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View Full Version : Blade mounting adjustment

michelle K
11-11-2002, 11:50 PM
I noticed that I can not keep a RFO edge on a circle unless I really force legs and feets to do it and it's far shallower that RFI edge.
Actually, RFI seems to be falling way more inside than I would feel comfortable.
I was able to do both before changing boots and blades.
I tried gliding on right foot and it veers off to the left as I fall onto inside edge unless I really twist myself not to do it. The sympton seems to be getting more obvious as my boots get broken in.

Would I want to adjust the blade position? I gave up the option of having some expert do it cause it seems next to impossible find one around. Can anyone help me tinker with the blade myself to solve this problem?

11-12-2002, 07:52 AM
Ideally you want to mark where your blade is now, remove the blade, plug the holes, then remount the blade. This is why we insist that new blades be mounted using the slotted holes only so that we can adjust their position without all this work.

I would ask your coach if they are experienced at this, as I've found coaches to be multi-talented in areas of boot care.....your coach might be able to help.

One way to plug holes is to shave pieces of rawhide leather shoestrings, tamp them into the holes and add an all purpose household glue that isn't water soluable. Then after drying sand the area if necessary.

I would then remount using only the slotted holes so that you can adjust your new position. The smallest adjustment can make a huge difference. I think I had my skateguy move my right blade about 6 times before I was happy and put in the permanent screws!

Keep in mind that the placement of the blade does not necessarily match up with the seams of your boots.

One of the boot professionals I know uses plugs of hardwood in screw holes.....and some people have been known to use matchsticks, although I'm not sure they hold up as well as the hardwood or rawhide. Matchsticks can make a temporary fix in a pinch.

11-13-2002, 06:19 PM
Sounds like you need the heel of the blade moved to the inside. My coach tells me if you have a problem with edges going forward, its usually the heel that needs to be moved. If the problem is going backwards, then the front of the blade needs to be moved. If its falling in, move it to the inside. Falling out, move it to the outside. I've had mine moved plenty! Seems that the more they break in, the more you notice if something is wrong. Good luck!

11-19-2002, 07:09 AM
Is there the slightest chance that the reason I fall to the inside of the blade on a backspin is because the blade needs moved out a bit?

11-19-2002, 05:33 PM
One of my blades was a little off. I was too lazy to go to the skate shop to get the blade moved and holes plugged so I made a "shim". I put a thin piece of cardboard under the sole plate to build up one side. Works like a charm. Yes, I know it isn't the "right thing to do" but it is working so well that I am not going to 'move and plug' after all!

11-21-2002, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by melanieuk
Is there the slightest chance that the reason I fall to the inside of the blade on a backspin is because the blade needs moved out a bit?

I'm not sure if this is a serious question Melanie.....but if you are falling to the inside, the blade fix is a move to the inside, not outside....If all else is fine as far as your right edges, spiral, tracking straight on a line, then probably this isn't the problem. I have two friends who struggle with falling to the inside on the backspin and essentially spinning forwards instead of backwards....I think it's a very common problem.

11-21-2002, 08:56 AM
Oops Elsy I did make a mistake there. :)
I was sort of joking, but half looking for a reason why my backspin's so awful. ;)