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10-12-2009, 09:33 AM
It seems many of us have been spending time at airports lately.

On time: good pairs practice - started choreography and I'm beginning to look at dresses.

Flight delayed: trying another entry for throws. Always interesting.

Best to all.

10-12-2009, 10:58 AM
Flight delayed: no practice tomorrow, I am scheduled to work...I should be able to hit the rink Wednesday, after class-once again it will be the mad dash from class in one town to the rink in another, hopefully I won't get held up by: traffic, harvesters moving across fields (it's corn harvesting time), or the train.

10-12-2009, 01:16 PM
Flight delayed: I am very unmotivated this year. I'm skating only twice a week. I've had the summer off from ice skating, and that usually makes me anxious to get back to the ice again.

But not this year. :roll:

10-12-2009, 02:23 PM
Got to go to a daytime public session since I'm off work today (yay for Federal holidays!). It was nice and not too crowded. Mostly figure skaters except for three clueless kids (I think brothers). Could've been worse.

It was a good practice day, for the most part. I'm starting to think I might need my blades sharpened though. May I admit that I haven't a clue how to tell when blades need sharpening? But I've noticed some skidding on crossovers and inside 3-turns, which is a recent development (I'd blame the 3-turns on me since I just suck at them, but I'm not so bad at crossovers, so...). At any rate I can take them in and see if the lady who does the sharpening thinks they're getting dull. Adding up it looks like I have about 22 hours on them...that seems like not much. So maybe it IS just me.

Anyway. I sort of "got" waltz 8s (which A was showing us on Saturday). I mean, I don't really get them...they're still inept and no good, but I get the idea and can sorta do a half-arsed version (are we allowed to say "###" here?).

I figured out that I do seem to drop my hip on my RFO 3-turns. Imagine that. Though I think there is also more at work.

Really, worked on everything. I feel like my bunny hops look ridiculous. Played with spirals a bit, which was fun, but I AM NOT flexible whatsoever (never have been, even as a kid). I can barely get my foot above hip height. Yeah, that's pathetic for my age. Played with shoot-the-ducks too. Predictably, they suck (I SO need to work on my squats!). But fun. One thing I learned, though: when knowing that you're losing your balance and won't be able to get up and figuring it'll just be easier to drop onto your butt...DON'T let the free foot down first. It'll just complicate things. :)

Back crossovers MAYBE improving a TINY bit?

Had a fun time at the end, first skating forward figure-8s, and then around the rink alternating crossovers on the long part. When I do that stuff and I'm "on" (usually have to be quite warmed up), I feel like I'm flying! Whee!

Honestly, this is the best practice I've had in a very long time. I'm sure tomorrow at class it'll be all discouragement again...

Spins still suck. Yay!

Also, I have a headache...I think in part from being in the cold so long, and in part from having my hair in a bun. Ow.

Found that I canNOT do catch-foot spirals, lol. My lack of flexibility means that to get my foot up very high I have to lean forward...and that means I end up flat on the ice! Oh well. Not a big deal as nothing but my ego was hurt, lol

10-12-2009, 02:41 PM
On time arrival - Rockefeller Center is open again for the season. I spent some time with elder daughter. She had fun and got used to her new skates. I had one of those fabulous sessions - testing is over, new stuff hasn't started yet. I just relaxed, jammed to the music, and showed off a bit. Everything was on, loop and flip, even the lutz. We'll see if it shows up on wednesday for Winter coach to actually see it. 8-)

10-12-2009, 04:00 PM

I wonder which is important...not messing up and looking dumb in public, or showing your coach that you really CAN do it? It'd be a hard choice for me. :) (but maybe that's just because I sosoSO hate looking dumb in public)

10-12-2009, 05:05 PM
It was a good practice day, for the most part. I'm starting to think I might need my blades sharpened though. May I admit that I haven't a clue how to tell when blades need sharpening? But I've noticed some skidding on crossovers and inside 3-turns, which is a recent development (I'd blame the 3-turns on me since I just suck at them, but I'm not so bad at crossovers, so...). At any rate I can take them in and see if the lady who does the sharpening thinks they're getting dull. Adding up it looks like I have about 22 hours on them...that seems like not much. So maybe it IS just me.

The guideline I was given (which seems to be very accurate so far) is sharpening about every 36 hours. But harder ice requires sharper blades, so it could just be that the temperature in your rink has cooled down and your ice is harder than it was. When skating on harder ice, you need to bend your knees and ankles as much as possible and really press your edges into the ice!

10-12-2009, 05:41 PM

I wonder which is important...not messing up and looking dumb in public, or showing your coach that you really CAN do it? It'd be a hard choice for me. :) (but maybe that's just because I sosoSO hate looking dumb in public)

Erm, I didn't mention the fall I took on BO3 turns. Bounced back up and kept going. :)

My lessons are at 0-dark-thirty, so while technically it's public, the only people around are rushing to work and hardly anyone is paying attention.

10-12-2009, 09:34 PM
On Time
-nailed all of my combos first time, include 2flip+2loop! I don't even know the last time that happened!
-i think I'm finally starting to find perfect (for me) timing on 2flip. I used to tap almost immediately after the mohawk, resulting in not enough knee bend and some wacky jumps. Before, if I waited to tap, I'd end up twisting my upper body a bit. Now, I've finally got the control and confidence to wait, deepen my knee bend and then jump. They're more secure and SO much bigger.
-Worked on back sit variation. Now I can do a really solid twisty sit (reach across my body with my right arm and then up and to the right with my left arm). I've been able to do these for a while, but I'd often end up catching an edge. I can also do the head-to-knee variation (we call them shotguns at my rink) in the back sit and then pull up into a cross-rotated Y spin type thing (left boot in right hand).
-landed nice 2lutzes off a solid outside edge. I think I can finally say I've fixed that jump!

-not too much. I was delayed getting to the rink bc of a doctors appt, so it was more crowded than when I usually skate.

10-12-2009, 09:49 PM
On time: I finally got off my lazy beehind and brought a camera to the rink with me today. Did a couple OK axels

This one had a swingy leg on the take off and the result was I was crooked in the air


This one had a worse landing but was a better jump. I didn't swing the leg and was straighter in the air. I could have driven my free leg through a little further.


Flight Delayed: My toe loops were awol today for the first time in several sessions. I managed to do a few, including this squirely one. I was leaning WAY to far forward as I vaulted up.


All in all I wasn't feeling all that frisky so I wasn't too disappointed with todays effort

10-12-2009, 10:22 PM
On time: Nice empty freestyle. Only one other skater with her coach.

Scratch spin and sit spin were the best they've been since my injury. Next time I'm on an empty-ish freestyle, I've got to remember to bring my cell phone on the ice and see if the sit is as low as it feels. I've got some decent clips from right before my injury and it feels close to that. But they always feel lower than they look. :??

Jumps through the flip felt nice and solid. Need to start working on doing them from a little more speed again.

LBO 3 turns - where did those come from? Did two nice flow-y ones without even thinking of putting the free foot down.

Delayed:Camel spin. Couldn't beg, borrow, or steal one. Just could not get balanced in anything remotely resembling a camel position today.

Lutz. I managed one good one, but couldn't find my timing on it after that.

Loop combos (loop-loop, flip-loop). Thought that since the flip and loop were cooperating on their own that maybe the combos would be a good thing to try. Not even close.

10-13-2009, 07:32 AM
Ha ha ha this thread title makes me think of Stormy and all her competition flight issues :lol:

I got to pick up an extra 90 min session last night because I didn't have school :)

Flight Delayed: Note to self: When skating in the evening, DO NOT wear heels at work all day. My feet were KILLING me!

Laybacks. Traveling so far they need a passport, and my back was sore and I wasn't laying back much at all.

Didn't get to do the power pull-quick rockers on my moves test because the session was too crowded and there were little kids hanging out in the center, so I couldn't go at the pattern aggressively like I need to.

Flying camels. Better, but we haven't touched them on a lesson in a long time and I think we need to spend some time on them to get them to improve again. I either wait just a tad too long, fall off the toepick and cheat it a little but the spin is better, or I stay on the toe, the jump is clean, but the spin stinks. If they would both work together, I'd be happy.

On Time Arrival: Rest of junior moves--power circles, rockers good. Choctaws MUCH MUCH improved!!! As in real choctaws on proper edges, and not mohawky things that I'm trying to pass off as choctaws. I still have trouble on one side because my hip doesn't want to stay back and open. Starting to build some major confidence on this test, putting it out at Buckeye will def happen. (I'd probably rather wait until December or January to test it if I were just doing it here, but what's the worst that can happen if I put it out a little earlier at Buckeye...I fail but get some feedback from the judges? No big deal.)

Jumps good yesterday. Did some huge flips, a few nice lutzes, some big, clean loops. Axel still not clean but the scraping of the free foot is ever so slight most of the time now. Decided to work on doubles (ha ha my coach doesn't know this, we've never worked on them in a lesson), got some double toes almost fully rotated, I'm surprised that it wasn't that hard, I wasn't even pulling in or getting great height. Granted I was landing them on two feet. Did some sals 1.5x around and landed forward. Also worked on getting my sit spin lower, it got down really good a bunch of times but then I ended up sitting down on the ice.

Also spent 45 min on my program, mostly working on cleaning things up and running sections. Worked on a few transitions and changed up my step sequence a tad (the last 2 lobes are 2 power 3s and a RBI double 3, I changed it to 2 quick rocker choctaws and a RBI loop).

10-13-2009, 07:55 AM
On Time:
Worked through most of my program and are 3/4 of the way done putting it together. Its really fun! At the end of my spiral sequence, I do a fan kick into a 3 turn then flip jump and did it with ease yesterday. Added some more foot work at the end after the flip.

Practiced my ballet jump and split jump (just learned them Saturday). I don't have splits at all, but my ballet jump is getting more and more height as I practice. I really like that move.

Spins were good and are more and more centered as I now focus on keeping my right shoulder back and lean on my pinky toe of my entrance foot. It really works on keeping me more centered and a better arc into the spin.

Beyond Delayed:
Camel...meh. Still a long way to go. But I continue to work on it. I want to be able to do a nice camel eventually. I have no speed in my spin. Blah. Some things are coming together with this and others, not so much. :giveup:

10-13-2009, 01:01 PM
Flight Delayed: My toe loops were awol today for the first time in several sessions. I managed to do a few, including this squirely one. I was leaning WAY to far forward as I vaulted up.


Nice clean 2Toe! Not pre-rotated either!

10-13-2009, 03:34 PM
On time: AFter 5 months off the ice due to a broken ankle, I'm ready to start skating again, :D

Flight delayed: Contacted my coach and told her I was ready, and she told me that she had retired in September and no longer has privileges to coach anywhere. :cry:

10-13-2009, 03:54 PM
On Time:
My dance coach suggested a lesson today in preparation for the test tonight, so I went in for just 15 minutes. Got on the ice and felt great right away. We warmed up with F stroking once around, which coach said was good, then ran through each dance with very little corrective comment. In particular, my coach was happy with the Dutch Waltz end pattern, which has been a struggle. I also felt less clunky on the progressive following the second swing roll, which is one of the spots where I have trouble changing directions with the FO to FO transition. After the dances, I asked to do some FO swing rolls in killian and reverse killian, and we were both surprised that the reverse kilian were better than the killian because I was doing the switch of who is in front very smoothly on them. Went back to killian and did better with those. All in all a very good and positive lesson.

10-13-2009, 05:48 PM
On time: AFter 5 months off the ice due to a broken ankle, I'm ready to start skating again, :D

Flight delayed: Contacted my coach and told her I was ready, and she told me that she had retired in September and no longer has privileges to coach anywhere. :cry:

Congrats on being ready to skate again, so sorry about your coach, hope she could at least put you together with someone.

10-13-2009, 07:22 PM
Dbny, !!!!!!!!:d

10-13-2009, 08:39 PM
Congrats on being ready to skate again, so sorry about your coach, hope she could at least put you together with someone.

Since I'll no longer have a figures coach, I guess I'll switch to dance. As I get to 60, having to pay a man to partner me doesn't seem as bad anymore :P Unfortunately, the Big Guy *will*not*dance*. He's afraid of falling on his partner--also as he's 6'3" and I'm 5'2", our skating together might be more suitable for "Light Entertainment".

10-14-2009, 01:56 AM
Flight Delayed:

Had to do a few chores before heading out the door to drive all the way across the city to skate at South Windsor Arena with South Windsor Skating Club (I only do this on Tuesdays because I bought a partial package from Sept. to the end of March.) and was a half hour late for my hour and a half StarSkate 2 session (everyone with at least 2 complete tests passed if an adult or Senior Bronze and up).

Camel only appeared 2 times with only 2 revs at most out of the 4 times I tried it. Need to speed up the spin after getting in. It's like I'm in slow mo in the Camel.

Flip was leaning over to my left side and breaking at the waist again.

On Time Arrival:

Waltz Jump was the highest that I've done in the longest of time with a fast flow in, no skidding on take off edge, lots of distance and a fast flow out. Hope I can repeat this for my coach tomorrow.

Salchow didn't give me any problems and was automatic again.

Loop is getting good height and is close to being clean but I have to work on keeping my free leg infront until I touch down and I have to check harder when I'm landing because when I do land on one foot, I can't stop spinning.

Lutz was all the way around but somehow, I was having arm issues on the landings but at least, I'm going into them much faster than before.

Uright (forward) it took one spin to fix the centering but the rest of them were drilling a hole in the ice.

Sit Spin is almost at 90 degrees again. With more sit ups, stretching and getting well (finish fighting sinuse/ear infection) I should be able to get down to just below 90 degrees again. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to add a back cross/catch foot variation after the broken position like I use to do.

Camel/upright combo has improved but still has a way to go before I will be worth any points in CPC. I would like to be able to do Camel/sit/upright combo this year for testing and competition.

Played chance with my friend Misty. I called out the move/element(s) that we would attempt so I had the upperhand. If I made a mistake, I had to do my Waltz Jump and she had to attempt her Axel. Also, when going into the next move/element we weren't allowed to do more than one 3 turn or Mohawk into the next move or element, and no crosscuts in between elements either or it counted as a mistake. In this game we started out with Back Spirals. Both of us moved up to the next level; Spiral of our choice into spin of choice. Misty forgot to not do extra turns and did a couple of crosscuts and so she had to do her Axel as a penalty. Then the next level; Spiral/Spin/Jump. Misty again forgot not to do crosscuts in between elements so; Axel again. I on the other hand did a nice LFO Spiral straight into a Forward Scratch Spin and then from the spin's exit edge I set up for a Waltz Jump and landed it even though I was dizzy coming out of my Forward Corkscrew. And so , Misty tried this again but kept forgetting not to do extra turns and/or crosscuts in between elements. Well, it was Axel time and Flying Sit time for Misty.

10-14-2009, 10:42 AM
Ha ha ha this thread title makes me think of Stormy and all her competition flight issues :lol:

Oh, gosh. Worst flight experience ever. Spending 10 hours in the littlest, dingiest gate concourse at Logan Airport. I still blame the President.

Well, I'll chime in on this thread.

On Time Arrival: Axels! The takeoff is much better, and I am landing them. However, they still get no distance and I can't do them in the program yet. We changed the takeoff in the program to match the one I do when I do them alone and hopefully that helps. We also worked on double sals and those were good too. I can defintiely see it being a strong possibility putting one in the program for Easterns.

Flight Delayed: Not many delays, just realizing I need to work on sections of the program more, getting more speed and attack and flow will be the focus of the next few practices.

10-14-2009, 12:48 PM
Flight Delayed Didn't get to practice Monday morning, because of the *snow*. The news said that the traffic was all snarled up so didn't want to ended up stuck somewhere and miss skating anyway. I have a punch card for that session so am not losing any money by not going.

Tuesday - sit spin. I am not as close to 90 degrees as I was. Coach wants more than 3 revs and says - it is what it is - for now. So I can do 5, but not as low as it should be. I'll keep working on it and keep on with the squats and lunges.

On Time Arrival Tuesday - Had my lesson. We finished up the footwork for my Bronze test program. So my program is done! I love it! Coach was happy with both run throughs - with and without the footwork part. My spin at the end was right on time with the music. The dress that I ordered for that program came in the mail...so of course I had to wear it to the rink. It was so much more fun to skate my program in my new dress.

After my lesson, I had a 45 minute practice session. Backspins were on! I could even get from the H position down to the D. I couldn't hold the D more than a rev or 2, but still pretty happy with that. Loop jumps were good. I worked on the flip a lot. I am determined to change the 1/2 flip in my program to a regular one. I kept running through that part in my program. When I concentrated on the entrance I learned at the G2C seminar, I almost always got it. They were tiny, but they were landed. Yay!

I got a competition announcement for one that my DD did last year. Coach and I decided that I will be skating in my very first competition there. They had 2-5 adult skaters in each category last year (got up early to go watch). I am nervous, but excited about that. Our rink is also holding an exhibition for test or competition programs on November 1st. That is a little more nerve-wracking than the competition, because it will be all kids and me. I know all their parents and they know me. It just feels a bit weird.

Bunny Hop
10-14-2009, 01:47 PM
Unfortunately, the Big Guy *will*not*dance*. He's afraid of falling on his partner--also as he's 6'3" and I'm 5'2", our skating together might be more suitable for "Light Entertainment".You'd be surprised! My husband is 6'4" (193cm) and I am 5'4" (163cm). Not only do we manage to dance together (well, he dances and I pretend I know what I'm doing), but his competition partner is only 5'2" (157cm) and they look fine dancing together.

10-15-2009, 07:01 AM
Oh, gosh. Worst flight experience ever. Spending 10 hours in the littlest, dingiest gate concourse at Logan Airport. I still blame the President.

Well, I'll chime in on this thread.

On Time Arrival: Axels! The takeoff is much better, and I am landing them. However, they still get no distance and I can't do them in the program yet. We changed the takeoff in the program to match the one I do when I do them alone and hopefully that helps. We also worked on double sals and those were good too. I can defintiely see it being a strong possibility putting one in the program for Easterns.

Yay!! Send a clean axel my way, would ya? You're supposed to be my friend and share and all that stuff. I'd share my Starbucks if you were here right now. (It was a Venti kind of morning...)

10-15-2009, 08:09 AM
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Starbucks. Are you a Gold Member? :lol: I am because I am pathetic that way (plus its a 10 percent discount everytime)! LOL!

10-15-2009, 08:35 AM
On Time: Generally good practice yesterday. A lot of going over and over and over sections of my program, as I'm realizing it's only 3 weeks until Buckeye 8O Backspin getting better, and I actually got close to a couple of real, bona fide scratch spins (correct leg positioning and all)!!!

Flight Delayed: Of course my runthrough for coach with music was crappy. Hit most of the elements, but I was "lurching" the whole time--her term for trying to lead with my torso and not keeping my feet together and under me. Hate it when I forget about basic stuff like that. Grrrrrr. Also, change-foot spin not happening.

Laura H
10-15-2009, 11:36 AM
On Time Arrival: Everything clicking along OK. Still not 100% confident in that push to the backspin in the change foot spin, but it's almost there. Jumps were fine, pivot at the end seemed OK too. I got to try on my new dress (and kept it on for practice) - it needed one more adjustment in the back, so coach took it back with her, but it turned out great!

Flight Delayed: I really don't like practicing on Freestyle - our club members just don't get the whole "yield" thing. Most of the girls won't actually WEAR the orange vest but tying it around their waist, hand (??), whatever, in some inconspicuous place . . . then get miffed when others get in their way. Then when *I* actually WEAR the darn thing (and believe me, I am VISIBLE!) I still had to bail out (abort abort abort!) right in the middle of my program - I don't mind "coming through" but this girl had her back to me and was totally oblivious. By the time she turned around I would have already plowed her down!

On the plus side, I am participating in an exhibition this weekend . . . pretty sure there won't be anyone in my way then!! :twisted:

Other Flight Plans: DS is landing axels with consistency . . . again. He's so inconsistent with practice that he keeps getting it and losing it. But 1 1/2 weeks before the competition . . . is a very good time for it to make an appearance!! It was nice to see him enjoying himself and not being totally frustrated with himself.

10-15-2009, 01:20 PM
On Time Arrival:
I passed the Dutch Waltz and Rhythm Blues.

Flight Delayed:
On the sage advice of a friend who has been in the figure skating world much longer than I have, I have decided that I have nothing to say about judging and judges.

10-15-2009, 01:52 PM
Bravo on the passes dbny!

(and boo to the judge for being so mean. A retry is one thing- tearing down a skater on an encouragement test is another!)

10-15-2009, 05:30 PM
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Starbucks. Are you a Gold Member? :lol: I am because I am pathetic that way (plus its a 10 percent discount everytime)! LOL!

I sure am! :D

10-15-2009, 06:30 PM
Had my second "new" class on Tuesday...and YAY! I learned backward 3-turns. They're still not that great (esp. inside), but I get the idea, woot!

Unfortunately, I can't find my gloves around here, so I think I must've left them at the rink. Called the rink and the guy just told me, "lost and found is in the skate rental area." Don't, y'know, offer to go look or to transfer me over there (assuming they have a phone) or anything. So I emailed my coach to ask her if she happens to remember having seen them sitting there (though I doubt it or she would've said something when she emailed us all about something else). And I'll check the lost and found when I'm there next (no point in driving all the way over there just for that. If they're in lost and found, they'll stay there another week. If they didn't make it to lost and found, then they're long-gone anyway).

I hope I find them. A. they're nifty gloves (unfortunately probably nifty enough to steal, and the session after ours was hockey. I would trust figure skaters to take them to lost and found or give them to one of the coaches because they'd probably assume they know the owner, but I hate to say I don't trust that hockey players or their spectators might not just make off with them) and B. technically they're not mine--they're borrowed from my mom and she had expressed a wish to have them back soon! And I'm not sure I could find similar ones to replace them for her if need be.

10-15-2009, 06:37 PM
I doubt the hockey players would boost the gloves. I'll cross my fingers that you find them - I had two pair of perfect gloves that were 99¢ specials at the A&P. They fit me perfectly and were just the right weight and wrist length. Lost all but one glove. The A&P didn't have them this year, only the "magic gloves" that rip easily and make my hands cold.

On Time: still working on the *(^^&*()_ blades. Hopefully, this adjustment will be the magic feather.
Balance feels better off-ice.

Flight Delayed: Couldn't get to the rink today. Maybe tomorrow.

10-16-2009, 01:11 AM
On Time Arrival:
I passed the Dutch Waltz and Rhythm Blues.

Congrats! Please don't discouraged by the judge from Hell. She apparently has some issues of her own and she takes it out on other people. I've found most of the people in skating are encouraging and appreciate how hard it is.


10-16-2009, 08:16 AM
On time

Jumps have rematerialised. While it did take me more than a few attempts to squeak out some crappy loops, once they came they stayed, same story with the flip. I can feel that with more practice the flip will become much better than the loop which i think will always be the %£$*ing loop for the rest of my life! Even did some Flip/toe/loop combos with the best loops of the day on that combo.

Did some great (for me!) camels spins too. I thought i did some great sit spins too but coach didn't think they were low enough. BUt i when i go lower i tend to drop too far to the inside ...i can't seem to go lower and stay upright on the boot.


Still struggling with the RBI three turn and back inside three turns generally. on a particularly good day i decided that doing them fast was easier to bend the knee bend action, but on a bad day i can't even consider doing them faster.

The less said about the back spin the better!


10-16-2009, 12:06 PM
Flight Delayed: I normally skate before work Friday mornings, but I woke up with a headache and since my coach is away at regionals, I skipped, slept an extra hour and a half, and dragged my butt to work. Not a full-blown migraine, but a nagging annoying headache that has been on and off all day. Luckily I got to skate Monday since it was a holiday and classes were cancelled, I normally skate Saturdays (and with a lot of skaters and almost all the coaches at Regionals it will be empty), and I can pick up an extra hour or two of ice Sunday since roller derby is cancelled. So no loss! I guess I technically could drag myself to the rink that has a Friday evening session after work if I get out of work on time and can go home and grab my stuff, but I'm tired and a nap sounds like more fun.

10-16-2009, 03:23 PM
On Time Arrival:
I passed the Dutch Waltz and Rhythm Blues.

Congrats on the passes! Sorry about the wicked mean judge. Someone forgot to tell her Halloween isn't for two weeks, yet.

10-16-2009, 07:27 PM
On Time Arrival:
I passed the Dutch Waltz and Rhythm Blues.

Congratulations on your passes!:bow:

Kim to the Max
10-16-2009, 07:54 PM
[Flight Delayed]
Axel has gone to crap again. My take off is too skiddy and I am not jumping out, only up. So, I am back to being frustrated.

My double sal was not working tonight.

My normal 3 person Friday night session was taken over by little kids.

[On Time]
Double toes are getting better, I am trying to get the timing down with pulling in, which is the only thing that is preventing me from landing on one foot...

Thursday, Coach ask the hypothetical question of when can we start double loops... 8O

10-16-2009, 09:27 PM
(and BOOOO!!! to the mean judge! bad karma will get her!)

Flight Delayed: I normally skate before work Friday mornings, but I woke up with a headache and since my coach is away at regionals, I skipped, slept an extra hour and a half, and dragged my butt to work. Not a full-blown migraine, but a nagging annoying headache that has been on and off all day. Luckily I got to skate Monday since it was a holiday and classes were cancelled, I normally skate Saturdays (and with a lot of skaters and almost all the coaches at Regionals it will be empty), and I can pick up an extra hour or two of ice Sunday since roller derby is cancelled. So no loss! I guess I technically could drag myself to the rink that has a Friday evening session after work if I get out of work on time and can go home and grab my stuff, but I'm tired and a nap sounds like more fun.
I also had a headache today, which got progressively worse as the day wore on....I'm calling it a migraine (different levels, from nagging to OMG! KILL ME and this one is starting to hurt).

On time arrival: today I only skated freestyle & LTS (group) lesson, followed by show practice. That was enough. Worked on pre-bronze pattern and did ok (headache notwithstanding). Getting better on the BI edges. Worked ok on them without looking behind (had a friend spot for me).

Flight delayed: spins were crap (worked on them in LTS). Which was my rotten luck we worked on them with my headache. I lost my new bracelet....I changed my clothes and it must have fallen off when I changed my clothes---had to dash off to a meeting at the rink, where I realized it was missing. Afterwards, I went back to the bathroom and also shook down my skate bag-no luck. Checked lost & found-no luck. It didn't cost much but it was sentimental, I bought it to celebrate another year in remission. I could buy another one (it was sparkly & pretty) but I'm not sure if the gift shop has another one). Oh well, my tough luck I guess.

10-16-2009, 09:37 PM
Delayed: My coach emailed me back to say she hadn't seen my gloves, and had asked around and asked at the desk and no one had seen them. :(

I almost bought these pants at REI tonight: http://www.rei.com/product/787164 (Yes, I can fit into the kids' size pants --the girls' medium [the boys' pants were cut slightly different at the ankle--a bit looser--and seemed to have a knee reinforcement the girls' didn't have]. I wouldn't have wanted them any shorter, but there are some advantages to having short legs! [note: this is the only one. Or perhaps not so far to fall skating?]) They're a skosh loose--that is, they're not leggings, though heaven knows they could easily be altered to be more snug--but they're not super-loose either. And for 20 bucks, what more could you ask for fleece pants (sure I could get the Jerry's fleece leggings for like 70 bucks, but...)? I love that the kids' sizes cost less, even though some of them are bigger than some of the adult women's sizes.

10-16-2009, 10:57 PM
I skated my first freestyle session in over 5 years this afternoon. I worked a long week and cut out of work early (friday). It inspires my skating (ie I work a little harder) to be around better skaters. It was nice not being the worst skater out there (although I was in the bottom half). The difference between me and the better skaters wasn't a quantum leap. Let's see them do half of what I do when they get to my age! There weren't too many kids there. Most of them are in Utah this weekend.

10-16-2009, 11:02 PM
Thanks for the congrats.

On Time Arrival:
I had a great lesson with my regular coach today, starting with her telling me she has heard about that judge :lol:. Knowing I needed real encouragement, and needed to rebuild my confidence, she started me with F stroking, then on to F and B XO's, focussing on presentation via stretching through the arms and lifting the chest. Then we did just a little work on two footing three turns, because I've realized that while I have some advantages from my roller dance background, re three turns, I'm an over-aged adult beginner :roll:, and I really should just buckle down and two foot them until I really, really feel that rock up to the toe (doesn't exist on roller skates). We ended with something I've forgotten the name of: simply going toe pick to toe pick with a half turn each time. I was able to just get off the wall with it, and it's going to take some work to gain confidence, but I really like it, and know my students will too, so I gotta get it!

Flight Delayed:
No skating for me all of next week. I'm flying out to Boulder on Mon morning and driving back a car I bought from friends there. My friend and I are planning to make it to Chicago in one 15 hr day, and then I'll have Wed-Fri to drive the rest of the way on my own. Even if I'm back Thurs night, I'm sure I won't be ready to skate on Friday.

katz in boots
10-17-2009, 03:27 AM
On Time:
I enjoyed my skate in a public session this morning. Not too crowded, though still challenging. Still recovering from flu and still struggling with a piriformis injury causing major sciatic pain - no camels or sit spins for a while (though i did try back camel today - which was actually pretty good for me!)

In my lesson on thursday, coach took me to task for using my shoulders to initiate 3 turns, cos that's how I was taught years ago for figure turns. Something has finally clicked for me. I can tell this will make a big difference. Now if only I can apply it to my back 3 turns I will really be making progress.

I love it when I make a breakthrough! It gives me renewed enthusiasm and confidence and determination to keep working through the :frus: times.

Every jump was working, though none as good as I want them to be. I even did some reasonable flips, some flip/loops and a salchow/loop and a couple of flutzes. ( The tracing shows I'm trying to hang onto that outside edge, but it always ends up switching to inside Sigh.)

Spins weren't bad either, did one change foot scratch that was beautifully centred on each foot, the transition tracing looked good and it felt great. Yay! Backspins are on their way back.

What's best is the endorphins kicked in late in the session and I came away feeling Happy. Life is good sometimes.

10-17-2009, 08:05 AM
We ended with something I've forgotten the name of: simply going toe pick to toe pick with a half turn each time.

Side toe hops?

Can you make a complaint about that judge to someone?

I didn't want to start a whole new thread for this (though I will if mods want me to), but: how warm are Target's Champion C9 tops? I saw there was one that was supposed to be made out of some sort of "warmer" fabric (tried to find it on the website to link to, but can't tell which it is as their descriptions aren't that great). I know some of you like the C9 line and have heard it compared to UA Coldgear before but I wasn't sure if that meant it was as warm as Coldgear or not. I'm still refining my "keeping warm on ice" clothing, lol (being one of those people who seem like they're always cold anyway, I cannot for the life of me figure out why I took up an ice sport. Maybe I should switch to PIC or roller skating, lol!).

Still pining after UA Frosty tights (is there a reason it's the Frosty tights everyone swears by, or will any UA Coldgear tights do?) but don't want to spend a bundle on tops because it's easier to warm up on top--I can just wear a fleece jacket until I warm up and then strip down (which also made me think that on bottom I don't need ten pairs of really warm pants, I just need a pair of heavy warm-up pants of the sort that zip all the way down the side so I can also remove those to warm up. Anyone got any recs?).

Right now I wear a turtleneck sweater, which is warm and snuggly but doesn't really allow for the option of un-layering if it gets to be too much (esp. since the neck's sorta snug and it's a challenge to get it off over a big ol' bun AND glasses). But a regular long-sleeved t-shirt just isn't usually warm enough for me. And I don't feel like dropping the $$ on a UA top if I don't have to (scouring eBay's a pain and discount stores like TJMaxx are touch and go and still pretty pricey on these).

10-17-2009, 12:02 PM
Side toe hops?

Nope. There's no turn in side toe hops, and you want to get some distance and some height on them. This move is just stepping from toe to toe as you turn; no hop or jump to it at all. It's just toe,toe,toe, toe. You start it backwards with a XF, reach back with the under toe, pull even, rotate to forward onto other toe, then rotate back to other toe, etc. If you get low on the XF, then rise up for the toe (should be straight up) it's very pretty. Then you can string them together by doing the XF on the other foot and turing in the opposite direction. You get down, up, up, up, down, up, up, up that way.

10-17-2009, 12:44 PM
Ah! My instructor actually did have me doing side toe hops with a turn in between (I assume to get practice on both sides without going one way and then turning around and coming back, and I've seen other skaters doing it as well) so I didn't realize it wasn't standard.

10-17-2009, 01:38 PM
On Time Arrival:
I passed the Dutch Waltz and Rhythm Blues.Congrats!!! I wish I had the time to do dances... just to see if I could do it. Maybe someday... :)

10-17-2009, 03:26 PM
I didn't want to start a whole new thread for this (though I will if mods want me to), but: how warm are Target's Champion C9 tops? I saw there was one that was supposed to be made out of some sort of "warmer" fabric (tried to find it on the website to link to, but can't tell which it is as their descriptions aren't that great). I know some of you like the C9 line and have heard it compared to UA Coldgear before but I wasn't sure if that meant it was as warm as Coldgear or not. I'm still refining my "keeping warm on ice" clothing, lol (being one of those people who seem like they're always cold anyway, I cannot for the life of me figure out why I took up an ice sport. Maybe I should switch to PIC or roller skating, lol!).

Still pining after UA Frosty tights (is there a reason it's the Frosty tights everyone swears by, or will any UA Coldgear tights do?) but don't want to spend a bundle on tops because it's easier to warm up on top--I can just wear a fleece jacket until I warm up and then strip down (which also made me think that on bottom I don't need ten pairs of really warm pants, I just need a pair of heavy warm-up pants of the sort that zip all the way down the side so I can also remove those to warm up. Anyone got any recs?).

Right now I wear a turtleneck sweater, which is warm and snuggly but doesn't really allow for the option of un-layering if it gets to be too much (esp. since the neck's sorta snug and it's a challenge to get it off over a big ol' bun AND glasses). But a regular long-sleeved t-shirt just isn't usually warm enough for me. And I don't feel like dropping the $$ on a UA top if I don't have to (scouring eBay's a pain and discount stores like TJMaxx are touch and go and still pretty pricey on these).
I have the UA cold gear tights...and I still freeze, so I wear fleece over them....if you can sew, you can do well to make your own tights/leggings from stretch polar fleece for cheap (www.rockywoods.com) otherwise, get something to go over the heavy tights/leggings...layers are really best. You should have layers that trap heat but let moisture out so you don't have wet near your skin-otherwise you will feel colder. If you are really cold, put some of those handwarmers in your pockets-they help, even if you only use one. And have a hot drink with you to keep your insides warm.

10-17-2009, 03:59 PM
^Alas, I can't sew...but I envy your mad fleece-sewing skills!

Did you ever make your fleece zip pants? Were they easier than making leggings? (I never even got to see the pic of the leggings because Facebook wouldn't let me :( )

10-17-2009, 04:57 PM
I didn't want to start a whole new thread for this (though I will if mods want me to), but: how warm are Target's Champion C9 tops? I saw there was one that was supposed to be made out of some sort of "warmer" fabric (tried to find it on the website to link to, but can't tell which it is as their descriptions aren't that great). I know some of you like the C9 line and have heard it compared to UA Coldgear before but I wasn't sure if that meant it was as warm as Coldgear or not. I'm still refining my "keeping warm on ice" clothing, lol (being one of those people who seem like they're always cold anyway, I cannot for the life of me figure out why I took up an ice sport. Maybe I should switch to PIC or roller skating, lol!).

Still pining after UA Frosty tights (is there a reason it's the Frosty tights everyone swears by, or will any UA Coldgear tights do?) but don't want to spend a bundle on tops because it's easier to warm up on top--I can just wear a fleece jacket until I warm up and then strip down (which also made me think that on bottom I don't need ten pairs of really warm pants, I just need a pair of heavy warm-up pants of the sort that zip all the way down the side so I can also remove those to warm up. Anyone got any recs?).

Right now I wear a turtleneck sweater, which is warm and snuggly but doesn't really allow for the option of un-layering if it gets to be too much (esp. since the neck's sorta snug and it's a challenge to get it off over a big ol' bun AND glasses). But a regular long-sleeved t-shirt just isn't usually warm enough for me. And I don't feel like dropping the $$ on a UA top if I don't have to (scouring eBay's a pain and discount stores like TJMaxx are touch and go and still pretty pricey on these).

I have 3 or 4 of the warm, C9 mock turtleneck tops. I live in them during the colder months. I usually start the session with one of those and a North Face 1/4 zip fleece pull over or another one I have from LL Bean. I'm still a little cold as I start to warm up (although my body temp runs low, usually mid 95s or low 96), but by the middle of the session I've usually taken my jacket off. I don't think they're quite as warm as UA, but they're still a great top for the colder days. I was able to get one of two of them on clearance for around 4 dollars, but I think they are worth the full price, too.

10-17-2009, 06:38 PM
Back on the Ice!

Fist time since I broke the ankle in June. It took me 30 minutes to get my edges back (and I'm not back to happy edges yet)

Just some forward stroking, T stops, and one crossover. Two foot three turns. Two foot spin (a slow majestic fat-girl spin)

45 minutes. Then off.

10-17-2009, 08:13 PM
Congrats Agness!!!!
Kat - I do like the Champion brand. Last season we got one for my partner and I painted it for his pair costume. They are warm, wear well and take paint.

On time arrival: I think I've found a dress for our program.

Delayed - while we're on clothes, anyone have a current source for full zipper sweater pants and top sets? Mine are Skate N Style, but I can't find them.

10-17-2009, 09:21 PM

I think you did quite well for your first time back. When I came back after breaking my wrist, I doubt I would have even gotten on the ice if I hadn't scheduled a lesson. My coach came and coaxed me out onto the ice.

10-17-2009, 09:28 PM

Flight Delayed Had my lesson with my coach. We worked on the Bronze Moves test. My backward power cross-overs were crap. I had reverted to some bad habits...like flinging my arm out and throwing myself off-balance. My program was meh...very off on the timing as I was a bit tripped up on the footwork.

On Time Arrival Worked on the 2 footwork sequences and they really improved by the end of the 2nd session.


On Time Arrival Started lessons at the seasonal rink. I had my adult group lesson with one of my friends. The instructor is awesome. By the end of the half hour, she had fixed my loop from teeny tiny to small.

Flight Delayed Helped out with the tot LTS skate class. I got the 3 criers. This is the first time that I had 2 that fought with each other. They all wanted to pop the bubbles I was using to get them on their feet. One of the Dads had to come out and help referee. We got all of them separated and on their feet by the end of the lesson time.

10-18-2009, 08:08 AM

I think you did quite well for your first time back. When I came back after breaking my wrist, I doubt I would have even gotten on the ice if I hadn't scheduled a lesson. My coach came and coaxed me out onto the ice.

I have to show a brave face for the Big Guy. Ever since he wrenched his back doing a loop jump, he's been all guy-whiney about his toes being numb (but typical guy unable to schedule the necessary physio as he's 'too busy').

10-18-2009, 10:22 AM
Back on the Ice!

Fist time since I broke the ankle in June. It took me 30 minutes to get my edges back (and I'm not back to happy edges yet)

Just some forward stroking, T stops, and one crossover. Two foot three turns. Two foot spin (a slow majestic fat-girl spin)

45 minutes. Then off.

Yay! cheers for bravery!

10-18-2009, 06:41 PM
Hooray to AgnesNitt!!! Welcome back on the ice!!! :bow:

10-18-2009, 07:36 PM

On Time: first freestyle at other rink; went well, froze my behiney off!!!! Worked on moves, and not too much was nit-picked. My coached LOVED the judges sheet! I told her you guys got my back and she was happy I have such a great network of adult skaters!

Flight Delayed: the few things nit-picked: need better cadence on crossovers, work on my bad side, get that PUSH on the first part of the back crossover, don't rotate my arms on the back inside edges, and don't be afraid to try my back crossovers all over the rink (just for grins, like the center circle and going out). And "finish" the moves so they end "pretty" :roll:

10-18-2009, 08:16 PM
Went to the rink today. Two of my "rink buddies" were there, so that was fun. Also seemed like the rink was not too crowded today for some reason. At least I had room for spirals and stuff.

Still working on all my 3-turns. Back 3-turns are still sort of crappy. But I'm starting to get the hang of it. Spins still no good too. My biggest problem is that I always end up on my toepick. Any tips?

Backward crossovers seemed better today, for the most part. Hrm.

Asked one of my rink buddies to critique my spirals (I wanted to know if I was one of those people who look awkward doing spirals) and she said no. Will have to have my mom take pics some day so I can see for myself. Still need to work on that flexibility, though!

Did face-plant again when attempting a catch-foot spiral though. :)

Still figuring out my pants situation. I do think that what I need are some of those track pants that either zip or snap all the way up the side so I can wear them until I warm up, then take them off and have just my tights, similar to how I do with my fleece jacket. Makes sense. Just trying to decide if I want to buy a pair (read: try to find them at Goodwill because I don't want to pay a bundle for them) or get a pair of pants (I was thinking the kids' pants on sale at REI, the ones that are $20) and take them to an alterations place and have them add zippers or snaps. I like the ones at REI because they're not too baggy, unlike most track pants seem to be...

Way delayed, more like flight canceled: am talking to my mom on Skype right now and mentioned how my partner wants to move closer to our jobs and I don't want to because there's so much I like here (inc. my coach/club/rink buddies). My mom says, "well, but skating class is just a temporary thing." I tell her not that temporary: obviously I won't be able to skate forever but I told her I don't plan to quit in the next year or two at the very least. Here's how the rest of the conversation went:

Her: really?
Me: really
Me: … why would I bother to learn if I were going to just quit?
Me: besides, I learn slowly enough that it's not like a couple years' worth of classes is going to have me doing axels
Her: aren't you learning to develop your skills so you can enjoy just skating more?
Me: yes
Me: … but I want to be able to do stuff too
Her: hmmm
Me: skating around and around a rink is a bit boring after a while
Me: … I want to learn to spin and stuff
Me: … although that is VERY slow going as I just don't "get" it
Her: well, the fancy stuff takes lots of practice, with or without a coach
Me: I know
Me: … hence why i try to go to practice, like today
Her: I want to paint like Monet too but all the coaches in the world are not going to make it happen
Me: I'm never going to be Kristi Yamaguchi but I can still learn stuff
Her: I know
Her: … is the cost worth it all?

Gee, thanks mom. Does she really think I'm so bad that I shouldn't even bother trying? Geez. I think that's the most discouraging thing that has happened to me in skating yet. I don't think my mom has EVER said something like that to me. I mean, I'm mediocre at best at most stuff I do, and I don't think she's ever pretty much told me before that I'm so bad that I'm wasting my time... :cry:

Laura H
10-18-2009, 10:30 PM
Gee, thanks mom. Does she really think I'm so bad that I shouldn't even bother trying? Geez. I think that's the most discouraging thing that has happened to me in skating yet. I don't think my mom has EVER said something like that to me. I mean, I'm mediocre at best at most stuff I do, and I don't think she's ever pretty much told me before that I'm so bad that I'm wasting my time... :cry:

As long as you are enjoying yourself - it's not wasting your time! If nothing else, skating is fantastic exercise! I started an "8 week LTS class" 4 years ago - and I just kept right on going (well, except when our rink changed owners and closed for a while - that sort of complicated matters!) . . . I'm going be skating in a rink comp this weekend at the ISI Freeskate 3 level (salchow, toe loop, change foot spin) and I started out as a "wall hugger" at age 37 so I think that's pretty darn good, and my thought is, there are a lot worse ways I could be spending my time and money! Plus it's just a lot of fun to have a form of exercise that doesn't feel like exercise, make a lot of friends and (ALWAYS) have something new to challenge myself with. So, as long as you are having fun, I say just shrug it off and keep on skating! :lol:

Laura H
10-18-2009, 10:44 PM
On Time Arrival: Participated in an exhibition for the LTS kids (sort of amusing since technically, I still am one . . . I finished group class and then got dressed for the exhibition right afterwards!!). Basically, it was an opportunity to run through my comp routine on open ice, not ducking and dodging freestyle skaters at all levels . . . and my coach sort of didn't give me an option anyway, she signed all of her students up, but I didn't mind too much.

Flight delayed: the two major glitches in my routine were the two things I would have NEVER NEVER thought would be a problem, the forward spiral (which isn't even a required element, so I guess it wouldn't have been too big of a deal, except for the fact that the problem was that I was veering towards the boards for some reason, which WOULD have been a big deal) and my usually very reliable toe loop (which the problem on that was the entrance, I didn't get a clean 3 turn, so I just somehow did another one and did manage a clean toe loop. Otherwise it went fine and ended with the music, which is always nice. I did manage to "tip" a little on the ending pose, which seems to always be a problem for me. In fact, I specifically told the coach I wanted to do a lunge at the end, figured I couldn't stumble over if I was already down on the ice anyway . . . but I still managed to have a little "wobble" somehow at the end. :giveup: totally mental, I'm sure.

But mostly on time: I was happy with the run through, felt really good about it even with the miscues. I'm ready to work on polishing everything up this week and hopefully be all ready for the comp on Saturday. And my new dress is done and looks and fits great . . . which is half the battle right there!

10-19-2009, 02:19 AM
This was for last week's session.


Arrival on time:

Coach said that my waltz jump was actually not too bad. :lol:

My forward crossovers were all there.

Toe loop was so so.

Learnt a new expressive hand movement for my change foot spin. :lol:

The first part of my program was good, the waltz jump and ballet jump were too far down the rink. So had to reskate that bit again.

Flight delayed

My backspin still sucks. Yay!!!!! :frus:

The rink was supercrowded with loads of kids, due to the exams and school holidays. So besides the first run of my program, which was complete, the rest of the 2 or 3 times that I ran my program, none was complete. 8O

Needed to work on my sit spins, trying to get them lower.

Also needed to work on my backward inside pivots.


Arrival on time

Learnt the toe loop, toe loop.

Working on getting more height for my salchow.

Coach checked on my backward inside and outside edges, and finally decided that I am ready to learn the loop jump. Coach said not to worry about lifting the leg up too much now, and we will worry about the rotation later on. I absolutely loved the jump. :D

While I was practising before my lesson, some teenage girl asked me to teach her how to skate backwards. Teach????? :):):) What does she think I am? ;)

Flight delayed

Coach asked me to do change foot spins towards the end of my lesson. The first two are okay, it has got cranky with the last one, which was the forward scratch spin. Must be that I was starting to get tired. 8O

Coach trying to correct my landing position for the scratch spin. I should not put my foot down before landing. I should be just exit the right foot into the landing position.

Went to the restroom. Discovered that some stupid person has thrown the drinking cup from the vending machine into the toilet, blocking it. So I had to use another toilet. :frus: Complained to the staff at the skate rental. The guy just shook his head. :roll:

Trying to sort out lessons for the next course, which is: this week onwards. Unfortunately, my regular Tuesday slot is now gone. :cry: I still have Thursday afternoon slot. E-mailed coach after arriving home. She said that she is expecting cancellations this Tuesday, as some of her students are going to the audition for local talents, but they won't know until today.... However, I should still plan to go to practise tomorrow, and ask the rink if there are available slots for me. It is the international school holidays this week, so I believe that the rink is going to be damn busy. :!:

Rink now closed early on Thursdays, at 5:30 p.m. till closing time, as they are being rented out for playing hockey. This has been going on for a few weeks now. :o

10-19-2009, 11:57 AM
Gee, thanks mom. Does she really think I'm so bad that I shouldn't even bother trying? Geez. I think that's the most discouraging thing that has happened to me in skating yet. I don't think my mom has EVER said something like that to me. I mean, I'm mediocre at best at most stuff I do, and I don't think she's ever pretty much told me before that I'm so bad that I'm wasting my time... :cry:

Kat, I don't think that's it. I think that your mother has done what too many other women have done, which is to sacrifice her own passions and interests to just raise her kid(s) and settle for what was "practical." She has probably used arguments like her painting argument to make herself feel better about not having pursued her own interests, and she doesn't realize that she isn't helping you by sharing this philosophy with you. Trust me, though, it has nothing to do with what she thinks of your abilities; it's all an unconscious reflection of how she views *herself*. So stick with the skating, have fun, make progress and encourage your mother to pursue an interest that she has denied herself for all of this time! You can be an inspiration to her! :)

10-19-2009, 05:46 PM
^Na, my mom's usually pretty encouraging. Which is why this weirds me out so much. I can't recall any other time when she has so discouraged me from doing something like this...

10-26-2009, 03:01 AM
This was for last week's session.


Arrival on time

Toe loop is not too bad.
Salchow is okay.
Coach finally said that my backspin is stable, though it is still only 1 revolution. :roll:
Forward crossovers-managed to hold the edges longer, before crossing the leg.
Loop jump: one of my favourite jumps since learning it. Well, coach said that we will concentrate on the takeoff now, and work on increasing the number of rotations later on.
Program: 1 clean program finally (the last time I did it.) :lol:


Flight Delayed[/U]

Backward crossovers: seemed to revert to the bad habit of having an extra step. Coach said problem is that I did not wait long enough before crossing the leg. Spent some time working on fixing the problem.
Change foot spin: arms have gone too far backwards.
Waltz jump: arms, arms position again. 8O
Program: coach confused me a bit when I was doing the program, and so it was a bit messed up, as nearly forgot what the element(s) were. So coach had me redo the program again. :frus: Coach said that during the first time I did the program, that my turns and mohawks not distinct enough, so I redid the program again. :!:

International schools holiday for the whole week last week, so the rink was absolutely filling mad with people. :roll:

I told the rink counter that coach said that some of her students likely to cancel the day's lesson coz they were auditioning for the Cirque on Ice held locally. Rink said that that is too much trouble for them, to have to fit me in. I persisted my ground, that the coach said if a slot is available, then I should have the lesson. The rink counter finally gave in in the end. Woo hoo!!!!! :D

Arrival on time

Managed to do forward crossrolls, with much better edges. Actually, it is 3 forward swizzles followed by forward slalom, then crossrolls, to the end of the rink.
My coach said that my change foot spin is better. :D
Sit spin (after correction by coach with the entry position), it is much better. Sat on the ice 3 times after lesson, during my own practice. My 7 or 8 year old daughter's dad, whose coach is also my coach, gave me the thumbs up, during my sit spin practice. :bow: He also saw me cleaning the blades as I was off the ice, and said that they are expensive blades.
Loop jump: coach said that at least 3 of my loop jumps were in perfect timing, taught me how to look at the trace marks on the ice, that when the jump is perfectly landed, there is a little V mark, as opposed to the skid mark. 8-)
Practised on my spin (similar to a layback spin), but with right leg crossed behind the left thigh, and got 7 to 8 revolutions. :lol:

Flight delayed

Coach had me worked on the barrier to correct my entry position for the sit spin. Wanted me to practise more on my sit spin. I said that as too many people in the rink, I am scared of bumping into little kids. Coach said that as long as I stayed on the same spot during practice, it should be alright.

Backspin still sucks, as cannot get past the 1 revolution, though can tell that the spin is a lot more stable than when I first learnt it.

Still cannot tell the difference of whether my loop jump is nicely landed or not. :roll: