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10-29-2009, 11:27 AM

Inspired by FSWer, I am just wondering what your favourite move is, as a freestyle skater.

My favourite jump is a loop jump, which I just learnt recently. My favourite spin is a change foot spin. My 2nd favourite spin is a sit spin, though I won't say that my posture of that is very nice.


10-29-2009, 11:55 AM
My favorite jump is the axel now that it's pretty consistent.

My favorite spin is my new back pancake spin a la Johnny Weir/Lucinda Ruh. I just learned this two weeks ago and it's more consistent that my back sit. I have no idea why.

It makes me really dizzy tho because you face down at the ice. There were quite a few times when I performed the spin in combination and I stood up to do the back scratch; I got dizzy and fell down. And I have to sit there for a minute until the rink stops spinning. It's a lot of fun tho.


10-29-2009, 12:59 PM
Londonicechamp, it's great to know someone else loves the change foot spin too, it's my favorite freestyle move!

My favorite jump is a toss up between the toe loop and the stag falling leaf.

10-29-2009, 06:36 PM
My favorite jump is the Axel
My favorite spin is the layback

My favorite transition is the piece I have going into my final jump combo which has a three turn, rocker, and spread eagle

10-29-2009, 06:56 PM
I just love to glide. . . My favorite moves are outside spread eagles and spiral sequences (especially the change-edge spiral).

11-05-2009, 07:41 PM
Layback and back camel
I also like loops.


11-06-2009, 01:28 AM
My favs have mostly been changing as I make positive and negative progress over time. But there's one fav that remains on the list. That's falling on the ice. Since I have to do it anyway, I should as well enjoy it as much as I can.

11-06-2009, 08:00 AM
Ok, new favorite as I have finally mastered it on my right foot....TWIZZLES!!!! :lol:

11-06-2009, 09:13 AM
Ok, new favorite as I have finally mastered it on my right foot....TWIZZLES!!!! :lol:

I like my right foot twizzle too. Only going counterclockwise though!!! LOL Clockwise I feel like I'm going to face plant. I'm trying to do it in both directions so it can be part of my straight line footwork. Have you tried speeding up the rotation yet? Any tips on this?? Whenever I crank up the speed, I get maybe 3 rotations before it goes out of control. I don't know how people like Evan Lysacek let their twizzles fly like that without going all over the place.


11-06-2009, 01:34 PM
I like my right foot twizzle too. Only going counterclockwise though!!! LOL Clockwise I feel like I'm going to face plant. I'm trying to do it in both directions so it can be part of my straight line footwork. Have you tried speeding up the rotation yet? Any tips on this?? Whenever I crank up the speed, I get maybe 3 rotations before it goes out of control. I don't know how people like Evan Lysacek let their twizzles fly like that without going all over the place.


My coach always tells me to tighten my rear end have a strong core during a twizzle. My arms also are down by my sides or above my head (ballet like though, not spaghetti). Also, when I go into the twizzle, I don't go into it with a deep inside edge (one of my first mistakes when I started), I keep it shallow. I get some pretty good speed during the twizzle. If I don't stay tight in my core, I lose it. Also, I don't look down. I look up slightly during my twizzles.

11-06-2009, 10:38 PM
No question ... the Walley! Most fun jump ever. :)

11-07-2009, 01:39 AM
I like basically all spins, but especially camels and broken legs.

For jumps, I love 2toes, but I also really like 2sals and especially 2loops if I'm on. 2flips are great when I do everything right.

My favorite connecting type move is, without a doubt, split falling leaf.

11-07-2009, 07:10 AM
Back hydroblades, inside and out--much easier than they look!
Front to back sit spin--even if you mess up it's not that far to fall...

11-07-2009, 02:28 PM
Let's see:

Favorite spin TO DO: well centered sit spin
Favorite spin in general: Layback
Favorite Jump TO DO: Double sal(even though I can't land it) or loop
Favorite jump in general: Axel
Favorite connecting move TO DO: Falling leaf
Favorite connecting move in general: Russian Split or a Sasha Cohen spiral