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View Full Version : Music Ideas for Boys

03-29-2009, 11:19 AM
Hi guys -

You've helped me before - I'm looking for advice again. I need music ideas for a little boy - age 6. He is competing in a few months, so instrumental only - something I can cut to 1.5 minutes. I've been playing on itunes for hours and cannot find anything I like. My biggest requirement is that it has to be FAST! I'm stuck - any help would be appreciated.

Thanks so much!


03-29-2009, 11:37 AM
Star Wars comes to mind, that fun jazzy cut where they're all in the alien bar. There's a boy at my rink who does Mission Impossible and I like that too. There's also good music on Disney's A Bug's Life soundtrack and The Incredibles soundtrack. I bet there's good music on the Cars one too.

03-29-2009, 11:40 AM
PLEASE no James Bond or Lord of the Rings; there seems to have been a mindset of using those for little boys of late, and it's getting to be predictable (at least around here) - and they're a bit heavy for a little boy in many instances. Cowboy music is also a bit overdone.

What worked VERY well with my son at that age, and with the judges, was jazz. It can be fast, you get definite musical beats that help the 6-year old mind remember "jump here" "spin here" and the audience enjoys it. It was age-appropriate and fun, and he really liked it. It's also easy to costume too - a dress shirt and bow tie are readily available in little boys sizes, throw on a pair of suspenders for some fun. I believe that his choreo used Pete Fountain music, as the clarinet gave it a good musical "line".

03-29-2009, 11:44 AM
Oh yes, a comment from a judge that made me think: a number of the boys using James Bond or other "spy" type music use an opening position of simulating a gun with their hands, often pointing it, shooting it, and "blowing" the smoke off, which is a real James Bond type image. She said that there had been discussion amongst the judges that it was an offputting image for a little boy to pretend to be pointing and shooting a gun.

Just passing it along, I'm not putting a judgement on it at all.

03-29-2009, 11:49 AM
Try "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" by Doc & Merle Watson


03-30-2009, 08:53 AM
Try the soundtrack from "LadyHawke" - very 80's style and not overly common, although I've heard it a few times over the years.

One of the boys I saw recently did a nice program to the LOndon Philharmonic's version of "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band".

Along with James Bond and LOTR, I'd stay away from "Pirates of the Carribean" and anything "Harry Potter" as well. If I've heard those once, I've heard them a thousand times this last year or two. I'm not good at identifying music, other than Broadway show tunes, so you know that if I've heard a tume enough to identify the track, it's way too common in ice rinks. :)

03-30-2009, 10:28 PM
I know I've suggested it before......but I really like the music from The Greatest Game Ever Played. I also like the Theme from The Horse Whisperer. How about Barn Dance from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers?

03-31-2009, 12:56 AM
A girl at my rink is skating to the score from "The Great Escape" by Elmer Bernstein, but every time I hear it I think it would be much more appropriate for a young boy.

03-31-2009, 02:34 PM
Star Wars comes to mind, that fun jazzy cut where they're all in the alien bar. There's a boy at my rink who does Mission Impossible and I like that too. There's also good music on Disney's A Bug's Life soundtrack and The Incredibles soundtrack. I bet there's good music on the Cars one too.

I was going to suggest that, my dd is actually doing something from the Incredibles, it is really fast.

03-31-2009, 03:11 PM
I was going to suggest that, my dd is actually doing something from the Incredibles, it is really fast.

"The Incredits" from The Incredibles may be a good choice.

04-01-2009, 09:09 PM
Wow - thanks everyone!

I really actually like all the suggestions - I wrote them all down for future use. Based on my student's skating, I think the jazzy music idea suits him best. I really like the Incredibles and A bug's life too! I'm narrowing it down, but thanks so much for all your help!

Mrs Redboots
04-02-2009, 07:41 AM
Young friend of mine is skating to music from "Billy Elliott".

04-09-2009, 09:23 PM
Flight of the Bumble Bees. Now that's fast music :)

04-10-2009, 10:38 AM
Look up "Bumble Boogie" on itunes - it is fast and jazzy version of the flight of the bumblebees - Melissa Gregory and Denis Petukhov used it for an exhibition and I loved it! Fast and fun!

04-10-2009, 10:59 AM
The Transformers soundtrack has some good music, too. A girl at my rink skates to it but it's more boyish.

Check soundtracks for just about any action or superhero movie (although the Batman theme is a tad overdone). Stuff like this is music that not only sounds boyish, but they aren't "embarrassed" when they are asked what they skate to, or talk about skating in school or other settings, since it's a little more "manly".

04-13-2009, 02:04 AM
What about the Peanuts Theme music? I've already edited and remastered a version of Peanuts Theme music which starts out with just simple piano, then adds a bit of orchrestration, then solo trumpet and then finishes off with Mattellica's version of the Peanuts Theme. Would you be interested in hearing it?

04-15-2009, 01:22 PM
Thanks again for all the advice!

The Peanuts theme is a really cute idea! I have actually already picked out some music for him now, but I love that music, and have never thought of using it before. I am definitely going to keep it in mind for later use - I may take you up on that offer to hear it when that time approaches, so thanks!