward. Blade should not point down at the ice. If you cannot go all the way down, sit w. the skating thigh parallel to the ice and the free leg extended straight along the same line. If you pull your arms in, you can spin amazingly fast. Hooking the spin also helps.


12-03-2002, 10:43 PM
My coach told me that you have a rev to lower yourself completely into the sit. The first 1/2 rev or so you do bring your arm and leg across, but you have the next 1/2 to "adjust" yourself to the lower position. A half rev isn't long, but is long enough to press down and forward. I get success spinning fast and with many revs on a good skate. I actually get so dizzy of late that some days it's a battle to pull in for the scratch.
