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02-12-2009, 08:21 PM
Hi--I would like to have some hints on teaching the beginning one foot spins (USFS Basic 5). My LTS kids have gotten all the other elements at that level, but are struggling with the one foot spin, I'm beginning to think I am missing something. Any ideas?


02-12-2009, 10:13 PM
I'm not sure what it's supposed to look like on basic 5 so this is general. You've done the progressions? Swivels, to pumping to two foot spin, to picking up one foot, then alternating feet. There's this point where the skater can spin from a pushed or pivot entry but then can't get the knack of entering a spin from a three turn entry. Is that where you are at? I don't want to write a big spiel without being more specific.

02-13-2009, 10:57 AM
In Basic 5, you're teaching a basic "pick up" spin. One foot spin - minimum 3 revolutions: From a two foot spin pick up the right foot if spinning clockwise. The arms are held slightly to the front of the body with the free foot held in the balance position and the shoulders aligned over the hips. Skate on the ball of the foot and toward the front of the blade. The two foot spin is held up to 2 revolutions and the one foot spin is held up to 3 revolutions.

First, figure out which way they are comfortable spinning. Don't expect everyone to be a CCW spinner. I make a note on my attendance sheet so I don't forget the CW spinners, if I have any.

A good prep drill is to have them skate around a circle CCW backwards, lifting the right foot to get an inside edge. Reverse for CW spinners. Have them hold that inside edge while getting into the one-foot pickup spin position. (Which was called a "pique' spin" position when I learned to skate. No one calls it that anymore, lol.) They must be able to balance in the proper position (knee lifted and held, arms in front, rounded) for at least a 1/4 circle. Swizzle pump and do it again. It's a good warmup exercise too.

Next step, start with a solid two-foot spin (2 revs), then have them shift their weight to the proper foot and lift their other knee up in front. Arms are held "around the barrel, like a ballet dancer." Hold the one-foot spin for 3 revs.

I tell them to "make headlights" with their knees and keep their arms rounded in front of them. This is your opportunity to teach proper upper-body spin control. A lot of students twist away from the direction of the spin, so correcting the torso now is critical before they move into the more difficult one-foot spin in the Basic 7/8 levels.

My favorite thing to do is to pretend I've tied a string to the top of their heads. I tell them to pretend that that string makes them "stand taller" during the one-foot spin because it's tied to the ceiling beams. They laugh, but it works, lol.

Prevent them from making a "donkey leg" spin with the calf/foot behind their skating foot. Keep the toe of the free foot pointed down next to the ankle of the skating leg.

There are a couple of different ways to "start" a spin. I don't like the pivot start because it makes teaching a proper pivot more difficult. I teach them to use their arms first, then twist their hips "catch up" with the arms. (ie. CCW spinners would bring the arms/shoulders from their right side ALL THE WAY ACROSS to their left side, then let the hips follow.

I add a one-foot swizzle push to get some speed for the two-foot spin, making sure they bring the free arm around at the same time.

For the Basic 8 one-foot spin, I have the students bring the free arm around while the free foot comes around to the front OFF THE ICE at the same time. Again, it's the "let your hips catch up with your shoulders" that makes this work.

Ask your skating director if the school has a copy of the Basic Skills DVD for instructors - they had a good video demo/explanation of the test standard and some tips on teaching the spins. Maybe you can borrow it or review it, if they have a copy.

02-13-2009, 07:35 PM
Er - isn't it "pick up the right foot if spinning counter-clockwise"?