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View Full Version : Skaters are tough!

01-24-2009, 10:54 AM
My coach who burned himself so badly he needed skin grafts on arms and legs less than 4 weeks ago is going to be back at the rink giving lessons on Monday morning.

By rights he should still be in hospital and we certainly didnt expect him back so soon but it's great news that he already feels well enough to return (not on skates yet mind!):lol:

It's another example of just how tough skaters can be (especially Russian ones maybe!:D):bow:

Thanks to everyone who sent him good wishes.

If I'd known he was going to be back so quick I'd have still entered the Adult championships

01-25-2009, 07:19 AM
Well you know what they say about burns.... Ice 'em ;)

If he really loves the ice it should help with the recovery though. Mental is a huuuge component of recovery.

Nevertheless. That's one tough coach. ReSpEcKt! And glad he feels ok enough again.

01-25-2009, 01:43 PM
That's what I tell the football fans at work. Skaters get out there on a concret-like surface without any of that pansy-@ss body armor, and when they wipe out, they don't throw a hissey fit - they get back on their feet, paste a smile on their face, and get with the program. :bow:

01-25-2009, 01:59 PM
This is much less-drastic, but one of my twins wiped out on a spiral during a lesson. Total face-plant, banged her knee really badly - big goose egg on the corner. I asked the off-ice guy to watch her while I got an ice pack, water bottle, and some Advil. I went back and doctored her like a Mom then asked "Do you feel up to the off-ice?" She said yes, so I asked the guy to just not give her any knee-requiring drills. She whined a bit later in front of him and I said "Ah, you're tough. Shake it off."

Afterwards he said that's usually the attitude of former skaters and/or athletes. The parents who weren't athletic usually hover and coddle injured skaters.

01-25-2009, 02:00 PM
That's what I tell the football fans at work. Skaters get out there on a concret-like surface without any of that pansy-@ss body armor, and when they wipe out, they don't throw a hissey fit - they get back on their feet, paste a smile on their face, and get with the program. :bow:Bravo! :bow: :bow: :bow: Well said!

Batikat - more prayers and healing vibes for your coach. Hope the rest of his recovery is as stellar!

01-25-2009, 02:57 PM
It's great news. I'm really looking forward to having him back - even if he does stand in the way of my step sequence and pull my leg all the time! Mind he should be well out of my way while coaching from the side at least! To be honest I didn't think it would be long before he was back to coaching - he really is a tough cookie!


01-25-2009, 03:41 PM
Aw that's great news!

When I fractured my shoulder I saw a specialist who was also a hockey player...he said he thinks figure skaters are tougher because at least hockey players have padding, and we've got nothing! That's right!!! :twisted: