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05-24-2002, 02:07 PM
not much really either way cause i'm still breaking in new skates. but i LOVE my skates, so i guess that's pretty marvelous :)

05-24-2002, 03:03 PM
I don't have much to post, since I haven't been skating in weeks...work and money woes and lack of time have all conspired against me. But it's good to hear what y'all are doing! (And because this forum is just enough smaller, to start with, perhaps I'll be reading the lesson threads and commenting again, rather than bypassing them because I had nothing to add, and not enough time to keep up!)

weird....I [b:d9569e706e]know[/b:d9569e706e] that I read Mel's post before I posted....but here mine is, in the middle..... :?:

05-24-2002, 03:15 PM
Does anyone mind if I start the lessons thread then? :D

The problems I'd been having with the [b:449a39c04a]lutz[/b:449a39c04a] have all but gone.
The [b:449a39c04a]parallel spin and backspin[/b:449a39c04a] look like they're they're here to stay and coming back, respectively. :wink:

I had the ice to myself and got countless chances at my [b:449a39c04a]programme[/b:449a39c04a] and STILL managed to make mistakes! :roll:
However, the ice was good, so I can't complain.

I think the only minging things were the occasional bad [b:449a39c04a]flips[/b:449a39c04a], all the [b:449a39c04a]jump-combos with toeloops [/b:449a39c04a]and the [b:449a39c04a]change foot spins[/b:449a39c04a], which I'm still trying to learn.

05-24-2002, 08:37 PM
No ice this week..but next week have lesson on Tuesday and I am dying to know how the blade readjustment is going to work!!

05-25-2002, 05:53 AM
[quote:9b7537a994="Figureskates"]No ice this week..but next week have lesson on Tuesday and I am dying to know how the blade readjustment is going to work!![/quote:9b7537a994]

IFigureSkate! I was worried that I hadn't seen you yet! Yeah!

Anyway, I am back skating but I am not jumping. But I have had a few lessons this week.

1. They chose the Swing Dance for my competition in 3 weeks. So, Thursday, we started working on getting it ready. (We had guessed the Canasta or Rhythm) and I now have an opening for it. My dance isn't bad, but it does have some cleaning up to do. My ankle does fairly well with the dance, though.

2. I have a program!! It is an ISI2 program, so it contains a 2 waltz jump combo
left outside forward spiral
ISI2 dance sequence
a 2 foot spin
these ballet like turns that are way cool (I think she called them shanade, but I am sure that isn't even close) Anyway, they are a 3 turn where you put your free toepick down and keep rotating around. I call them a poor girl's twizzle ;-)
1/2 lutz, 1/2 toe walley combo
Left inside forward spiral
1 foot spin
footwork sequence that consists of: ballet jump, RIF3, XB, mohawk (with the foot that was just tucked for the cross behind), mohawk, XF, mohawk, ROF3, XF, XF, toe pick hop (don't know the official name), lunge, turn all the way around, lunge
scratch spin

Phew, I remember it all! ;-) It is set to Handel's Water Music. Wow, a minute and a half is a long time!

Since I was working on spirals and lunges, the backs of my legs (hams) are sore. However, the same part of my arms hurt, and I can't figure that out!

Danielle (formerly danicox)[/list][/list]

05-25-2002, 10:16 AM
Blessedly, dear Wintersport was open today even though its a holiday weekend. I had to go to "run down" a fresh sharpening.

Pre-Bronze Moves were a bit shaky with sharpies, but OK. Worked on the Freestyle 1 elements. Pivot out of stoking and glide is promising, and waltz jump out of back crossovers is actually coming along swimmingly, as are back edges out of the same. I even got more "hop" into the half flip. I'm beginning to like that jump--it used to scare me a little, but I have to remind myself to just "do it" as it ends with one of my most secure edges anyway.

Tried salchow setup and one foot spin--definitely rusty after not having done them for about a month, but not lost. Hubby worked on three turns and back crossovers, thought his progress was bad (it was quite good)--geez, we really ARE our own WORST critics!!!

A good skating day overall!! Enjoy your long weekend everyone!!!


Beth :D

05-25-2002, 11:28 AM
I'm here too but not skating either :( Knee still crook (and badly bruised :cry: ) but hoping to be back on the ice very, very soon!!!

L x

05-27-2002, 12:02 AM
[b:645e759920]Marvellous:[/b:645e759920][list:645e759920][*:645e759920]Surprisingly, not many people showed up Sunday afternoon for skating. Lots of room to practice my stuff.
[*:645e759920]My loop made small appearances. :) Still off though for the most part. :cry:
[*:645e759920]Got a lot of good practice on MITF.
[*:645e759920]Got lots of practice on my spin entry.[/list:u:645e759920][b:645e759920]Minging:[/b:645e759920][list:645e759920][*:645e759920]Not enough time to do much FS stuff.
[*:645e759920]Ice crappy the whole time. It was pretty much close to slush the entire session. :(
[*:645e759920]Most time, I'm still struggling with the BI-FO choctaw on the forward spin entry.
[*:645e759920]When I [b:645e759920]do[/b:645e759920] make it the choctaw, the spin has so little momentum that I get maybe at most about 3 revs. to the spin... one foot spins to boot...no scratch spins!!! :x (Buuuut...this is what Mistress Coach wants!!! She is not gonna let me go on to other spin things until this is fixed! :roll: )
[*:645e759920]Tried Jocelyn's ideas for backspins. So far, I'm at least getting on the BO edge...for a teeny tiny amount of time before I have to save myself from falling!!! YIKES!!![/list:u:645e759920]

05-27-2002, 06:22 AM
I had clean, flat ice to myself for 30 minutes, then a couple of my skating mates came in to join me, along with Coach. :)
Just as I was getting into the flow of things, management decided to take 15 minutes to clean the ice. :roll:
He left it covered with ripples, bits of stray ice and puddles! :(
After that I was cold and couldn't get back into it. :cry:
When I tried my programme it was flawed all the way through. I was too cold, although I did try and warm up on the ice.

Prior to this, I managed the field moves, including a tentative performance of the RBO 3 turns with mohawks in a circle. At least they have improved since a couple of weeks ago! :?
I tried change foot spins: parallel and sit. I even fell on both! 8O
I did manage one change sit, with 3 revs on the backsit and a good exit.
This is the best I've managed so far.[/color:fb69d0c3f7] :wink:
It's Monday - I can work on it all!

05-27-2002, 07:59 AM
Hey everyone, I'm here, too, thanks to Beth!

No skating this weekend, but I can use a rest anyway.

Working very hard to get ready for my pre-bronze freestyle test. I only have 1.5 revolutions on my 1-foot spin, but that's more than I had a month ago so maybe there's hope. My coach tells me there is, so... we'll see!

Glad to "see" everyone here!


05-27-2002, 07:54 PM
these ballet like turns that are way cool (I think she called them shanade, but I am sure that isn't even close

I can't remember the proper spelling...I think it's something like [i:0e188da082]chaine[/i:0e188da082] with a ` over the e. It's French...ballet of course. It refers to turns that are sort of 'chained' together. I could never get those danged things down in ballet class...always made myself dizzy, especially in the 'wrong' direction! I would always forget to spot correctly. Anyone dancing next to me was always in danger of getting rammed. :oops:

05-28-2002, 08:19 AM
I drove to the rink feeling down in the dumps.....oh no...not again!! :roll:
Could it be cos it's summer and it's cold & rainy - STILL?
Anyway, on the ice I felt under-confident, almost as if my subconcious was saying, "Don't jump, you'll never get it!" in the MIDDLE of a jump!

The lutz, which I've never lost yet (it just gves me the odd scare every now and then, but I always manage to get ONE decent one even if I'm having a bad lutz day) was giving me problems again. the last element I tried was a lutz, determined to do one before I went off.
Yeh, I landed it and got a clap from coach and skatepal, since they'd witnessed my problems with it earlier.

My coach didn't even charge me for a whole 10 minutes of her time, saying "och we'll just leave you for today and have the lesson tomorrow!" THAT'S how bad I was.....but it's purely mental.
She had me doing a Kathy Casey toeloop exercise.
You glide backwards, feet about a foot apart, bent knees, strong check - CCW:right arm right back, left arm forward. CW: left back, right forward.
The jump one whole rev landing on BOTH feet in starting position. Repeat, repeat, repeat. YUK
I can do a single one better than the toeloop. 8O
I cannot see how this is supposed to help, but coach says it's to do with the strong check, using your arm to bring you up and round.
Mmmmmmm..... :?:

Anyway, I have foot problems too. :cry:

Just under the big toe of my left foot - my landing foot - where people get bunions, I have a HUMONGOUS swelling. Comparing it to my other foot, it's about 3 times the size. Like a golf ball. :?
Mother was shocked and told me to get it seen to right away - thought she'd blame it on my boots, but before she did, I did, saying that the chiropodist would probably blame it on my (custom made) boots or skating!
I also have a noticeably deeper instep of this foot, which must be putting pressure on my landing pad.
Anyway, it IS my landing foot, and I only get the swelling when I skate, on the landings especially. :(
How can I skate if I can't land jumps? :?

05-28-2002, 05:13 PM
Just as I was getting hyped for being back on the ice after six months, I hurridly mowed my lawn on Friday trying to beat the coming rain, and ended up with a "rip roaring rotator cuff tendonitis" per the MD today and am out of work and off the ice for the rest of the week! Grrrrrrrr!

I am looking forward to next week and will do all that the MD said to do so I can tie on my skates. I guess I will have to ask my neighbor to mow the lawn for me this week. The joys of homeownership (and being single and 55) can sometimes interfer with my 'play' time!

05-29-2002, 06:22 AM
[quote:07c845a440="flippet"]I can't remember the proper spelling...I think it's something like [i:07c845a440]chaine[/i:07c845a440] with a ` over the e. It's French...ballet of course. It refers to turns that are sort of 'chained' together. I could never get those danged things down in ballet class...always made myself dizzy, especially in the 'wrong' direction! I would always forget to spot correctly. Anyone dancing next to me was always in danger of getting rammed. :oops:[/quote:07c845a440]

;-) They make me hugely dizzy! I have three followed by another 3-turn and immediately start setting up (in the other direction) for my half lutz. I am so disoriented.

05-29-2002, 07:20 AM
"rip roaring rotator cuff tendonitis" per the MD today and am out of work and off the ice for the rest of the week! Grrrrrrrr!

I had rotator cuff tendonitis a couple of months ago and it wasn't fun! But when I finally went to the doctor (after suffering for a couple of weeks) he gave me some Vioxx, and some exercises, and it went away quickly after that. The Vioxx worked SO much better than ibuprofen; I hope you got some (or something like it).


05-29-2002, 07:24 AM
I skated today!
My toe was less swollen.
I made sure I landed my jumps first time so I could move on to spins - that wouldn't aggravate the left foot.
I did my programme 3 times.
I fell on a flip, right on to an unpadded knee. :cry:
Where were the crash pads? At home. But I only wear them for axels! :roll: [b:b0af7459c0][/b:b0af7459c0]

Mrs Redboots
05-29-2002, 07:42 AM
Marvellous: [/b:7bccf98d2b]Had some time to practice without my coach being around, as he didn't come in until 9.30 or thereabouts, and I was in at about 8.50. So was able to run through quite a lot of my stuff in advance. Of course, as soon as he came to me, it was, "So what have you already done this morning?"

Ran through both my current programmes (free dance and artistic) twice each; at last we have the choreography for the free dance sorted out, which makes a change. Got a bit stuck with the "insert" in the artistic, as I couldn't remember what to do, but it worked okay the second time of asking. Was able to run through both again after my lesson, too. Have decided to change the choreography in one place in the artistic, before I was doing FI3, landing position, repeat, and (a) it's dull and (b) it is repetitive, so I've decided to do FI-double-3, push, FI-3, landing position, which works much better.

On my way home have bought some material to make the dress for the free dance, but I hate dressmaking.

[b:7bccf98d2b]Minging:[/b:7bccf98d2b]Made a nonsense of my changes of edge, and then had enormous trouble getting them right! But they worked in the end.

Have got to design and make the dress for the free dance. I do loathe dressmaking, but it has to be done.... :frus:

05-29-2002, 08:53 AM
Ming the Merciless: Yesterday's practice: Listless, tired, off, cruddy--and on freshly sharpened blades, no less. I'm lucky I didn't hurt myself!!!

Utterly Marvy: I had a most interesting and good lesson this morning. My coach was on vacation, and a skater who was with Disney on Ice for the past 5 years is back in the area, deciding to change her career track and go into coaching (and go to college). She covered Paula's students, including me this week.

She was rather shy, admitting she was adjusting back to teaching after being a "character" for so many years; however, she really provided an interesting perspective for me. We went thru Pre-Bronze MITF and she pointed out that on my crossovers, I tend to take the hand behind me and flip it palm up--she suggested keep it palm down and somewhat flexed to avoid that. We also worked on not cheating back crossovers--taking the time to move into the cutback before the other foot pushes thru. She suggested I bend more with backwards edges (the adult curse--we never, ever, bend enough!!!).

The biggest help she gave me me was on the dreaded LFI3. I bluntly explained how much the move rattles me, and her perspective here was really helpful. Paula has been concentrating on my hips and feet--Liz looked at my arm positions--I was right, I am flailing--she pointed out that I'm bringing the arms up much too high before, during and after the check--heck, they're in my face!!! She got me to keep my arms down, and also suggested that I occasionally drop my other foot and do the turn on two feet to get a better entrance edge--use it as a "training wheel." It really helped. After doing that a few times, I was able to push into the edge stronger and get around on just one foot better.

It was a great experience overall, and nice to get someone else's perspective for a change. I think I talked her ear off about what I wanted to work on, but she was certainly nice about it! It was also fun to hear about her Disney experiences. She is quite petite and she gravitated to the character (read: major costume) roles--they pay better!!! She played everything from Mickey Mouse to a dwarf to a hyena from the Lion King--and it sounds like she really enjoyed it. You have to really respect these skaters. The costumes are cumbersome and she said you often can't see well. Talk about having to use your skills!!!

Again, a truly neat experience!!! She's going to be a great coach.


05-29-2002, 09:53 AM
[quote:c2f98d83f6]We went thru Pre-Bronze MITF and she pointed out that on my crossovers, I tend to take the hand behind me and flip it palm up--she suggested keep it palm down and somewhat flexed to avoid that. [/quote:c2f98d83f6]

You mean I'm not the only one who does the flip the palm up number? My coach spent I don't know how much time drilling that out of me. And I probably still do it subconsciously, occasionally.

05-29-2002, 02:12 PM
I was away the weekend, and skated at the rink in Chesapeake, Va. It was fun just to get out there and move around. I didn't try too much, as my pt appointment is this week, and I was alreay injured. Back to pairs next week!

05-29-2002, 03:48 PM
Passed Juvenile moves, so that was great. My knee is still hurting though and I'm still working in NJ, so no lessons for a while. :( Hopefully will get a chance to take some next week - I want to start my new free program (Pre-Juvenile) and get back to the axel and doubles.


05-29-2002, 06:10 PM
Hmmm? My lesson posting from last night disappeared!!!! Weird!!!

Let's try this again!!!

[b:e626332d6c]Marvellous:[/b:e626332d6c][list:e626332d6c][*:e626332d6c]I [b:e626332d6c]FINALLY[/b:e626332d6c] got my first flips TODAY (two of them!), according to Jay!!! It was more just a standing still, do a RFO3 and pick on my left foot hop, but I landed on one foot!!! WOO HOO!!! :D
[*:e626332d6c]Someone came up to me and mentioned that on my backspin that I'd "found my courage." I don't know. I'm still getting on the BO edge...for a teeny tiny amount of time before I have to save myself from falling!!!
[*:e626332d6c]Got lots of practice on my spin entry.
[*:e626332d6c]My scratch and sit spins were better towards the very end of the session!!! (That's b/c I wasn't thinking about it and I just..."did it!") :p [/list:u:e626332d6c][b:e626332d6c]Minging:[/b:e626332d6c][list:e626332d6c][*:e626332d6c]Loops not totally back yet...am still fighting for it!!![*:e626332d6c]Most time, I'm still struggling with the BI-FO choctaw on the forward spin entry. And my spins at the beginning of the session were totally gone!!! :(
[*:e626332d6c]Camels... :frus: [/list:u:e626332d6c]
It's okay. Despite the majority of Monday night was minging... I still got the flip!!! Hee hee!!! :D :D :D


05-30-2002, 01:31 AM
[list:0716871f56][*:0716871f56]Yay jazzpants! I did my first flips last week, and it was cool! Now I'm trying to get them more off the ice, hehe...my friend was teaching me to "scoop" up right after the pick-in so I'd go up into the air more and cross my legs. Now, I'm sort of whipping myself around in hopes of getting a full-rotation, which I am, but I'd rather have it be a nice-looking full rotation, LOL...I kinda did it after she talked with me, but man, that's scary stuff! 8O

[*:0716871f56]Backspin is finally coming back! Yay! Well, that may be just a sign that my skates need sharpening, since I ended up on the heel a couple of times but didn't find myself sprawled all over the ice because of it. But I had a couple of good ones this week - I'm happy! :D

[*:0716871f56]Still falling on sit spins, but according to my friend, I'm getting there, even when it doesn't feel like I am. Well, that's certainly a comfort, LOL...

[*:0716871f56]Loop comes and goes, depending on the condition of the ice. Soft - great. Hard - SKID!! 8O

[*:0716871f56]Toe-loops! Whee! I love 'em! :D

[*:0716871f56]Waltz jumps were pretty good, but I don't usually practice them cause I'm scared I'm gonna crash into someone - I have long glides! 8O


[*:0716871f56]My BI-FO entrance for scratch spins is all messed up - I'm leaning wrong when I bring my free leg around. It got better today, but I hate my forward spins cause I travel so much! Grrrr! :x

[*:0716871f56]BO3's stink, but that's probably because I haven't practiced them in a while.

[*:0716871f56]Salchow. Sometimes I feel like I just don't get this sucker.[/list:u:0716871f56]


Mrs Redboots
05-30-2002, 09:19 AM
[quote:3bd39debaa="jazzpants"]I [b:3bd39debaa]FINALLY[/b:3bd39debaa] got my first flips TODAY (two of them!), according to Jay!!! It was more just a standing still, do a RFO3 and pick on my left foot hop, but I landed on one foot!!! WOO HOO!!! [/quote:3bd39debaa]
[color=olive:3bd39debaa]May they be the first of many![/color:3bd39debaa]

05-30-2002, 05:13 PM
I skated today for the first time in weeks. I decided to just fool around and not even [i:fa742cbab2]think[/i:fa742cbab2] about how much I've lost or how much work I'll need to do to get it all back.

I did, however, do a couple of fairly nice spins. On one in particular, not only was it relatively centered, but my free leg was NICE and high---I remember seeing out of the corner of my eye and thinking, 'how did THAT happen?' :D Another spin was traveling slightly, but came back together when I pulled in--always a nice feeling. And I was able to cross my foot over naturally on most of them...I can't tell you how long it's taken me to get to that point!

Did a couple of jumps...not high, but landed solidly--waltz and toe loop (surprise, surprise!), but the sal was rotten.

I'm trying to figure out if/how I might be able to afford lessons again, both in money and time. Not only that, but practice time, too. :(

Mrs Redboots
05-31-2002, 09:51 AM
I have two practices to report. Last night Robert and I went to skate at Slough, some 30 miles out of London (but, stupidly, it takes exactly the same amount of travelling time as it takes us to get to Alexandra Palace, which is about 15 miles from us). The reason for this is that Robert is going to skate with someone from Slough in the one-level-up dance class at the Bracknell Adult Open competition, and they had a lesson together.

I didn't do very much, as I didn't use their patch, and when I did get on at the public session, it was rather full of small boys. However, they do have a couple of dance intervals, and that was super, as dance intervals always are. And I was able to practice my edges and changes-of-edge, and worked on my FO-3/BI-bracket combination that I am [i:aa30141985]determined[/i:aa30141985] to get one day! Slough also has a dance class after the first interval, but it was on the Kilian and we are not suicidal, thank you!

This morning I was very stiff, and Robert had had no idea of going skating, but I dragged him down to the rink anyway, pointing out that we, too, are competing together in the immediate future and need to practice. We actually had a very good practice, working on outside and inside swing rolls in Kilian hold, and also inside chasses in Kilian hold. We worked on our back and forward swing rolls in waltz hold, too. And we walked through our Variation Rhythm Blues, our Golden Skaters' Waltz and our Swing Dance.

What didn't work, though, was the widestep in the Golden Skaters' Waltz. It was fine in our Variation, but that is half the speed - I think the problem is in the slide chasse that comes before it. We are both apt to slump, and allow our rear ends to fly off into the middle of next week, and that makes it almost impossible to do the wide-step. So we practiced just doing slide chasses, which helped. I think.

But we really must work on exercises to help Robert's upper body not be so stiff - one of the judges at the Mountain Cup told him he looked just like a clockwork soldier, and it is such a good description.... I don't know whether to make him work flexibility exercises off-ice (wouldn't do me any harm, either), or what.....

05-31-2002, 01:54 PM
Started double loop and double sal this week! Just exercises for now.
Lutzes were good all week.
Several uncheated flying camel takeoffs.
Juvenile MIF good all week.

Can't get the last 1/4 turn on axel.
Hit a rut in the ice during a layback and almost fell sideways. Oops.
Still a week until I go to Lake Placid.


05-31-2002, 04:33 PM
Hmmm? My lesson posting from last night disappeared!!!! Weird!!!

Let's try this again!!!

[b:ed5f1a2eef]Marvellous:[/b:ed5f1a2eef][list:ed5f1a2eef][*:ed5f1a2eef]Did forward crossovers. Mistress Coach was relentless in making sure that I push under as I crossover. But except for that, I think the crossovers were decent today. (She was at least encouraging enough to say "You get that push under and across right and stretch that free leg straight and you'll have a REALLY GOOD crossover.")
[*:ed5f1a2eef]Mistress coach did comment on my not kicking through on my salchow and waltz, but she mention that my flow going into the jump was much smoother and quieter. Of course, soon after she got evil on me and made me do a waltz and salchow back to back. (i.e. My waltz jump landing becomes my jump entrance for the salchow.) I think if I go a bit faster that I probably would not slow down as much...but by then I was too tired to care!!!) :P [*:ed5f1a2eef]Loops not totally back yet still...but I did land a couple of them one foot during practice...intentionally with Mistress Coach nearby.[/list:u:ed5f1a2eef][b:ed5f1a2eef]Minging:[/b:ed5f1a2eef][list:ed5f1a2eef][*:ed5f1a2eef]Moves coach had to leave early today and she's gone next week too, so no moves for two weeks!!! :([*:ed5f1a2eef]Got lots of practice on my spin entry again. Oh, that WOMAN!!! Sheesh!!! She's relentless on the BI-FO choctaw entry. 8O[/list:u:ed5f1a2eef]Cheers

Mrs Redboots
06-01-2002, 10:05 AM
I forgot to add that I did a marvellous Salchow - not! I decided I ought to practice my jumps, such as they are, if I am to show off to my sister next week, so did a 3-jump and a very small cherry flip, then decided to see whether I could do a Sal still. So I did the RFO3, then let it come round, and round, and round until I was facing backwards again, whereupon I did a tiny "hop" to the other foot..... oh well! Serves me right, I suppose.....

06-01-2002, 07:02 PM
[quote:761d1108da="Mrs Redboots"]I forgot to add that I did a marvellous Salchow - not! I decided I ought to practice my jumps, such as they are, if I am to show off to my sister next week, so did a 3-jump and a very small cherry flip, then decided to see whether I could do a Sal still. So I did the RFO3, then let it come round, and round, and round until I was facing backwards again, whereupon I did a tiny "hop" to the other foot..... oh well! Serves me right, I suppose.....[/quote:761d1108da]

Mrs. Redboot doing JUMPS!!!! 8O WOO HOO!!! I wish I had a video of this one!!! :D (I'll bet at least your edges and form are better than mine!!!) :P


Mrs Redboots
06-02-2002, 10:32 AM
Mrs. Redboot doing JUMPS!!!! 8O WOO HOO!!! I wish I had a video of this one!!! :D (I'll bet at least your edges and form are better than mine!!!) :P [/quote:7eb50d90ab]

I highly doubt it! And they are only "jumps" by courtesy - I very seldom do a Salchow these days.