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View Full Version : Leg Pull Up Help - Spiral Sequence

07-06-2009, 03:35 PM
Hi, I'm a figure skating at Novice level, and I have to have a spiral sequence. You know ( usually the 3rd , last move, of a spiral sequence) The leg pull up, to the side, how do u get better at that, and more flexibile?? And any other tips for a spiral sequence, and how to get better at it, cuz i suck at it!

07-06-2009, 05:36 PM
Are you talking about a Y spiral (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/09/Kim_2008SAgala_by_Carmichael.jpg)? Are you going backwards? If so, I have just learned this one myself and am starting to get the hang of it.

First, practice the position off-ice, holding onto something with one hand. Bend the leg you are standing on and lift the knee of the free leg so that you can grab the free foot (by the heel or the instep) without having to reach down very far. Holding your foot, lift it with your leg still bent so that the knee comes up as high as possible, then straighten the leg. Now straighten the leg you are standing on. If you don't have the flexibility to do this, don't push it or you might strain your back or pull a muscle.

On the ice, there is an easier version (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/AljonaSavchenko_RobinSzolkowy_GER_FP_NH2007_3.JPG/513px-AljonaSavchenko_RobinSzolkowy_GER_FP_NH2007_3.JPG) you can do that requires less flexibility. Go into it the same way, but just grab the toepick of your free foot instead of the heel or instep. If you are doing a backwards Y spiral, you will be able to balance best by staying somewhere between the ball of the blade and the middle of the blade.

As far as flexibility, you will need the same type of flexibility as you need for forward splits. You will need flexibility in the hip flexor (front of hip, just below your hip bone) of the standing leg and you will need flexibility in the hamstring (back of leg) of the lifted leg.

Here are stretches that will enable you to achieve the Y spiral position. Remember, all stretches must be held for 30 seconds (look at a clock with a second hand, or count 1-Mississippi, 2-Mississippi...) and you should only stretch after you have warmed up with some sort of exercise. Stretching right after skating is great.

1. Quad stretch (like this photo, but I use a knee-height bench or the top of a staircase, not a bed) http://www.floota.com/PsoasStretch1.html

2. Hip flexor stretch - Same position as above, but back leg is straight and torso is upright, like a "stag split" position. Keep the back knee facing straight down. Do not turn the hip out. (On any split, keep the back knee facing down; just turn out the back foot).

3. Calf stretch - I like standing on a stair on one foot and letting my heel hang down, but any calf stretch works as long as you feel the stretch.

4. Seated hamstring stretch, 30 seconds on each leg. Pay close attention to the position of the free leg in this picture. This position keeps the hips squared.
To avoid a rounded back, sit with your back against a wall and use one hand to push your lower back away from the wall while trying to arch your back. Don't try to touch your head to your knee; try to touch your belly button to your thigh. This was the single biggest breakthrough stretch for me.

If you have any other questions about this position or other spirals you are doing, you can send me a PM and I'll do my best to answer.