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01-06-2010, 11:31 AM
Hi guys

I was overcharged for my ice skating practice yesterday. Normally, as I am an ice skating school student in my home rink, I would get unlimited practice time at $8. Yesterday the counter guy asked me to pay $14 though I did say to him that I need a student practice ticket. I tried to reason with the staff as I am exiting the rink, (that guy who sold me the ticket happened not to be around), so the ice skating school staff only refunded me with my 1 dollar locker fee. :frus: That means that have eaten my $5. :o

This sucks, but I will see what happens when I go for my ice skating practice next week. ;)


01-06-2010, 11:36 AM
Try talking to a manager or someone who normally rings you up for your practice ice, if that someone's available, that is. Perhaps the person who overcharged you isn't aware that you normally get a student ticket. I mean, I've had this happen to me several times where I get charged full-price for a session when I'm supposed to only pay 50% of the normal session fee since I coach and I am on staff. Some cashiers just aren't aware and/or may just need to be reminded.

01-06-2010, 11:45 AM
Hi CoachPA

Well the guy who sold me the practice ticket yesterday knew I am a skating school student as he sold me a half price student practice ticket, about last week or so. The lady who usually booked my lesson is not around yesterday, so maybe I will speak to her when I go for my lesson on Friday.

Did you manage to get what the rink overcharge you back?


01-06-2010, 11:50 AM
Yes, I usually just tell whomever when they overcharge me right then and they correct the payment. I'm at the rink everyday, so most of the front-desk staff know me pretty well and those who don't typically remember who I am after I talk with them a bit...even if that only happens because I have to explain to them why I get discounted sessions. ;)

01-06-2010, 12:00 PM
Hi CoachPA

What I mean is that do you get pay back what you overpaid after the day they overcharged you?


01-06-2010, 01:34 PM
Yes, but I technically never overpaid because I caught the error right away. For instance, if they told me I owed $12 after charging me for a session, I just explained to them right then that I actually only pay $6 because I am on staff, etc. and they voided the $12 and only charged me $6.

Unlike the situation that you're in, I never had to wait to see if I would be able to get my money back or anything like that. I'm hoping that you'll have luck with getting the rest of what they owe you back. Every rink probably works things differently, so I'm not sure how easy things will go for you.

01-07-2010, 11:57 AM
Hi CoachPA

I will try to speak to the skating school staff tomorrow when I go in for my lesson. The only trouble is that as I exit, the skating school staff collected my ticket, so there was no proof that I went skating on Wednesday late afternoon. That is: unless there is the guy who sold me the ticket to verify that he made the mistake.

Another possibility is that the skating school has now changed their policy, which I am not sure about. :??


01-09-2010, 05:07 AM
Hi CoachPA

Unfortunately I cannot get my overcharged $5 back.

I told the skating school staff who often books my lesson(s). She said that for that particular guy, I probably have to show him my lesson slip, that I am a student, b4 he sells me a student practice ticket. However, I have to tell the guy that I need my lesson slip back, otherwise he will take it, and I will have no more slip, and in order to complete my lessons, I need to show the lesson slip for each lesson's registration.

I told them the funny thing about the same guy sold me a student practice ticket about a week ago, the skating school staff laughed and said that it may be coz the guy is confused. :??
