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View Full Version : Adult MIF changes

Debbie S
03-04-2009, 01:23 PM
Part of the proposal for MIF changes that will be presented at Governing Council includes applying the proposed pattern changes to the adult MIF tests as well. Moves affected are the crossover figure 8's on Pre-Bronze, forward and back perim stroking and the 5-step on Bronze, and the 8-step on Silver. They are also proposing to add the forward circle 8's (proposed for Prelim) to the Bronze test.


I think these changes are a good idea. I have no issues with the forward circle 8's on the Bronze test, as they build on the consecutive edges from Pre-Bronze. I was worried that they'd want to add the backward circle 8's (proposed for Pre-Juv) to Silver - could that test get any harder - but it looks like cooler/wiser heads prevailed. :)

I realized, looking at the new Int test, that not only are they adding forward twizzles (which my coach thought I'd do better on than the scary back perim stroking/back power 3's) but also forward loops. Yikes! I assume the changes won't go into effect until Sept of 2010 (assuming they pass this year), so I guess I've got some time to figure out which test I've got a better chance on, if I ever pass Gold, that is.

03-04-2009, 01:29 PM
If you're interested in reading more, there's a whole thread about the proposed moves here (http://skatingforums.com/showthread.php?t=27817), and I believe there's some mention of how these changes may or may not factor into the adult tests.

I am genuinely excited to see these changes and hope that some of them end of passing at this May's Governing Council. Aside from that, only time will tell what will happen to both the standard and adult tests.