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View Full Version : Still recruiting for next week's Ice Dance clinics in Wheaton, Maryland

04-02-2009, 08:10 PM
I would still like to recruit other adults to sign up for next week's 5 day (8-11:45 AM) clinic. Don't want to be the only adult. My guess it will be taught by Alexei Kiliakov of http://www.wisa.us, a past Russian National ice dance champion. (Because it is probably too few students for them to bother with all 3 WISA coaches).

As of yesterday eve, only 4 people had signed up (I'm the only adult) - which means we will get lots of individual attention, and probably an empty sheet of ice.

The description says (ISI) Gamma level and up, but at least 3 of us have taken freestyle.

The description on page 111 or 113 (depending on your viewer) of



A week of professional ice dancing instruction
for intermediate skaters (Gamma level and up)
with a clear grasp of edges, three-turns, and
mohawks. Skaters will learn dance patterns and
music interpretation, and participate in on
and off-ice drills and strength-building
exercises. Please bring a lunch and/or snack,
and sneakers for off-ice training.
ParkPASS#70049 5 & UP 5 CLASSES $260
APRIL 6-10 M-F 8AM-11:45AM

Please join me at the dance!

The WISA courses are generally serious training, on and off ice. Not the babysitting characteristic of most group lessons.

04-03-2009, 02:12 PM
I passed this on to the ice dancer's at my rink, but I think most adults would be put of by "5 and over" since as skater's we're programmed to think that means '5-18'.
It might get more people if they advertised it as 5 to adult.

04-03-2009, 07:00 PM
The skating director told me today they would cancel if there weren't atleast 15 students by the end of today.

Lost cause.

Sorry I wasted your time.

04-04-2009, 09:34 AM
She told me this morning they were still on the borderline of cancelling it. So sign up now. (Even if you aren't an adult - I just want there to be another.)