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View Full Version : Find it easier to do the entry position in sit spin than scratch spin.

02-19-2010, 12:02 PM
Hi guys

I know this is very funny, as I should be able to do the easy stuff first before doing the difficult stuff.

However, I do strangely find it easy to do my sit spin in the wide leg open position, than my scratch spin. For my scratch spin, if I use the wide leg position, I can barely get over 1 revolution, though I can get to 2+ revolutioons with the same wide leg open position in sit spin.

Does anybody know why that is? :roll:


02-19-2010, 12:41 PM
I don't know why but lately I've felt the same way.

I used to have nice centered scratch spins - but now they travel like crazy. But using the same entry style I can get a nice centered sit spin.

Skating is weird

02-19-2010, 01:04 PM
It's because you enter a sit spin on a deeply bent knee.

You should be entering your upright spins on a bent knee, but it's probably not deep enough or you're "popping up" too quickly. Stay down on the knee until you've centered the spin then come up gently without hyperextending the knee.

02-19-2010, 03:46 PM
If you can get down into a sit position, then a sit spin will travel less than an upright. Your center of gravity is lower. You are more like a top.

However, it is fairly difficult to get into a true sit position for a lot of skaters. Most just try to bend over at the waist. You have to get your butt down.

