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View Full Version : Good source for fake hair?

05-20-2009, 07:18 PM
So does anyone (synchro folks?) know of a place where I can find a good bun? After cutting off my hair (donated) after our ice show I find I really missed it short and I DON'T miss the length. But what's a gal to do with fine, short layered hair? It sure won't go into a bun without another 10 inches back on it, which will take me at least a year to grow.

So where can you find a fake bun, for someone whose hair isn't blond, isn't brown, isn't gray--it's more of a very very dark ash used-to-be-more-blonde.

Hm, found this: http://www.discountdance.com/frame_set.php3?mf=/dancewear/page_GIFTACC_p1.html
Although none of the colors are quite right!!

05-20-2009, 08:43 PM
See if there's a beauty supply store near you - I was in one last week and they had a variety of real and fake hairpieces.

05-20-2009, 09:03 PM
That's where I go for hair, one of the beauty supply stores. They usually have all sorts of hair do-dads, pins, clips etc and can give tips on new ways of wearing them if you are deficient like me (I need help). They can help match your color as well.

05-21-2009, 02:21 AM
We did buns for a gala last weekend and managed to get the really short hair into a donut and cover with a bun net. There wasn't enough hair over the donut, but the donut was the right size and with a hair net over the top you couldn't tell there wasn't enough hair. Especially from the distance an audience / judges are looking at for synchro. We made sure all the wispy bits were glued down and wouldn't move and it actually looked ok.

05-21-2009, 06:24 AM
Here are some links folks have posted on my dance forum:




LOL I can't imagine needing a fake bun. My real one practically takes up the entirety of the back of my head! (at least width-wise)

Rusty Blades
05-21-2009, 06:26 AM
Good source for fake hair?

A fake head?


05-21-2009, 06:50 AM
http://wigsunlimited.com/easihair.html - look at style 904 Elegance - I bought something very similar to this from my local (Australian) supplier. Mine has a small comb inside the hairpiece, and a brown elastic drawstring - I'm not sure whether the Easi-hair ones have these things, but they make securing the bun very easy.

I have extremely short hair but made it work fine with *plenty* of product. I've skated synchro comps and danced flamenco on stage with it and it doesn't move if you get it in with enough product and wait for the product to dry before proceeding.

I stuff my bun with a clean old pair of sox to hold it out, otherwise it would collapse. I wear it - and store it - with the sox inside.

Tips if you can't find the exact colour: (1) don't forget to match your gelled hair, which will be almost certainly be darker than your regular dry hair; and (2) use hairnets to change the colour of the hairpiece if needed (it's easier to make the hairpiece darker than lighter). I used black to change the blondish hairpiece I bought (matching my ash-brown dry hair!) to mid-to-dark brown (the colour when it's gelled) - it worked a treat.

05-21-2009, 06:57 AM
Thanks, guys! Great suggestions!

05-21-2009, 07:42 AM
Sally Beauty Supply. That's where my old teams have always gotten our fake hair.

05-21-2009, 11:27 AM
Good luck finding a matching color- I have no suggestions but wanted to reply to that aspect of the first post. Having seen lots and lots of fake ponytails, curls, and buns at synchro nationals they were few and far between that matched the heads they were on. So as long as you are even in the same range of color it will be fine on the ice.

A second thought: have you asked you synchro coach if you really need it? Once again, this is ISI, not USFS observations- but of the adult teams, only one had hairstyles that all matched: and they weren't in buns, so there were a few shorter ones. And even on the kid teams there were a few that let their short haired girls get out of having buns.

I like skating on a team that doesn't require me to sew fake hair to my head. Since no bobby pins are allowed it just does not seem worth the effort at the level I skate at. But it's possible your team take themselves more seriously than ours, where the requirement is "off the face". (In high school a mid-season haircut could get you taken out of dances if you can't put it into a bun anymore!)

05-21-2009, 11:49 AM
Yeah, in a way I don't really need it, but with a chin-length bob what can you do? You slick it off your face into. . . a really stupid stubby looking ponytail? I guess there's the headband option, too, but for one of our programs we all have roses clipped into our hair, and everyone had to have some semblance of a bun. Well, with my fine hair this length, that semblance of a bun is gonna look pretty dang silly. Although some gals did use a ponytail holder and then a hairnet sort of holding everything in--I thought it looked rather weird.

05-21-2009, 12:35 PM

I love their stuff. They also have 2 for 1 deals.


05-21-2009, 01:12 PM
Just watch where you keep your fake hair!

In high school I had REALLY REALLY short hair one year, as in the longest layers were no more than 4-5 inches. The expectation for my teams (I cross skated junior and senior) was that when we got on the bus to go to practice ice or to compete, our hair was to look painted on and perfect or we were in trouble. I had to slick my hair into a nub (using whatever gel stuff African American women use because that was the only thing that would last for multiple practice ices/programs in 1 day). I had a hairpiece that was basically like one of those scrunchies with the hair on it, but it was a wire instead (10 yrs ago there weren't as many fake hair options). I made some sort of bun contraption with a hairnet over it out of the thing, to which I would wire the hairpiece for each program and then sew the entire thing to my head.

At one competition, I left my bun on the counter in the bathroom and the cleaning lady must have thought it was a nasty hairball and threw it away. I ended up having to wind up a knee high stocking and stick that in a hairnet instead because (conveniently) this was a competition we flew to and didn't have a rental car or anything to scramble and try to find a new hairpiece in time.

Oh things I don't miss...

05-21-2009, 04:56 PM
LilJen, could you do some sort of creative thing with french braids or something maybe (I'm thinking one down each side)? Or is that not allowed? Or maybe just clip the sides behind your ears?

05-22-2009, 02:15 PM
Maybe. Kind of a pain, and my hair doesn't hold any sort of style without COPIOUS amounts of some sort of product (it's really fine). I used to French braid my hair all the time. One of the gals on our team does these twists--several of them starting at the hairline and going toward the crown of the head--and then a bun. Although I'd have hardly any hair left with that technique! Not to mention I've tried it and I can't get it to look right. (Serves me right for being a low-maintenance granola for so many years! I've never spent hours in the bathroom with a curling iron, hairspray, etc. . . )

That's part of my problem right there. . . I want something EASY. With long hair, it was easy to just swirl it up into a bun and hold in any stray pieces with a hair net. Hey, I'm a lazy broad. . .

05-22-2009, 03:46 PM
http://wigsunlimited.com/easihair.html - look at style 904 Elegance - I bought something very similar to this from my local (Australian) supplier. Mine has a small comb inside the hairpiece, and a brown elastic drawstring - I'm not sure whether the Easi-hair ones have these things, but they make securing the bun very easy.

These look lovely - are they already in the bun or is it a ponytail that you can form into a bun with the drawstring?

I think I'm going to order one - thank you so much for this link!!

05-22-2009, 06:48 PM
These look lovely - are they already in the bun or is it a ponytail that you can form into a bun with the drawstring?

I think I'm going to order one - thank you so much for this link!!

Caution Stacy - The one I have is not an Easi-hair one - the picture just looks similar to what I have. Mine is a formed bun with a small (1") comb inside which is used to attach the hairpiece to your head between your head and the elastic you used to form any stub of a ponytail you could manage. Once the piece is attached with the comb, you use the drawstring to tighten the hairpiece around your ponytail stub, tie it in a bow, tuck it inside the hairpiece and finish by pinning or sewing the outside edges of the bun to your hair. Too easy - even I can manage it. And it works on really short fine hair like mine (think hair like Mia Farrow or Audrey Hepburn).

I'll try and find the docket for the brand name of mine for you - there is no label in the hairpiece itself for me to check, sadly.

05-23-2009, 08:12 AM
Caution Stacy - The one I have is not an Easi-hair one - the picture just looks similar to what I have. Mine is a formed bun with a small (1") comb inside which is used to attach the hairpiece to your head between your head and the elastic you used to form any stub of a ponytail you could manage. Once the piece is attached with the comb, you use the drawstring to tighten the hairpiece around your ponytail stub, tie it in a bow, tuck it inside the hairpiece and finish by pinning or sewing the outside edges of the bun to your hair. Too easy - even I can manage it. And it works on really short fine hair like mine (think hair like Mia Farrow or Audrey Hepburn).

I'll try and find the docket for the brand name of mine for you - there is no label in the hairpiece itself for me to check, sadly.

Thank you so much, Aussie - I appreciate it!

05-23-2009, 08:52 PM
Thank you so much, Aussie - I appreciate it!

Hi Stacy - here is the site for my bun (http://www.universalwigs.com/index.php?pageID=1280). Note that it's not as big as in the picture and is round, not teardrop shaped. Mine is 606T - a light greyish-blondish-brown (doesn't that sound attractive!) - I've changed the colour to darker with a couple of black bun nets over the top.

05-23-2009, 09:56 PM
They do look very similar - I guess I can take a chance and order the one from Easi-hair. I was buying the fake hair 'scrunchie' and then wrapping it up under a hair net, but it always became a bit messy and misshapen after a few hours. This looks so much neater and easier. Thank you!

05-26-2009, 09:46 AM
try www.wowwigs.com
they have a "Hairpieces" section with tons of different styles. They have good prices, I've ordered from them before (as I insist on having real-looking hair with my halloween costumes). They have a lot of different colors, too.