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View Full Version : I need a coaches opinion...

02-10-2009, 08:40 PM
Ok, there is this girl at my rink and she is constantly in the way. She hogs the middle of the ice to work on her Axel or Double Salchow. She is constantly in everybodys way and plays the same stupid mixed CD every day to skate too that everyone is sick of. Recently I was working on a jump and this girl was in the way. I was getting frustrated and started getting in her way by doing giant singles where she was and I needed to jump so she would move. This morning my coach told me that this girls mom came to my coach and told her to tell me to watch out for this girl and quit getting in her way. I believe that the statement should have been the other way around. This girl has been bugging me all week because she has been shooting me dirty looks and other such. I am getting really fed up with this girl and her stupid music. What should I do to avoid a conflict in the rink. The coaches here try to avoid cliches and other such and if someone is fighting they get a warning then thier banned for a week. I am really confused at what to do.

Debbie S
02-10-2009, 09:23 PM
I'm not a coach, but I will say that 'returning the favor' to her isn't going to solve anything. As you learned, it will only make things worse. If this girl is causing problems, then report them to your coach or rink director. Don't take matters into your own hands b/c it will only make you look bad and get you into trouble.

If you have a music CD you want to play, then play it. Everyone should be able to take turns playing their music of choice - note the key phrase is "take turns" - that applies to her and you.

02-11-2009, 11:32 AM
I'm not a coach, but I will say that 'returning the favor' to her isn't going to solve anything. As you learned, it will only make things worse. If this girl is causing problems, then report them to your coach or rink director. Don't take matters into your own hands b/c it will only make you look bad and get you into trouble.

If you have a music CD you want to play, then play it. Everyone should be able to take turns playing their music of choice - note the key phrase is "take turns" - that applies to her and you.

I agree. Don't get wrapped up with petty things at your rink; and, in the grand scheme of things, this is pretty petty.

What does your own coach say? Does she see this going on? And, what did she say to the girl's mother when approached her?

If your coach isn't comfortale handling this situation or this girl's mother continues to create conflict by approaching your coach and others at your rink, have your coach speak to the skating director or ice monitor. From there it is the director's responsibility to take note and appropriate action. Definitely do not take action yourself by retaliating. You'll only cause an escalating problem for yourself.

02-11-2009, 12:26 PM
I agree. Don't get wrapped up with petty things at your rink; and, in the grand scheme of things, this is pretty petty.

What does your own coach say? Does she see this going on? And, what did she say to the girl's mother when approached her?

If your coach isn't comfortale handling this situation or this girl's mother continues to create conflict by approaching your coach and others at your rink, have your coach speak to the skating director or ice monitor. From there it is the director's responsibility to take note and appropriate action. Definitely do not take action yourself by retaliating. You'll only cause an escalating problem for yourself.

My own coach just said to be more aware and watch out for the girl. No she really doesn't see what is going on though I do think she knows that she gets in the way a lot. I don't know what she said to the girls mother but I guess I am going to just ignore the situation and be as nice as possible. My coach is the skating director and manager of the rink so she is basically the bottom line. Thank You for helping me, I guess I am just so caught up in things I really don't realize how petty things can be.