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01-21-2009, 09:05 PM
I noticed that a lot of members got videos up on YouTube...do you guys have your coach or somebody hold up a camera? Or do you have one propped on the side of the boards? Would like to start taping some of my practices so I can track any bad habits or improvement, but sadly I have nobody that can come to the rink with me to do taping. Any advice? :)

01-21-2009, 09:27 PM
Cameras are flat on the bottom. I just set it on the boards, point it in the direction I'm going to skate, and press record.

The only trouble I have is when I want moves or dance taped. Then I have to ask someone. Not a lot of people are taped at my rink, so I can usually get anyone to tape for a few times before the novelty wears off.

01-21-2009, 09:30 PM
When I had a younger coach, I just handed her my Flip video camera and had her go at it. Flips are great. You just turn it on, and there's a big button you press to start recording and stop. Easily managed even in gloves. I highly recommend the Flip as a video. It's simple and cheap. Slightly larger than a pack of cigarettes. The Flip is simple enough that you can recruit just about anyone to video you.

01-22-2009, 12:36 AM
Sometimes I'll have a friend video me and then I'll video some things for them. But I skate on public sessions, so ice time isn't quite as "valuable." I've also put it up on the boards, but that didn't work quite so well because our boards are a little low.

Before I could drive, I just had my mom video tape me, but that's not an option any more :(

Bunny Hop
01-22-2009, 06:19 AM
Our coach is always willing to video us. I think she sees it as a useful tool for us to see what we're doing wrong.

Modern video cameras are quite easy to use, and have all sorts of image stabilisers and what-not, so they're straightforward to hand to anyone who is willing to record you.

01-22-2009, 03:52 PM
I've done both. If it's particularly quiet I'll just sit my video camera on the barrier. If I want my programme recorded I ask my coach who is always happy to oblige. I do find the video to be a very useful tool during training.


01-22-2009, 07:21 PM
Thanks everybody!