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View Full Version : Caution re IceMagic dresses

10-24-2002, 03:11 PM
I just bought a dress from IceMagic.com on ebay. I have bought from them on ebay and directly before with no problems. This time, however, the dress that arrived bore little resemblance to the dress described and pictured: Black Velvet Dress (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1868831425)

This is what I received: Black Velvet Swirl Dress (http://www.skate-connection.com/figursk8/app_cap5127.htm) . You can see why I was upset on opening the package. On calling the 800 number, I was eventually told to send the dress back, but they will not pay the return shipping. The person I spoke with also argued with me about the description and pic being accurate.

So, my caution is that if you are tempted by IceMagic's great prices, do take the time to call or email them and extract every possible detail that they may not have bothered with. Personally, I am no longer tempted.

10-24-2002, 03:41 PM
Actually, both images look like the same dress to me. If you look closely at the picture, you can see the swirls. Ice Magic could have provided a larger image to see it more clearly, and it never hurts to follow up on details, but otherwise I don't think they were trying to intentionally sell you a falsely advertised product.

10-24-2002, 04:03 PM
I agree..the picture is the same, though the one provided on Ebay is a tad small. I think you just didn't look at it hard enough to see the swirls.

10-24-2002, 05:15 PM
They do look the same, though I agree that the eBay pic is so small that the glitter swirls are rather hard to see. I could see a hint of them, but I was surprised to see so many on the bigger pic. But I don't think they were falsely advertising--just a little inconsiderate in not providing a larger pic.

10-24-2002, 06:19 PM
I agree the pic is small. How much did you pay for the dress? If it was cheap, maybe you could consider keeping it instead of paying shipping twice. From what I can see on the ebay listing, you paid about $17 + shipping. I do a lot of sewing and you could not buy a lycra blend fabric, a pattern, and construct the garment yourself for a price this low.

I realize it is not what you were expecting, but it still sounds like a good deal. I assume the dress is for you. If it looks nice on you, why not keep it?


10-24-2002, 06:53 PM
I don't think they were intentionally trying to misrepresent the dress, just that they were lazy in describing it. Their laziness is now my problem :x The swirls are absolutely not visible at all on my PC. I took off my glasses and peered at it intently and could not see them. A simple phrase like "iridescent swirls" would have tipped me off. It's true that I paid very little for it, even including the $9 shipping, but I couldn't wear that dress in a million years. I'm 55 years old, wear a bra with my dresses (which would show through the mesh), and count on the "traditional" skirt to slim my waist a bit. This thing has a flat skirt with side slits. I would look like an old barrel dressed up for New Years in it.

I have also sold on ebay, and the one time I unintentionally got a description wrong, I refunded the buyer's money and paid return shipping. I expect the same from any honest seller.

I have gotten some very good deals from IceMagic in the past, and I'm not saying not to patronize them, just to ask questions you might not think are necessary.:cry:

10-25-2002, 11:36 AM
After several emails, IceMagic has agreed to pay for the return shipping.

10-25-2002, 01:12 PM
Any goods ordered from a mail order or internet photograph can be risky. The fabric almost never looks like the photo. Also, you have to read the size charts really carefully (I need a long girth because of being tall). If you order internationally it is an even bigger problem , because postage costs are high and transit times are long. I have a few mistakes in my wardrobe, but now I know two or three manufacturers I really like and stick to them as far as possible. But there are a few quite successful companies (NOT Ice Magic!) that I have had very bad luck with (I won't name names here!!!).

It does say good things for Ice Magic's reputation that they have acted professionally for you in refunding your money and postage, and also that you have been happy with past purchases from them.

10-26-2002, 04:21 PM
I look at Ice Magic's dresses all the time on eBay and despite the low prices on their auctions, I think 9 dollars in ridiculous for shipping and won't bid on their stuff because of that.

10-26-2002, 09:58 PM
I mentioned that to them when I called to pay for my dress, and they said UPS charges a lot for pick-up service and they also have to pay for packing materials. Well, the dress came in an inexpensive padded envelope, so I definitely think they are making money on the shipping. I don't like it either, but thought this was the dress I had been looking for, and the price was right even with the shipping.

10-27-2002, 09:06 PM
listen to this story... i ordered a dress from a website and they sent me the dress, but in the wrong size. when my mom called the company they told her that they did not have the dress in that size and that it was my fault for ordering it (obviuosly they had it on there if i clicked on that size and color and the order went through....) and she said she sent the smaller size because it "might work" and she wasn't going to pay for hte shipping... which is bad enough, but she was a total snob to my mom! she ended up covering the shipping, but to think that she blamed us!