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View Full Version : A question about Skating Partnerships

09-11-2009, 08:11 PM
Ok everyone... I'm not really sure how ok a question this is to ask on a Board. But it came to me tonight. So I will try. Does anyone happen to know how issues about touching (when someone feels unconfortable about being touched) are delt with when skaters are looking or finding a Partner? Can you be trained out of it? So even someone who doesn't normally like being touched can be a Partner if they really want to be one badly? Or would coaches say that if you have issues about being touch you can't be a Partner..in the same way that you might not make a Synchro. Team if you have issues about being lifted? In short. Do coaches help Partners with that type of thing? Anyone know an answer? Thanks.

09-12-2009, 10:02 AM
I think if someone does not like to be touched then pairs or dance are not going to be good disciplines for them to do.

Generally partners will start with basic stroking and other partnered moves that just require hand holding. Before they get into lifts or moves that require them to put their hands on the inner thigh or someone else that might be uncomfortable they usually know each other a bit. But mostly, they know that it's part of the sport and you have to deal with it.

A skating coach will sometimes touch you even in singles skating to help correct a movement. A good one will ask, or at least tell you, before doing it.

09-12-2009, 02:49 PM
I agree with Skittl if you don't like being touched..pairs or dance are not for you! It helps if you like(by this I mean respect) your coach and or partner. Make sense??