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View Full Version : Do you keep what your chat friends have told you in mind when you skate?

03-21-2009, 08:18 PM
Say,I don't think we've ever talked about this. But when you go to the Rink to skate. Do you keep in mind what your chat friends on the Boards have told you, and sometimes even do or try what they have told or taught you. I myself always do,and I would like to thank every skatr here who has ever helped me in some way. Talking with you fellow skaters has really helped me a lot.

Anyone else?

03-21-2009, 09:42 PM
I'll take this one on - as soon as I get my new blades I'm going to try the backwards lunge tips! I've been fiddling with the suggestions off ice and am anxious to try my luck.

03-21-2009, 10:17 PM
definitely, I have found the one foot spin tips very helpful...and i am able to do a y-spiral now thanks to everyone's advice on how to actually going about it.

next up is the backward lunge. i recalled what the members advised me to do, but doing it actually was another story...will keep working!

03-22-2009, 08:00 AM
Honestly, no. I'm a visual person, I need someone showing me. I cannot translate written instructions into doing it on the ice.

03-22-2009, 08:19 AM
No. All my questions/concerns go to my coaches. They know my skating, strengths & hang-ups, and how best to help me.

Mrs Redboots
03-22-2009, 09:52 AM
Sometimes, definitely!

03-22-2009, 11:15 AM
I can visualize quite well, and it certainly helps. But you just have to get the feeling on the ice sometimes. More often then not, I'll be thinking about that just before getting onto the ice. Once I'm on the ice, I'm so sucked into the usual routine that I don't think to actually use the help that I've gotten, like the backwards Lunge.

It's the memory issue for me... I don't use all the advice though! Only when it makes sense and within my learning grasp!

03-22-2009, 01:31 PM
Frankly, no. I am a kinestetic and visual learner and no one ever really describes what something feels like. So, I need to see what I am doing to understand what I am feeling and then I need to adjust.

03-23-2009, 01:01 AM
Sometimes. I am a visual person primarily, but if I have seen something done, or generally know what to do but need "tweaks" to make it work, then I do follow recommendations I've seen on this board.

03-23-2009, 08:02 AM
It seems there have been a lot of "no" responses, so I'll come in and post that I very much do keep in mind what people here on skating forums, over at my journal, or in email tell me. Now, I take the advice with a grain of salt, but I either think about it, and see what applying it does, or I directly ask my coach about it. Sometimes it leads to improvement, sometimes it doesn't work for me, and sometimes it makes me think the poster may have never actually ice skated LOL. But I definetly use what I read.

03-23-2009, 12:06 PM
I will say, yes with "conditions" and these are:
-if they directly relate to a problem I'm having
-if the person giving the advice knows what they are talking about (I've been here a while so I know most people and can pretty well separate those that know and those that don't)
-I still take what my coach teaches me to the ice 1st and what everyone else says 2nd. After all, good advice is worth it's weight in gold and bad advice is free.

03-25-2009, 10:56 AM
Sometimes. Usually that's when I have a specific problem I couldn't work out myself, and I've asked people for advise on it.

Other times, I find that I have to find my own way of doing things. Relax, and just let it happen. When I focus too much on what other people told me, I cramp up and I don't let the ice work, I start fighting the ice and that leads to all sorts of problems. I usually do a quick analysis of the way it looks like the physics of something work, keep that in mind and then just relax and go for it. This means I absolutely need to see something before I can do it.

If that doesn't work, I film it to see where my body might be doing something other than what I think it's doing.

If that doesn't work... Then, I tend to take a piece of paper, print out summaries of advise people gave me on it and keep it tucked under my wrist guard so I can take it out while on the ice (hanging by the boards) and re-read it to make sure I missed nothing. I usually find doubletoe's advises do the trick for me, everybody else's... not so much. I guess we have a similar perception or something.

03-25-2009, 03:38 PM
Well, i always think it's good to listen to coach primarily, but sometimes what someone else uses as far as description might make a better mental "connect." We all have different learning styles, and some of the things i have learned i always will remember because they help me when i teach also!