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02-10-2010, 06:58 PM
I am excited but at the same time nervous! :P8O

Kim to the Max
02-10-2010, 07:01 PM
I am excited but at the same time nervous! :P8O

Good luck!!! I'm taking mine for the 3rd time in the middle of March....

02-10-2010, 07:02 PM
Thanks, and good luck to you too! This is my second time taking it and hopefully the last. I had never failed a moves test till last december and honestly I still dont know why I didnt pass lol I think its just one of those tests you have to take more then once/

Kim to the Max
02-10-2010, 07:20 PM
Thanks, and good luck to you too! This is my second time taking it and hopefully the last. I had never failed a moves test till last december and honestly I still dont know why I didnt pass lol I think its just one of those tests you have to take more then once/

Yea, I think it's one of those gateway tests....the judges are uber picky because the next test is the last one!

02-10-2010, 09:29 PM
Good luck! Hope you pass with flying colors!

02-11-2010, 03:48 AM
Thanks, and good luck to you too! This is my second time taking it and hopefully the last. I had never failed a moves test till last december and honestly I still dont know why I didnt pass lol I think its just one of those tests you have to take more then once/
I'm sure the judges had legitimate reasons for not passing you. There is no test that you have to take more than once - I know several people who have passed every moves test on the first try. I also know many people who've failed every test at least once, and have their Gold medal. :)

The important thing is that you keep trying! Good luck!

02-11-2010, 06:27 AM
Best of luck!

My daughter found the novice moves to be her most difficult - the spirals were her nemesis, as we are not a very flexible family, LOL! We figured it would be even harder to pass junior and senior, but she flew through them on her first attempts. The point of this is that we are all different, each judge is different, and whether you pass on the first try or the 3rd try isn't important, it's how well you master and retain those skills that counts!

02-11-2010, 09:09 AM
DD is trying Intermediate moves this Monday and one of her good friends was supposed to test it too but decided not to because she was afraid it wouldn't pass. She (friend) has only failed one test and it really freaked her out. DD has failed a few times so she's going in to this with a much better attitude, I think. She says that she knows now that failing isn't the end of the world, she can just do it again later, and the comments from the judges can be very helpful. She had to do the StupidWillowWaltz three times before she finally pounded it into submission and passed. She just needs to pass Intermediate MIF before September when the new tests are implemented!

02-11-2010, 08:53 PM
Well???? WELL!?!?!?!?! What happened?

02-13-2010, 09:29 AM
EVERYONE that tested failed, including me! Oh well I guess, we are going to try different judges for the next test because these ones seem to be a bit well i wouldnt say bad i would just say we need diffferent judges but for our own reasons. The important thing is is to not give up!

02-15-2010, 01:48 AM
Hi sk8ryellow

Sorry to know that you have failed the test. At least you got to try it another time, and with the judges comments, your coach will know what elements of the test you need more working on.

Here is good luck to your retaking of this test. :twisted:


Mrs Redboots
02-15-2010, 07:21 AM
Ah well, it happens! Better luck next time, and read the critique carefully so you know what to work on.

02-15-2010, 08:55 AM
Oh well, better luck and skating next time.

02-15-2010, 07:21 PM
Thanks, one of the judges that skates at our rink was talking to the judges that judged the test session and they told the judge that they didnt pass any of us because the free legs were too bouncy and needed to be steady like a figure and not so fast. I thought it was kind of ironic because the paper says in the errors portion of the moves "skated to slowly resembly a figure"8O and that they did not write that on the critique sheets. But whatever I am sure I will get it next time with different judges and I guess just more practice. My coach started teaching me some of the senior moves today because we figured it would be good to get a head start and work on something different8-)

02-15-2010, 08:51 PM
Thanks, one of the judges that skates at our rink was talking to the judges that judged the test session and they told the judge that they didnt pass any of us because the free legs were too bouncy and needed to be steady like a figure and not so fast. I thought it was kind of ironic because the paper says in the errors portion of the moves "skated to slowly resembly a figure"8O and that they did not write that on the critique sheets.
Steady isn't the same as slow, though. A wild free leg shows lack of control on a turn, whether you're going as slow or not. It doesn't necessarily mean the judge wants you all to skate your moves exactly like figures.

Kind of lame that it wasn't written on the sheets, though. That would've been helpful, but perhaps the judge(s) were afraid of a comment like that being misinterpreted. Some people take any mention of figures as a red herring, but figures are a very important part of skating's history and present.

02-15-2010, 09:24 PM
I agree with vesperholly, a wild free leg on the rockers and the edge pull quicks shows a lack of control. It clearly states at the top of the Jr page that this test requires effortless control and edge quality. A wild free leg or even a swingy free leg would negate that. The sentences at the top of your Jr sheet state the overall expectations of the test, at Jr and Sr the tests are supposed to look very easily done. Get a video camera and see if you do that...

On another note, I also live in CO, most gold judges around here are former figure judges, they are tough on the Jr and the Sr, you will be a better skater for the retries, I wouldn't worry about it too much...:o

02-15-2010, 09:24 PM
I really enjoy figures and learning them, I would honestly rather prefer doing them then regular old field moves! Anyone else feel the same?

02-15-2010, 09:51 PM
Good luck when you re-test. Remember, failing a test serves a purpose: the judges want you to become a better skater, and you will become a better skater by fixing your errors. Great idea to work on senior too; you may have a chance to take it before the tests change in September.

02-15-2010, 10:14 PM
Good luck when you re-test. Remember, failing a test serves a purpose: the judges want you to become a better skater, and you will become a better skater by fixing your errors. Great idea to work on senior too; you may have a chance to take it before the tests change in September.

I will definatly be testing my senior before september, there isnt really any reason why I shouldnt be able to. That is one of the things thats aggrivating me actually because my coach and I are wanting to test everything before the tests change and failing junior twice is definatly a bummer!

Kim to the Max
02-15-2010, 11:25 PM
I will definatly be testing my senior before september, there isnt really any reason why I shouldnt be able to. That is one of the things thats aggrivating me actually because my coach and I are wanting to test everything before the tests change and failing junior twice is definatly a bummer!

I'm in the same boat...I'm hoping that I get into the test session in this area in March, otherwise, it's April and that just isn't going to help with my close timeline. Problem is that the test sessions around here tend to fill up REALLY quickly, and I'm not a member of that club and they have a lot of club members testing... I will probably do an associate member there next year to make sure I get priority on their test sessions....

02-16-2010, 01:57 AM
Hi sk8ryellow

Read the judges comments of why you failed your tests carefully. Work with your coach on your weak areas as spotted by the judges, and hopefully you will then pass it the next time round.


02-16-2010, 08:16 AM
Also remember that the senior moves don't change very much with the new tests: only the quickstep pattern and the last part of the spiral sequence. So if it's not ready by then, it's not too much of a change. People who are at junior ang novice at that time will have a harder time. I have a girl testing novice soon and am unsure if she should work on the old or new junior moves. (doesn't skate that often) Bad timing!

02-16-2010, 12:53 PM
Yes, the spiral sequence is actually much easier in the new Senior test. Parts of the quickstep sequence are harder, but half of it is the old sequence anyways - and they took out the difficult double rocker at the end of the original pattern.

02-16-2010, 02:38 PM
Thats good to know that the senior ones arent that different if in case I end up having to do them. I think I will be able to do senior by september because summer is coming and I will just have to do moves every day. There really isnt an excuse not to because in the summer I skate about 4hrs and if I want more I just need to skate and not talk at the wall:arrow:

02-17-2010, 06:35 PM
Hi sk8ryellow

Read the judges comments of why you failed your tests carefully. Work with your coach on your weak areas as spotted by the judges, and hopefully you will then pass it the next time round.


I would also highly recommend asking your coach to get one of those really tough judges to come in for a critique before the next attempt.

02-17-2010, 07:34 PM
haha my coach did say that lmao she said the other day that before I test again she was going to have this one judge critrique me cause apparently he is really hard!:P:lol: