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View Full Version : wii figure skating

11-28-2009, 02:03 PM
Seriously, Mario Winter Olympics, for Wii. It has several events, of which figure skating (singles) is one.

Anyone have this thing? Seen it demo'd?


Bunny Hop
11-28-2009, 03:11 PM
We don't have the Mario Winter Olympics for Wii, but there's another Winter Olympics for Wii which we do have. There's a figure skating part of that, and frankly, it's quite boring. It's a while since I played it, but if I remember rightly it's basically pushing one button to spin and a different one to jump. The Wii games work much better for things like skiing and ski jumping, where there's something measurable.

11-28-2009, 03:19 PM
We don't have the Mario Winter Olympics for Wii, but there's another Winter Olympics for Wii which we do have. There's a figure skating part of that, and frankly, it's quite boring. It's a while since I played it, but if I remember rightly it's basically pushing one button to spin and a different one to jump. The Wii games work much better for things like skiing and ski jumping, where there's something measurable.

sounds like what the review said. Here I was hoping for something using the balance board. :lol:

11-29-2009, 05:44 AM
My daughter was given the Mario Winter Olympics Wii game as a reward for landing her double salchow three times in a row. She has played the ice skating game but as Bunny Hop states, it's nothing more than pressing a button to execute the jumps and spins. It's definitely not worth buying just for that!

11-29-2009, 08:14 AM
I bought Wii Winter Sports (not the Mario version) last year and we were very disappointed. The kids said it's like playing Cooking Mama - you "stir" to make the skater spin. No balance board interaction at all.

The Mario winter olympics version is the same deal - just stirring, not really skating emulation.

I will suggest the Wii Fit Yoga and balance games if you're looking to stay active while you heal, Liz. Electronic Arts has a similar game that's supposed to be better, but I haven't tried it yet. Just bought Wii Fit Plus for Christmas. I use my Wii Fit Favorites to build a workout; the new version has a feature for that.

Bunny Hop
11-29-2009, 03:12 PM
I will suggest the Wii Fit Yoga and balance games if you're looking to stay active while you heal, Liz. Electronic Arts has a similar game that's supposed to be better, but I haven't tried it yet. Just bought Wii Fit Plus for Christmas. I use my Wii Fit Favorites to build a workout; the new version has a feature for that.I second this. Wii Fit is great for those of us who find exercise dull (skating excepted) and don't normally like computer games either - it makes the exercise process somewhat fun and gives you a bit of a challenge. The yoga stuff is good, as it's just the yoga exercises without all the mystical stuff - I can now touch my toes for the first time ever! I did also manage to lose about 10kg (over a stone) as well using WiiFit, though I've now moved onto EA Sports Active on Wii, which gives you a bit more of a workout and more variety as well.

11-30-2009, 06:30 AM
The yoga stuff is good, as it's just the yoga exercises without all the mystical stuff - I can now touch my toes for the first time ever! I took a yoga class a few weeks ago and it just was not for me - everything was done so sloooowwwwllllyyy and the ethereal music accompanied by the instructor's oh-so-soothing voice had me actually dozing off at times. When she gave her lecture on how this was a form of exercise for the meditating monks, I was done, lol. I'm already spiritually fulfilled and I don't need to adopt a pseudo religion. I wanted an exercise class and the Wii Fit suits that desire.

I did also manage to lose about 10kg (over a stone) as well using WiiFit, though I've now moved onto EA Sports Active on Wii, which gives you a bit more of a workout and more variety as well.
I've been thinking of trying EA Sports Active - how does it differ from Wii Fit?

Somewhat unrelated, but there is a figure skating game for the Nintendo DS system (handheld) - Imagine Figure Skater. My kids loved that game and played until they "won."

Bunny Hop
11-30-2009, 03:21 PM
I've been thinking of trying EA Sports Active - how does it differ from Wii Fit?It's more like a conventional aerobic workout, and instead of you choosing the individual exercises, it puts them all together for you in programmes of differing lengths (everything from 10 minutes to 50 minutes). All the ones I've tried include jogging, squats, lunges and variations of same. They also include games, like hitting a tennis ball, baseball or volleyball and inline skating (sort of). Some use the Wii balance board, but most don't. I find it good as I have limited time to do exercise, and you don't waste as much time between exercises as you do with WiiFit. I work up a sweat quite quickly on the 20 minute routines, and I can't cheat as much by choosing just the easy exercises!

ETA: It also doesn't bother with weighing you, or telling you off if you haven't done the daily 'weigh in'. It has a daily survey about your food intake and other activities, but I don't bother with those, and it doesn't bother me to do them.

11-30-2009, 03:34 PM
It's more like a conventional aerobic workout, and instead of you choosing the individual exercises, it puts them all together for you in programmes of differing lengths (everything from 10 minutes to 50 minutes). All the ones I've tried include jogging, squats, lunges and variations of same. They also include games, like hitting a tennis ball, baseball or volleyball and inline skating (sort of). Some use the Wii balance board, but most don't. I find it good as I have limited time to do exercise, and you don't waste as much time between exercises as you do with WiiFit. I work up a sweat quite quickly on the 20 minute routines, and I can't cheat as much by choosing just the easy exercises!

ETA: It also doesn't bother with weighing you, or telling you off if you haven't done the daily 'weigh in'. It has a daily survey about your food intake and other activities, but I don't bother with those, and it doesn't bother me to do them.

cool, thanks for the review. I was planning to ask for wii fit for xmas. (just ordered a wii to be the "family" xmas treat) does the EA sports active include yoga, or is that only with the wii fit?

ETA - also got Dance Dance Revolution - I've played the arcade game a couple of times and this is the sort of thing that could keep me and the kids moving

Bunny Hop
12-01-2009, 02:11 PM
cool, thanks for the review. I was planning to ask for wii fit for xmas. (just ordered a wii to be the "family" xmas treat) does the EA sports active include yoga, or is that only with the wii fit?No, EA Sports doesn't include yoga - it concentrates on more fat burning and resistance type exercises.

12-01-2009, 02:37 PM
No, EA Sports doesn't include yoga - it concentrates on more fat burning and resistance type exercises.
This might be something to consider...maybe just for me. My son told me one of his friends got a wii and the parent's got him one of the fitness programs. They were perplexed that he wasn't looking any fitter until they caught him using the program...the boy had figured out that he could sit on the couch and tap the board with his feet and it still registered as running or something like that.

I used the balance board in physical therapy and it was fun, forgot I was trying not to fall over! I think my son would like using it. I just took his Xbox controllers away for 2 weeks (bad grades) so I'll have to see if the grades come back up. It might also get hubby off the couch.