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View Full Version : Your fav. Pairs Teams/Pairs move you would want to learn from them.

03-04-2009, 05:28 PM
Ok people!!!!! What I want you to do for me today is....list each of your fav. Pairs Teams and tell me after that which one Pair move you would love to learn from each Team. Please only name one move per Team,and use the following format. I'll start. Mine are....

Amanda Evora and Mark Ladwig = An Airplane Lift.

Rena Inoue and John Baldwin = Death Spiral

Jessica Dube and Bryce Davidson = A throw-thrist.

Ok people.....GO!!!!!

03-04-2009, 10:50 PM
Umm, I hate to throw cold water on you, Dana, but please consider posting this elsewhere: the "On Ice" forum is for skaters to discuss their OWN skating trials/tribulations/triumphs, not other skaters of whom they may (or may not :lol:) be fans.

And, I'm sure you'll get more responses to your post by placing it in the most appropriate forum, which will ultimately make it more rewarding for YOU.

03-05-2009, 11:18 AM
Ok,could someone please help me transfer this to the correct forum.