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View Full Version : Skating after surgery

11-23-2002, 07:02 PM
There's been a few threads about skating after injuries/ops but does anyone have any experience with kids who have had surgery? My son had an appendectomy last Thursday (which unfortunatley means that he and my daughter won't be in the panto this year as they were going to do a pairs routine:( ) and while he is home and seems absolutely fine he has been told to stay off school for two weeks (!) and avoid contact sports. I think the pairs lifts may be out for a while :) but would imagine he could get back to basic skating fairly quickly.

11-23-2002, 10:43 PM
I guess it depends on what kind of surgery...
In early 1998 I had major surgery on my back (spinal fusion), I didn't skate at all until mid 1999. At that time I hadn't started ice skating but had been roller skating, so I mean I resumed roller skating in '99 and I learned to ice skate in 2000. My doctor/surgeon had told me to take most things very cautiously at least the first year and a half after the surgery.

11-23-2002, 11:11 PM
Ask the doctor who did the surgery. Also when going back have your son's coach only let him stroke for the first while. Believe me, getting back on the ice after abdonminal surgery isn't easy. I'd say, he's got to wait at least a month before even stroking. But check with your doc before doing anything. If he doesn't know, find asports doc and ask him/her.

11-24-2002, 02:39 AM
My daughter had an appendectomy in May and she was determined to get right back on the ice. Surgeon told her stay off the ice for 6 weeks.What appears to be healed on the outside , tskes longer internally to mend and , even if they are just stroking , could catch a toe pick or some one could bump them causing at the least a jolt , for which they try to save them self from falling. As I told my daughter , why risk getting a hernia and setting your training back even further. When her surgery happened there was 2 weeks left in spring school and then there was no ice in our area anyways so she was actually off the ice alittle longer than the doctor required. She built her strength up off ice. She had only been back on the ice for 3 weeks before summer competions started and ddhe did very well.
A determined little monkey, but also a determined mom to make her follow the rules to avoid complications that coulg have had her off the ice even longer.

Mrs Redboots
11-24-2002, 07:01 AM
I'm sorry to hear he's been so poorly; I do hope he is better now. Of course, one is off school/work for a full fortnight (oh, the trouble I had to make Robert admit that, actually, he was quite glad not to have to go back to work at the end of the first week!), but I imagine that the pulling and stretching of skating would be actually quite unpleasant even so soon.

I do hope you, and your daughter, will be able to go on skating while you wait for him to get better (one of these days I will beat you in either compulsories or the free dance, just you wait and see. But I wouldn't hold your breath....).

11-24-2002, 11:28 AM
Thanks for your replies -he is not looking forward to being off school for so long as he is bored already but he will be off this week at least. At the moment I am imagining that he will not really go back to skating til after Christmas which gives him 5-6 weeks off and hope he can get back into it quickly

Originally posted by itsgr82sk8
She built her strength up off ice. [/B]

Did you have any particular exercises for her or was it just general?
