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View Full Version : Marvellous/Messy Lessons+Practices 27thOct-2ndNov

10-28-2002, 05:16 AM
This is for Saturday just gone:


Learned fun new step sequence

Waltz jump good (good spring, apparently). Definitely a good salchow and toe loop day! :D Have to concentrate on height but it's definitely improving. :) Landed a few loops, although most were on 2 feet or on the wrong foot. I got a few though, that's the main thing! lol. Worked more on flip.

Spins much better! One foot spin from FO curve working much better and feeling easier and more natural, although the spin itself was travelling a bit. Two foot spin ok-good. One foot spin from standstill not great though.

Everything else was fine, although every time I try to do a spiral on my right leg, a muscle in my bum hurts. :( I think it's the gluteals or something? Anyone got any advice?


Majority of loop attempts.

Alternating FO3s. The choctaw isn't good.

One foot spin itself wasn't great, even though the FO curve is much better.

It's half term this week, so hope to get in a practice before Saturday! :) Will have to see if I can get there though :(

10-28-2002, 07:48 AM
I GOT NEW BOOTS. WOO HOO. I went to Laurel Maryland, I really wanted to try out Graf boots and that's the only place I could find that carried them. I learned that the weird "crunchy" noise that neither my coach or I could figure out was me trying to force and edge. I found out that my blades had been mounted wrong, little too much to the outside. I bought Graf Galaxy and while the price made me wince they are so light and padded and I feel like a little girl out there!! I was able to go REALLY low on a shoot the duck and before I could barely squat.

Marvellous - How light and airy my feet feel. My one foot spins were so much better!!! I rotated on the average 6-8 times and was getting a lot of speed. My general stroking was better and all my edges felt better and my 3 turns were nice and light and not muscled out.

Messy - I Have brand new blades too so jumping is not so secure but I did manage some toe loops and waltz jumps and even tried one flip! Considering that I thought I'd have to baby myself and break in my boots for weeks it's exciting to find I don't have to.

10-28-2002, 08:57 AM

American Waltz went really well today. We did some turns in a circle, both directions, then did 2 patterns of the dance to the music. I really like this dance much more than EW (Unfortunately I have to get past the EW first...)

Bits of the Tango were also good. My RFI3 wasn't as screechingly halty as in the past... I think I finally am starting to figure out how not to leave my weight behind, so that my weight is over the right foot on the correct spot, to do the turn in the Tango.


European was messy today. Especially at the beginning. Finally we did 2 nice patterns that felt better. I really think that the secret to me getting this dance good enough to pass is going to be treating it as if I were testing USFSA standard track, and working on it solo to the music with as much power as I can muster...with coach's video camera watching me. The clue lamp came on as to what I'm doing differently between the EW and the AW 3's... besides the obvious. My "W-turns" are coming from not being forward enough on the rocker when I do the turn AND also not rising enough in the knee (or rising and not staying risen enough). I think I am so paranoid about the "getting back down in the knee" after the turn in the EW that I am cheating the rise. At least at full power. But this is going to take music and a video camera to really analyze.

10-28-2002, 10:47 AM
First lesson, Adult Beta/Gamma Second Try

Well, my little Saturday morning class has five members this session: 2 Beta (myself and our Special Olympian), one Gamma, and Two Delta. So we worked mostly on Gamma stuff this session. I'm close enough to passing all of the Beta stuff that it's just a matter of practice, which I will do on my own after my play opens next week! I also have a new instructor -- this will be my seventh instructor in group lessons (4 8-week sessions). All of them teach private lessons, so I actually like "trying" them out for when I finally get advanced enough to take private lessons. This one has more experience with beginners than some of my previous instructors and she's very positive and nurturing, yet has pretty high standards. For example, the scrapy LFO3 that my dear hubby does would not be considered sucessful in this class, though it was with our previous instructor. This is fine by me -- I want to learn stuff correctly. Hubby can't take lessons this session.

Marvellous: FO edges pronounced "Wonderful" (for someone at a Beta level, I'm sure, not compared to elites, LOL!) Worked for a while on FO3s at the boards. Was not turning far enough forward on my blades f or the first two and they were really scrapy, then I got them positioned better and they were better, or "That's really good!" according to the instructor. She demonstrated how they can feel weightless and had us try again and I got that, too, yippee!! Left and right turns actually feel pretty much the same and, unbelievably, I'm not looking at my feet when I do them. I know I can do this away from the wall. Maybe I just need to try and fall and show myself that it's not that bad and then I won't panic when I step away from the boards.

Inside mohawks also "Really good!" at the boards. I find the right side easier and can do that one gliding as fast as I can with only a finger on the boards. Again, I know I can do this, I just chicken out away from the boards. Grrr!!!

Messy: I've got to get myself away from the boards!!!!! Quit being a chicken and do it! I'm barely holding on to them anyway, I just need to quit cold turkey.

Can we have a party when I do my FO3s and inside mohawks away from the boards? Please???

10-28-2002, 01:26 PM
Messy - Went to club Saturday morning and practice Sunday morning and froze. The rink is rather cheap and will not turn the heat on. My doubles were ok, but not great, and I didn't want to toe in for anything. The little ones were freezing.

Marv - Have started to cut music for my interpretive. My coach likes the idea and the music. Also been invited to a artistic/theater competition in Texas. I don't know much about it, but it's for theater groups and also singles who qualify with a first or second place finish in an interpretive/artistic event. They must have looked up the results from nationals. Anyone from the Lone Star club, or going?

Debbie S
10-28-2002, 02:02 PM

Toe loop is getting better.

I am turning out my leg more (when I remember) so that I no longer whack my leg on my scratch spin. Back spins, however, are another matter.

Back edges are improving - my instructor says I have the right idea, I just have to keep my arms and foot in sync w/ each other.

No nasty falls on my spirals! (my bruise is healing)


I only need 1 rev on my back spin to pass this level, so I'm doing OK with that, but I can't seem to sustain any more. I guess it will come in time, since my forward 1-foot spin took a while to get, but I was hoping that now that I've mastered spinning itself, my back spin would be easier to obtain. Sigh.

BO turns - blech!! I couldn't get my arms to do what they were supposed to do, and consequently, had problems making the turn. The problem is that I learned to hold the arms in the opposite direction. The way we're doing it now makes sense, but the turning is hard to change once you're used to doing it one way. I finally figured out how my arms should turn when I got home and practiced in my bedroom. The problem was that I would start w/ my arms facing toward the circle but turn them so that they were away from the circle, instead of just turning them along w/ my upper body like the instructor showed us. Once I realized this, it was like a lightbulb went off. Got to practice it the right way next time.

Wish me luck on my freestyle 2 test next week!

10-28-2002, 02:50 PM
Good luck on your test!

10-28-2002, 03:37 PM
I'm not from The Lone Star Club nor am I competing but I skate with the Dallas Figure Skating Club and we are (obviously) in the same town. Its supposed to be a pretty big event as I understand it, they've had entries from all over the country. If you have any specific questions, I'm sure I can email someone there and get them answered.

Mrs Redboots
10-28-2002, 04:15 PM
Marvellous: Good to be back at Dance Club and to see all our friends there again. And great to be able to practice some of our new skills - not yet automatic - and the new dances we learnt. And always fun to dance, whatever.

Messy: Robert was late as the trains are messed up after a gale. The ice felt dreadful after the wonderful ice in Bavaria. I missed out a whole Festival Quickstep by not realising that was the music! And my thighs are aching something chronic - but that is perhaps marvellous, as it shows I did something right.

10-29-2002, 08:09 AM
Marvellous - my scratch spin is MUCH better, it's not good yet, but I do average 6-8 rotations and my coach said I am skating on the right spot on my blade!! Toe,Waltz and salchow were all better!! The salchow felt really good and everyone said it looked good.

Messy - have developed bad habit on lutz and flip - turn my head too soon - need to work on the timing of that. Had some nasty falls on one. Had a nasty fall on a lutz and somebody applauded!! I was laughing since it was funny, I ended up laying on the ice without hitting my head, but I thought it was rather rude to applaud.

Love, love my new skates!! Had to get them stretched out but they are light as air!!!

10-29-2002, 08:24 AM
Although I am a little advanced to be in the Adult Beginners class I am taking on Monday nights, I'm amazed at how this repetition of basic skills is helping me. Last night we worked mostly on forward crossovers. Around and around and around and around the center circle (dizzy). Then the same the other direction. But I concentrated on making sure I was getting the maximum push from both blades on each crossover and was amazed at how much power I could generate. Maybe I should take another basics class. :lol:

The others in the class are making terrific progress. Where they were struggling to do a swizzle just 3 weeks ago, they are now scooting around the ice, doing crossovers, and working on their backward skating. I have a feeling we will be seeing more of the three of them at the Monday Night Adult Public Session. Too bad only one of them has toepicks on her blades. :lol: I'm trying to convince her husband to try on some figure skates and take a stab at ice dance with his wife. They are in their 20's and would make a fine looking pair. She's small and petite, he's taller and strong.

Marvelous: Crossover power both forward and backward.

Messy: Everything is still a little sloppy as I'm trying to adjust my balance while keeping my arms at my side to avoid that nasty rotator cuff pain. But I'm improving!!!!

Marvelously Messy: I've never taken an ice dance class, but several of the female skaters have taken me through a few of the dances in the past. I hadn't done any dancing since last Spring and had completely forgotten all of the steps. Last night, one of the better dancers helped me get the Canasta Tango and Cha-cha back in my memory (which at my age is very short). They weren't particularly pretty, but the steps were there and it was FUN!!! :D

10-29-2002, 09:17 AM
Good luck Debbie for your test. Remember to post a full report! :)

The traffic was fairly messy today. Several raods are flooded or closed - it's still raining, so everyone takes their cars!
I nearly turned back home, but persevered and got their 20 mins later than usual. So I only had an hour on the ice.
I spent 30 minutes doing field moves.

The 3 of us got together doing jumps and spins.
I did a marvellous - although that's a bit of an exaggeration - lutz-loop-toe loop! No flow coming out the cheated cherry, but the lutz-loop was ok!

I got 2 compliments about my spins being faster (sit) and nice position (camel) altough the spins vary on a daily basis.

I went to gym today since I ate for Scotland over the weekend. :roll:

See you tomorrow. :)

10-29-2002, 09:23 AM
quarkiki: Yes, we can have a party, and I'll bring the virtual cake. Chocolate or vanilla?

JDC: Congrats on the new boots! Good for you!

Messy: Nothing really, for having been off ice for a week and jet lagged, it went very well.

Marvy: I DID THREE TURNS TODAY!!!! At least the counterclockwise ones. It took a couple of tries, but my LFO3 is pretty much back, and RFI3 went nicely too--I actually got a GOOD back outside edge. Whoo-hoo!!! They actually are less forced and look better and the flats are pretty much gone. Good grief, what a difference these skates have made!!! Ran out of time and didn't get to the others--I admitted to my coach I wasn't quite ready to struggle with the LFI3 at this point in the new boots, and she laughed and told me I didn't really need it at this point, so that can come later. I really had this stupid and irrational fear that I would have to spend another six months relearning these.

We worked on some Freestyle 1 skills as that's where I will compete this season. Pivot is solid, and she liked my little toepush out of it--we may open the new program skating into the pivot and pushing off into an "attitude" spiral, then coming up into "attitude" pose with free foot. Much to my surprise, I could do it!! (Weird quirk about ISI Freestyle I: You cannot do the pivot from a standstill in a competitive Freestyle program, you must be moving when you go into it, which if fine by me).

And--I will be getting music from her to "test" for my new competition program!!! She's picked a "Riverdancy" piece from "The Secret Garden", some "lounge music" (I expect to really like that one) and a violin piece from the movie "Amelie." She will get the CD's to hubby this weekend as I'm at yet ANOTHER conference in Newport. (Gee, any rinks up there?--I will be driving up...) I can't wait to hear her choices!

Most MARVY of all--I finally am beginning to feel "back to normal", but better than before in these boots. I went out today and felt like my old self right from the beginning. I'm still having to learn to adjust my techniques, but its fascinating. I'm using much less arms and seeing how the subtlest change in the free foot, or the shoulders, or anywhere can make in my edges. I am a TOTAL Klingbeil/Coronation Ace convert at this point. The boots are still a bit stiff, but after only about 7 hours on the ice (busy month workwise) they have definitely softened and are starting to feel better. They really are my magic skates!!!!


Beth 8-)

Mel On Ice
10-29-2002, 10:23 AM
Marvelous My friend Denise from Ann Arbor came down for a visit and to prep for a competition next week. We skated 2 freestyles while she was here.

I also participated in two new classes - MIF and freestyle 4. I'm in the moves class with 3 kids and the adult track is different then what they are working on, so the instructor and I have a deal where we will work on 2 patterns a week, one from the week previous and a new one. Repeating this scenario, I will have plenty of practice on the 5 Bronze patterns and be ready to test them hopefully by January. I'm pretty confident on 3 of them already.

Freestyle 4, I was the only skater in the Sat. class, so it is being merged with the Tuesday class, which is at 5:45, which means I have to leave work at 4:30 to get there at a reasonable time. Yeah, I love leaving work in a practice dress and tights! But the class was great, we worked on the dance step, the sit spin, and the flip.

In synchro, we learned a new passthrough which is making us all a bit nervous, but once we get the hang of it, it will be fab. Also, we are upping the difficulty on our circle. We also have some fun 3 spoke thingy we worked on a few weeks ago we all liked that will be tossed into the mix - no more pumping for 16 beats!

Messy I'm getting a tad anxious about my spotlight program, which we just completed this weekend. It's great fun, Thomas Dolby's "She Blinded Me with Science!" Only I'm worried about the "acting" portion, since this program forces you to be outrageous and hammy. I even end the program sliding on my back. Boy, anything for a challenge...:oops: But it is a cool program!

I'm also not a natural half toe walley jumper and have officially lost my bearings on the setup for the jump. Even now, as I'm typing this, I'm having a hard time figuring out the proper 3 turn entrance. yioks! Right inside to get on that left inside edge, then pick with the right... right? I need to know this as I'm competing FS2 in early December.

The change-foot in fs3 is getting better, but you need 3-3-3 and I'm getting 3-2-2 because... I don't know why. 3-2-2 is better than a few weeks ago when it was 3-.5-3.

Also, somewhere along this weekend, I aggrivated my right wrist. I don't think it's carpal since it doesn't hurt in the general area where carpal tunnel affects people, this is at the wrist and sort of slides up the thumb. Hurt like heck at synchro Sunday. And just as I typed this, something snapped in the wrist and all is well! Go figure...

And WHEN WILL I GET THE HANG OF CROSSING MY FEET IN JUMPS!? Doesn't affect the toe or sal, but the only thing keeping me from landing flips and loops is the fact I'm launching into these things w/ feet side by side.

Anyway, this is my first return trip to the lesson thread in a long time. Hooray! Is the Headbanger/Klutz Club still around?

10-29-2002, 11:18 AM
Quarkiki, have any of your instructors offered to help you do the mohawks off of the boards? I ask because I was working on mohawks when I took classes in the summer sessions. Mohawks are a part of alpha in their program so I had to work with them. Anyway...my instructor suggested to get off of the boards that I could do mohawks continuously across the rink with her supporting me. So basically we would be facing each other and my hands were supported by her hands, which gave me enough support to get the feeling of the move away from the boards--it was very helpful. (I was doing the mohawks, she was just skating along with me for support)

Just a suggestion! As a side note, I still cannot completely do them off of the boards without help--I have tried it knowing I would not do the whole move without cutting it off at some point, but I have tried. It is scary though! Since the summer I have not taken lessons or been to the rink much, so I have not tried them lately.

10-29-2002, 11:56 AM
quark: It's natural to think you're safer at the boards, but sometimes it's actually more difficult. My guy-friend is just learning his three turns, and really likes to be close to the boards "in case". One of the problems with this is that the ice there, and at many rinks is very uneven and actually slopes close to the sides. We all make jokes that we expect one of the little ones to dissapear into the trench while working on moves. So with the ice that icky he's more likely to catch an edge or something and fall, and then hit his head on the boards on the way down.
So give it a try away from the boards, yes you could fall, and you can also get up again.

10-29-2002, 12:12 PM
I agree about getting away from the boards. The boards scare the heck out of me.

It's okay to use them when you are first stepping through a new element as you can look at your feet to make sure their placement is proper plus get the feel for the element.

Beyond that, being near the boards throws me off. I either don't transfer my weight properly for the element or my fear of crashing into the wall on a fall distracts me.

I'd much rather have someone "spot" for me on open ice.

I don't even like practicing half-circle edges on the line near the rink end. Too close to the boards there, too.

Maybe I'm just afraid of wood. :lol:

10-29-2002, 02:49 PM
It's my ballerina instincts -- the boards feel like a barre and that's a comfy thing for me. I DO, however, TRY the elements off the boards, but freak myself out in the direction change. I'm close, oh so close...

Mrs Redboots
10-30-2002, 07:32 AM
First lesson since the skating camp:

Marvellous: Got to the rink early enough to have time to do both on- and off-ice warm-up before my lesson, so that by the time my coach came in I was ready for him. We worked on my changes of edge, and he said they were a lot better. I think they were, but the runs (progressives) in the middle were a bit clunky, so we worked on my runs both ways - I finally managed to get a bit of rhythm into them. Then we worked a bit on my Interpretive, but the recording needs to be cleaned up a bit, and I think my prop needs enlarging. After my lesson, I practised on my own, and this is not only Marvellous but also Magical, I was playing with the beginning of the Foxtrot and actually managed to do up to an including the cross-roll 3 without slowing down! It wasn't actually to speed, but for me that is real progress!

Messy: Had an argument with my coach, as all last week we were taught to keep our body weight out of the circle when doing runs, and he insists it should be in (which makes more sense!).

I was working on keeping my upper body parallel to the boards and then doing 3-turns like that (from a standstill), and found my RFO 3s were far easier that way, but my LFO3s were very awkward. Coach said everybody has a weaker side, but I didn't feel I could face the barrier with my feet pointing right as well as I do when they point left!

10-30-2002, 11:44 AM

I warmed-up doing field moves, then I had a field moves lesson.
The only time my coach ever raises her voice with me, is when she's doing my FMs.....

Forward changes of edge: I discovered I've not been making them in to a proper S shape! :x Mine have been more elongated like a snake rather than a rounded S shape.
The inside 3 turns with crossover....mmmmm, well the free leg is too high on the inside edge and on the 3turn itself. I have to practise them on a circle.
The outside 3 turns - I just need to extend the free leg and hold it a beat longer.
Wigglies - inside to outside edge slalom, forwards & backwards - OK! :)
Back cross rolls YAK, coach says I just need to let the arms take me round a bit to sit on the edge a bit longer.
Back outside 3 turns with mohawks - circular
On the left foot they're ok, except the circle is too small, since my edges are too deep. The right foot (my UN natural way) is ok, since I am cautious with them, they actually go in a bigger circle! :roll: However I find it really hard to hold/check after the turn and keep my free leg in front throughout. 8O

The parallel spin :) though still not fast!

10-30-2002, 11:53 AM
And WHEN WILL I GET THE HANG OF CROSSING MY FEET IN JUMPS!? Doesn't affect the toe or sal, but the only thing keeping me from landing flips and loops is the fact I'm launching into these things w/ feet side by side.

Mel, when you take off on the loop, don't let your upper body rotate ahead of your legs. Keep that free foot in front prior, during and all the way through the take off and jump. Just always think of your left hip (if you are CCW jumper) being in front of your right.

With the flip, after the 3 turn, remember to check your arms, shoulders so your left arm is in front and your right arm straight behind. Extend the picking foot back (you have to be on deeply bended skating leg) to pole vault you upwards. When you jump up, the position is same as the loop. The free leg shouldn't have to be crossed for a single jump, but should remain in front. You just ;) have to think about holding it in front when you jump up.

10-30-2002, 02:53 PM
It is half term this week so I got to practice today. Had a pretty dodgy skate though! :( Most was pretty messy. :cry: Salchow completely disappeared. Toe loop 95% disappeared, the other 5% was there but not very good. Spin - don't get me started. :roll: So frustrating!!! :cry:

Anyway, on a different note, I knew I was going nuts on the aforementioned elements so I decided to concentrate on something else. I practiced things like edges, crossovers and turns, and I noticed an improvement. Also, my back cross rolls were good, same with back cross cuts although the latter were a little slow. Waltz jumps were nice and high and springy too. Also, I saw my old coach who I haven't seen since he left, which was nice.

Spins, especially the entry, however, continue to be the bane of my existence. :frus:

Mel On Ice
10-30-2002, 03:00 PM
Mel -


-Mel :D

10-31-2002, 08:53 AM
I love when things improve by NOT working on them. Last night I did the power circles from intermediate/adult gold MITF (for the first time in probably three weeks) and they were the best I've ever done them. Go figure.

Single jumps were all good, but no success on axels or double loops. At least the axels were all landing on one foot instead of two, even if they were cheated.

I'm testing preliminary FS next Monday, I don't really know why but I thought it would be a good idea. After that I don't think I'll be testing anything for a LONG time; next will be adult gold MIF, maybe at the end of next summer.

10-31-2002, 01:36 PM

Most things. Worked on my MITF yesterday, making good progress with power threes in particular. Practicing these has already added appreciable power to my salchow jumps. I'm now able to enter this jump with so much more speed!

Landed a few loop jumps too, even though I was stressed because...

Most Marvelous of All...

I am now officially a PhD candidate!!! I took my qualifying oral exam yesterday afternoon and in my committee's words, I really exhibited "grace under pressure". It is such a relief to have that hurdle out of the way! Helped too to skate for an hour and a half immediately beforehand...calmed me, that's for sure.

MissI is one very happy camper!

10-31-2002, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by MissIndigo
Most Marvelous of All...

I am now officially a PhD candidate!!! I took my qualifying oral exam yesterday afternoon and in my committee's words, I really exhibited "grace under pressure". .

YOU GO, GIRL!!!!! :D :D :D

I'm so happy for you!!! I'm sure it's well deserved.

Helped too to skate for an hour and a half immediately beforehand...calmed me. that's for sure.

Ahhhhh.....the power of the ice. :lol:

10-31-2002, 02:28 PM
Marvelous...hmm I actually am doing my salchow right except for my hands so that's the next thing to fine tune. I was able to skate 30 minutes before I had to take my skates off.

Messy ...my waltz jump was yucky but I think that had as much to do with my head cold or allergies than anything else.

Mrs Redboots
11-02-2002, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by MissIndigo
Most Marvelous of All...

I am now officially a PhD candidate!!! [/B] Many congratulations!

I didn't skate yesterday, as am not feeling too well. Nothing serious, just one of those lurgies that so often hit after you come back from holiday. At least I have (sort of) the energy to read my messages today - having had to write tomorrow's sermon and do the Church newsletter in rather a hurry.

Meanwhile, beloved Husband has remade the prop for my Interpretive programme, so we hope it will now be big enough - we plan to play with it at the rink tomorrow morning, and if it is too big, he can alter it then. I hope my coach will have had his little play with the music (he has some new software to clean out crackle and hiss, and you can bet he will have great fun playing with it!), so we can really get going on it. After all, I may be competing it on 1 December, and definitely on 8 December, and that's not exactly far away now....