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View Full Version : Why start skating as an adult?

10-21-2002, 12:33 PM
I respect the adult figure skaters because this sport is extremely difficult physically and financially.

So...what got you started and what makes you stayed dedicated?

10-21-2002, 01:04 PM
Why I started: My girlfriend is on a synchro skating team. I got tired of always going to a rink to watch her skate while I sat freezing rinkside. About a year ago I started skating and taking lessons.

Why I'm dedicated: Ice skating is the most fun, yet challenging activity I've ever tried. If I don't get to skate several times each week, I go through "ice withdrawals". :lol:

10-21-2002, 01:07 PM
Because it's FUN, because it feels like flying, because if you keep it up you'll never have to do sit ups or boring treadmills again, because you'll meet tons of new friends, because you get to wear cute little skating outfits, because it makes you happy, because it's expressive and creative and there's always more to learn, .....

I could go on, if you want..... :D ;)

10-21-2002, 01:12 PM
Because I always wanted to and thought I was too old and then I realized that you're never too old. I stick with it because I feel weightless, I feel free and at the same time when it's perfect I feel like my blades and the ice work together. I stick to it because it's a wonderful combination of beauty and power. It's the one thing that's guaranteed to allow my mind to be at peace from what's going on in the world, I forget about everything else when I skate.

10-21-2002, 01:29 PM
I've skated since I was born it seems, growing up in one of those cold northern Canadian provinces where the sidewalks are solid ice. It was possible to put your skates on at home and skate to the neighbourhood rink.

However, that's just recreational skating and I love the feel of ice under my feet. The real reason why I started skating "seriously" as an adult is that if I volunteer on CanSkate sessions, kid #2 gets an ice time discount on freeskate sessions. So, the pressure is on(thanks kid!) to pass some preliminary tests so I can get a volunteer "pay raise"! So far I've resisted, just because a test means a dress, uh no way! I like ice dancing though, the feeling of ice and edge underfoot.

10-21-2002, 03:26 PM
Why did I take up skating as an adult? Because I'd watched it for years on T.V. and even though I was a crummy skater as a child, I wanted to try it. My legs hurt like crazy for the first 2 months, but I liked it. I still can't believe I can do half the stuff I do, and I've met the most wonderful people, ranging in age from 20 to 84. If an 84 year old can come out 4 times a week and skate for 90 minutes, I guess I can too. The fact that it's terrific exercise is a great side effect, and I get nice compliments on my legs now too. :)

10-21-2002, 04:19 PM
The reason I started to skate?
It was 1998 in January. Elvis was on TV skating in the mens event at Canadians. He said something about people getting off of the couch and trying it for themselves if they though it was so easy.

At first I just began to roller blade in Feb. 1998 until Sept. 1998. I was just getting in shape. Then I bought some cheap skates and started to go to Parent and Tot sessions during the day because I wasn't working and these were free. I did this until January when I joined a bunch of adult skaters who did ice dance and learned the basics off of them in this group called Old Dollies. Also bought Jackson Competitors then. It was held at Tecumseh Arena on WEdnesdays and was affordable. I did it for the spring session too but not for the summer. Didn't even know there was ice in the summer to be found. Then I spotted an ad and went to Tecumseh arena and skated around on the so called adult public ice that had huge ruts in it and was not flooded(cut/ice maked or what ever your rink calls it) from the hockey players the night before. On that I caught a rut on my badly newly sharpened blades and fell on my elbow and broke it. I was off of the ice for 8 weeks but while off I promised my friend that I wouldn't skate on ice that was not done right and found a club that was willing to take me on as an adult skater. That club was Windsor FSC. The first year I just learned proper stroking and stuff and ice dance (doc would not let me jump so...) Then in the summer of 2000 I finally got a decent coach who started me with freeskating. Summer 2001, I bought my currant skates; Graf Edmonton Specials with Pattern 99 blades. Still have the same coach but have moved to Riverside FSC this year. So far I have 2 Bronze medals, a 4th and 1 Gold medal in adult freeskating. I can totally appreciate how much Elvis worked to get where he is.

10-21-2002, 04:24 PM
Hi, Take a look at the article in the Baltimore Sun. I, as well as other adults were quoted as to why we skate.
http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/local/bal-md.skating21oct21,0,3571185.story?coll=bal%2Dpe%2D maryland

10-21-2002, 10:53 PM
why I started skating - physical therapy for an injured ankle

why I continue - love it

1. fun exercise

2. great challenge

3. talks to my spirit
a. speed freak
b. likes to be challenged big time
c. getting scared sometimes is a good thing
d. fighter

4. special friends of all ages


10-22-2002, 12:08 PM
I started for lots of reasons. They built a rink in a new mall on my commute to work. I needed some exercise. I hate aerobics and other classes that are just exercise for the sake of exercise, where you don't learn anything. Skating looked fun, it's a bit unusual to be able to skate, and I'm always one who likes to try different things. I watched skating on tv when it was on - not ardently, just casually. Of course, now that I skate myself, I am a rabid skate fan!

I keep skating because I like my coach, I make progress, it's great exercise, I own the skates and they were expensive and d*mn it I'm going to get my money's worth from them, and I love the look on people's faces when they find out that I, this short, chubby 34 year old, skate. Makes me laugh.

10-22-2002, 12:26 PM
I skate for the exercise and because it totally clears my mind (having to concentrate hard JUST TO STAY STANDING UP will do that to a person!) :D

I also had hit a bit of a wall in ballet classes--I wasn't going often enough to be dancing at the level that I wanted to and once could. Go figure, now that I've started skating, I skate 2-3 times per week (more often than I was dancing) and will be doing more this winter.

...And as Mrs Redboots said in another thread,
"Enjoy it! It's the most fun you can have with your clothes on....."


10-22-2002, 12:52 PM
8) You have the chance to wear figure-hugging lycra and diamantes
8O You meet the most amazing cross-section of people (all human life is there, in skating parents, kids and staff)
:lol: Skating and rink politics is an education for life
:roll: It makes you get up out of bed at 05.30 am
:?? You eventually become fit enough to pull on your tights while standing on one leg
:P You gain an infallible refuge from hayfever pollen during the summer months
:oops: You give your neighbours a good chuckle as they see you racing off down the road to your car, dressed in lycra and diamantes, at 06.00 am with a pair of skates over your arm.
:idea: You're too broke, too tired and too worried about your athletic peak of fitness, to get involved in other more expensive habits (drugs, toyboys, gambling ...)

Sandra L
10-22-2002, 03:12 PM
Actually I didn't start skating as an adult... but I've never put in enough time to practice and develop so... I find myself nearly forty years old and - a total beginner!!! But I will never give up or leave skating, it's fun, my favorite stress relief and, for the last two years I'm getting more time on it, so I am improving, not quitting, he he. Those 80 year olds on ice, they are my role models, there I go, slowly, but surely!!

10-22-2002, 03:43 PM
I wanted to meet people. I was new to the area and the local gymnastics academy wouldn't let me work out because they didn't have an adult program (13 years of gymnastics plus begging and tears didn't change their view) so I went to a local rink and thus began my addiction. Ten years, one divorce, one re-marriage, one broken leg (I mean mangled) numerous other meaningless fractures and one little baby boy later I'm still addicted. And I've met tons of great people plus I love the sport. Hate the bruises on the can but looooove the sport.

10-22-2002, 07:28 PM
I got started because taking lessons was something I'd always wanted to do, but my family couldn't afford really, and two things contributed to my starting---watching Tara L. at 13 skating at Worlds and thinking, if that little squirt can do it, what the heck's stopping me?, and going back to school, choosing a college that had a rink.

I haven't skated much in a year due to various upheavals--moving, lack of time, altered schedule, lack of finances, lack of available ice, etc....but I've just decided that I miss it too much. I HAVE to find time and money to skate, even if it kills me. It's something that I do for myself, and it helps me de-stress. I love the solitary, yet social aspect of it--I was never very into team sports, because I don't work that well with others in that manner. I'm a kind of loner, and I like how I can focus entirely on what I'm doing. But I also love the friends I've made skating--I miss my friend that I left behind when I moved so, so much. I also love teaching others--at my old rink, I'd often give pointers to friends on public sessions, or help 'translate' things for the other adults in my group lessons, and they loved it, and so did I. I enjoyed the 'detective' aspect--figuring out what someone's doing wrong, and trying to find a way to correct it, and explain it in a language they'll understand. And it's so satisfying when something really works, and they get it! I'm hoping that if I can just keep my skills up, and maybe scrounge up some time and money for a lesson here and there to learn more, maybe I'll someday be able to teach skating. Lately, I've been feeling that it's the only thing I can think of to do (as a career or even volunteer) that's truly fulfilling. Everything else is just killing time for money. :(

Mel On Ice
10-22-2002, 10:20 PM
Tonia Kwiatkowski, a death, and the '97 Grand Prix Series.

10-26-2002, 04:56 PM
Why I started: Because I'd skated a couple of times as a child, but never had a rink nearby so never had the opportunity to take it further. When our rink was built it gave me the chance to try something that I'd always wanted to do as a child.

Why I'm dedicated: Just because I'm completely addicted to this difficult and challenging sport. I get such a great feeling of achievement when I pass a test or skate a clean programme in a competition, or even just when I learn a new skill that I've been working on for ages. The crazy thing is it took a badly broken ankle after a bad fall to make me realise just how important skating is to me. When I thought I'd lost the ability to do the sport I loved, I became all the more determined to show everyone that I could get back on the ice and that I could continue to make progress. That has been a great feeling for me.


Black Sheep
10-27-2002, 03:39 PM
Simple: It's a fun ride I'll never outgrow!:lol: :P :D :)

Mrs Redboots
10-28-2002, 05:32 AM
I skate because I love it. I'm really bad at it, as any of you who have seen me skate will testify - but you ain't about to stop me! It is the only form of exercise I have ever done that I don't mind being bad at.....