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View Full Version : Skater's Mothers

02-18-2010, 08:47 PM
O-k. This thread is a follow-up to Buzz's. Buzz asked you about Skater's...Children....Now let's see how many Skater's...Mother's we can think of. I know a few..

I'll count Tara Lipinski = Mother (Pat) Patrica

Emily and (I'll count Sarah Hughes) = Mother Amy

Danielle Kahle = Don't quote me on this one. But I believe we have a Kathy there. But I'm not sure.

For Kimmie Meissner = I believe it's Judy.

Are there any others we can think of that we know?

02-19-2010, 01:27 PM
Hello again. Just wanted to say that I was watchin the Olympic Pairs short Program...and they gave Amanda Evora's Mother's name. We have a MaryAnne for Amanda Evora.