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01-17-2009, 09:23 AM

I often skate 6am sessions meaning that i have to get up at 4am, but then i find it very hard to stay awake after about 2pm :S

So how do other early morning skaters cope with getting up so early? and what time do you have to go to sleep in order to stay awake during the day?


01-17-2009, 10:17 AM
I don't take naps so that I will be tired enough to go to bed early. I don't get up at 4 when I don't skate but I don't sleep any later than 6 am so I have a consistent early to bed early to rise pattern.

When my daughter was younger and skated in the early am and didn't skate, I would sleep in the car while she was skating - then I would be tired all day long. Usually when I skate in the am --I am not tired. It gives me energy for the day.

But if you are going to bed at minight and getting up at 4 - you are going to be tired at 3 --no way around it. :-)


01-17-2009, 10:19 AM
I didn't answer what time I went to bed. I try to get in bed by 9 pm but I watch TV or read- sometimes I'm awake enough to watch the news at 10 but I'm usually out before the news is over.

There've been times I had meetings and such and couldn't get to bed till 11 and then I'm in for a rough day.


01-17-2009, 10:39 AM
I skate from 6-8am six times a week. That means that I have to get up at 5am. Only on Fridays I have sleep in (well, not completely sleep in, I get up at 8am).

I always plan to go to bed at 10pm, but that does not happen too often. It is not that I would be so busy, I just can't get myself to bed earlier. Usually I go to bed at 11pm. (I have always been a night person rather than morning person).

I am not so much tired at work at 2pm like you are, but sometimes at the weekend in the afternoon I just fall asleep on the sofa...

At the moment sleep is something what I "dream about". Like some people are dreaming about going on holiday, I am dreaming about being able to sleep for as long as I want to. The trouble is, I want to have both, skating and sleep, and I can't fit it in. And I want skating more.

01-17-2009, 10:44 AM
Wow! Some of you are dedicated early skaters. I skate from 6:30am to 8:30am once a week and find that it definitely wakes me up for the rest of the day. I usually get to be at about 10:30pm the night before and fall asleep at around 10pm that night.

01-17-2009, 10:57 AM
I find I can cope with my before work skate (6.30am) because it involves only getting up 30mins earlier than normal. It's still an uncivilised time, but it's skating so it can't be helped. I find I cope better if I have a second breakfast. I can't skate on an empty stomach (can't do anything in the morning without food), but after skating I tend to be hungry and lunchtime is too far away. If I have a mid morning snack (I don't normally snack), then I seem to last better in the afternoon.

What really upsets my balance, is that whilst being a morning person, I seem to have late skating nights scattered around the early skating mornings, so it can get a bit too much if I'm not disciplined in getting to bed as soon as I can. Luckily I can normally just crash after skating, if I'm not worrying about anything, so can make full use of every minute of sleep. But, yes fully agree with the whole "dreaming about sleep" concept.

01-17-2009, 12:03 PM
I think you also need to take into account that first of all, elder people need a little less sleep than younger ones (about an hour, actually) and also that scientists have established that the rhytm of sleeping shifts forward for elder people, which means it's easier for them to go to sleep early and wake up early than it is for teenagers. They measured averages, which wouldn't be affected by morning- and evening type of people. Apparently that is a biological thing with hormones and stuff. So basically, Abbi, getting up at 4 for you is like getting up at 3 for somebody 40 years older than yourself.

Myself I never skated as early as you, the earliest I had to get up was at 5.30... I'd sleep on the train and bus home though, a trip that took like 2 hours. And I used to consume a lot of energy drinks back then. I'd usually go to sleep at like midnight because if I went earlier I wouldn't sleep anyway. And I slept in on the weekends a lot. Another thing is, if you don't skate every day that is, try to get as much as possible sleep on the other days. Go to bed early every night, basically, not jus the nights before you skate. Helps to establish a rhytm but most of all, it's so much easier to handle sleep deprivation if it's just that day's sleep deprivation, rather than all week's.
Another thing is... If you're hungry, you're less likely to get sleepy. If you only had an apple or 2, you're also less likely to get sleepy. After a filling meal, the sleepyness kicks in. Of course do take care to get enough nutrients and energy value from your overall daily intake.

01-17-2009, 12:09 PM
I get up at 5 a.m. to be on the ice by 7:15 - I have a dog so it takes me that long, I only live 25 minutes away! I really should be in bed no later than 10:30.

So not a morning person but that's really the only time I can skate, except weekends. I also find that before-work skate means I don't take my work frustration on the ice with me - midday skates sometimes I'm thinking about emails I need to return...

01-17-2009, 12:28 PM
Don't look at me, I'm self employed so I go ahead & take the nap!! :twisted:

01-17-2009, 12:52 PM
When I'm not injured, I have to get up at 3:30-3:45 a.m. some mornings to be on the ice by 4:30. I also found myself exhausted about 1:30-2 in the afternoon. What I would do is make sure that I didn't have a huge lunch, which makes you tired. Then, I would have a snack of healthy food (usually something cruchy, like carrots, or savory, like cheese) at exactly 1:45. I would drag it out over about half an hour. The boost in metabolism from eating even a small portion over the half hour allowed me to then be less tired until I could get home at 5:30 and eat dinner, then crash. I usually was in bed no later than 8:30-9 p.m. Usually Wednesday was the worst, so I made sure to go to bed a bit earlier on Tuesday night (closer to the 8:30 mark than 9).

More to your case, when I would have to wake up later (like at 4-5 a.m.) I would go to bed around 9:30-10. You may still feel tired after lunch depending on what and when you eat. No matter what, I have to have my snack in the afternoon.

The other thing I noticed was that I HAD to stick to a strict schedule. If I went to bed an hour late, or slept in for an hour some other day, I would be way more exhausted the next time I had to get up early. Even though it may sound horrible, don't sleep in more than an hour on the weekends - it really will make you more tired on Monday and Tuesday.

01-17-2009, 03:06 PM
When I'm not injured, I have to get up at 3:30-3:45 a.m. some mornings to be on the ice by 4:30.

The other thing I noticed was that I HAD to stick to a strict schedule. If I went to bed an hour late, or slept in for an hour some other day, I would be way more exhausted the next time I had to get up early.

reSk8sAZ, to get up at 3.30am, that's madnes!!! People think I am mad now, but I can't imagine what they would think if I told them I get up at 3.30... :)

I agree with the strict routine. When I manage to do so (on very rare occassions), I do feel so much better! Unfortunately I am not enough disciplined.

01-17-2009, 03:27 PM
4 am is my limit. 4 am seems civilized. One May we had to drive 45 minutes for a 5:30 am lesson because our rink was down and that meant getting up at 3:45 am. There is just something psychological about getting up before 4 that I can't handle. When we were doing that - I fell asleep while I was getting my hair cut in the beauty shop and I did not wake up until she was done blow drying my hair and asking me what I thought. That is mighty tired.


01-17-2009, 03:44 PM
My lesson is at 6:30 am n Saturday mornings, so I get up at 5:30 am...the rink is 20 mins away from my house but I like to have time to shower and blow dry my hair as it wakes me up. But this means I have to be in bed at 10:30 pm or 11 pm at the latest. i am done off the ice by 7:30 or 8 and if usually I have energy for the rest of the day and I feel great. Sometimes I would take a half hour nap afterward upon getting home.

01-17-2009, 04:30 PM
My lesson is at 6:30 am n Saturday mornings, so I get up at 5:30 am...the rink is 20 mins away from my house but I like to have time to shower and blow dry my hair as it wakes me up.

You do WHAT??? 8O Wash and blow dry your hair so early in the morning? 8O
I really can't believe that. Not only that I am trying to save every minute so that I can sleep even tiny moment longer, so in the morning I get up and leave within 20 minutes, but also the skating makes you sweaty and the damp air is not helping the appearance of your hair anyway, so you have to wash it after skating again, don't you? I just can't imagine that I should get up let's say 15 mins earlier (4.45am then instead of 5am) to wash my hair.

01-17-2009, 05:20 PM
You know that this late morning skaters thinks that everyone here is NUTS, right??? :twisted: :P :lol:

As it is, getting up at 6am is major pain for me and I don't get to bed before 11:30pm these days b/c I'm just waaaaay too busy!!! (Right now I'm catching up on sleep from the week before because I've been trying to fit in skating work AND my gym workouts. NOT fun, I tell 'ya... :giveup:)

Back to sleep for me!!! :D :D :D

01-17-2009, 06:06 PM
Days that I have to get up at 4:30am to skate. I try to be in bed by 9:30 pm. Caffeine gets me through the day.

Ah the glory of Starbucks!

Rusty Blades
01-17-2009, 06:17 PM
My alarm goes at 3:45 five days a week to be out of the house by 5 a.m.. Two or three days a week I skate 7 to 8 or 9 - the other days I start work at 6 to make up hours. It gets to be a habit and I am usually up by 5 on weekends to. Everybody knows not to call me after 8:30 p.m. or they will get grumped at LOL!

I love my early morning competitive sessions and couldn't imaging giving them up.

I don't have any problem with the afternoons but I only work to 3 p.m. so it isn't too bad.

01-17-2009, 09:30 PM
I think I may win on the crazy early morning front.
I skate from 5-6:45 twice a week on the weeks I am not on call (my beeper range isn't anywhere that far). Since it is an hour and 45 minute drive from my house in Tucson to the rink in Scottsdale, I leave at 3 am. I set the alarm for 2:15. I will often hit snooze, so I get up at 2:23.
My crazy dalmatian doesn't let me sleep more than that. Once the alarm goes off, she wants breakfast, no matter what.
I then am on the road by 7 to go straight to work. I will not deny that I am tired but usually work until 5 or 6 pm and then head home to crash. I try to go to bed by 9pm the night before, but that doesn't always happen.
I use caffeine and distractions to make it through the day. I listen to music or podcasts in the car, and in the winter will bring the dog for company.

01-17-2009, 11:03 PM
I'm up at 4:30 a.m. to skate at 7:00 a.m. I used to skate later, 9:00 a.m., but have found that I actually like the atmosphere of early ice. I also like that it gets my skating day done early so I can pursue other things. Changing my skating time, early ice, was difficult for a week or two. I think a consistent routine helps with the early mornings. Dark winter mornings are the hardest. Makes you want to stay in bed something wicked! =-)


01-17-2009, 11:12 PM
I think I may win on the crazy early morning front.
I skate from 5-6:45 twice a week on the weeks I am not on call (my beeper range isn't anywhere that far). Since it is an hour and 45 minute drive from my house in Tucson to the rink in Scottsdale, I leave at 3 am. I set the alarm for 2:15. I will often hit snooze, so I get up at 2:23.
My crazy dalmatian doesn't let me sleep more than that. Once the alarm goes off, she wants breakfast, no matter what.
I then am on the road by 7 to go straight to work. I will not deny that I am tired but usually work until 5 or 6 pm and then head home to crash. I try to go to bed by 9pm the night before, but that doesn't always happen.
I use caffeine and distractions to make it through the day. I listen to music or podcasts in the car, and in the winter will bring the dog for company.

OK, that's just completely insane. You have my utmost respect. . . Do you get any weekend ice time, or just the 3.5 early morning hours during the week?

I think you also need to take into account that first of all, elder people need a little less sleep than younger ones (about an hour, actually) and also that scientists have established that the rhytm of sleeping shifts forward for elder people, which means it's easier for them to go to sleep early and wake up early than it is for teenagers.

Sessy, when is this supposed to happen? I just turned 44 and I still can't function on less than 7 hours of sleep. . . and even though I have to get up at 5:00am to skate on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, I end up staying up late and sleeping until 8am on the other days! I wish I could get "older" in that way without getting older in the other ways! :(

01-18-2009, 12:19 AM
I think I may win on the crazy early morning front.
I skate from 5-6:45 twice a week on the weeks I am not on call (my beeper range isn't anywhere that far). Since it is an hour and 45 minute drive from my house in Tucson to the rink in Scottsdale, I leave at 3 am. I set the alarm for 2:15. I will often hit snooze, so I get up at 2:23.

And just think, only a couple more years of that (at least)! I still don't know how you all do it. :bow:

Rusty Blades
01-18-2009, 03:28 AM
I just turned 44 and I still can't function on less than 7 hours of sleep. . .

I am 59 and need about 6 hours though often only sleep 4 or 5.

01-18-2009, 05:11 AM
Sessy, when is this supposed to happen? I just turned 44 and I still can't function on less than 7 hours of sleep. . . and even though I have to get up at 5:00am to skate on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, I end up staying up late and sleeping until 8am on the other days! I wish I could get "older" in that way without getting older in the other ways! :(

Well they were comparing like 55 year old to 15 year olds in the paper I read... :lol:

01-18-2009, 05:26 AM
Well they were comparing like 55 year old to 15 year olds in the paper I read... :lol:

Well, doubletoe, 11 more years to go. :lol:

01-18-2009, 07:10 AM
Well they were comparing like 55 year old to 15 year olds in the paper I read... :lol:

Please don't call 55 year olds "elderly"

Thank you.:D


Mrs Redboots
01-18-2009, 09:18 AM
Please don't call 55 year olds "elderly"

Thank you.:D


Just what I was about to say!!!!! We aren't old, we're in our prime, right?

And I find I need a lot more sleep than I used; if I have to, I take a nap, although I do try not to have to. But recently if there's good television that will be shown on the bedroom set (we do get different channels in the front room & the bedroom), I'll go to bed as early as 9:00 to watch it. Last night I went at 8:15, and fell asleep before the end of the programme, and then coudln't concentrate on the one I'd really wanted to see at 9:00. Sigh!

But normally I try to go to bed by about 10:00 pm; Husband, for some reason, thinks he can manage on about 4 hours' sleep (he can't; he gets ill if he tries, but he won't be told) and won't come to bed much before 1:30 am, which drives me crazy.

01-18-2009, 12:15 PM
You do WHAT??? 8O Wash and blow dry your hair so early in the morning? 8O
I really can't believe that. Not only that I am trying to save every minute so that I can sleep even tiny moment longer, so in the morning I get up and leave within 20 minutes, but also the skating makes you sweaty and the damp air is not helping the appearance of your hair anyway, so you have to wash it after skating again, don't you? I just can't imagine that I should get up let's say 15 mins earlier (4.45am then instead of 5am) to wash my hair.

I get up the same time on weekdays for work, so it's just kind of routine for me. also i used to not dry my hair prior to skating and i just find it uncomfortable because on the car ride on the way it still hasn't dried completely. the showering really wakes me up and gets me going. i wear a ponytail when i skate, so it's just better to have it when it's dried than damp oterwise it gets stringy. also for some reason my hair doesn't get frizzy or whatnot even with the rink temperature so it's okay (as long as it's dried beforehand). i'm only in freestyle 3 so i don't sweat as much as you guys probably wit your doubles and stuff :)so i don't have to shower later in the day, unless i'm going out for the evening.

01-18-2009, 04:25 PM
Please don't call 55 year olds "elderly"

Thank you.:D


Couldn't agree more (I don't want to be "elderly" in 10 years...), but in Sessy's defence her post referred to "elder" as against "younger" and I think she was trying for the more usual "older"!

Back on topic, when were doing synchro training, I'd have to get up at 4.20 for ice at 5am on Sunday mornings (the only time we could get private ice). There was team revolt when the coach suggested that we could start at 4.30am...especially from those who had further to come!

01-18-2009, 07:41 PM
I do early mornings before work (right now only once a week, Fridays, unless I don't have class in the evening but normally I am in class M-Th nights)...I find it's not the getting up or staying awake that's the hard part for me. In the winter, it's staying WARM!!! Especially the past week when it's been -0 outside...going from the cold car to the cold rink back to the cold car, driving to work, it takes me a long time to thaw out once I get to work.

I don't really have to get up a whole lot earlier on the days I skate before work, I just get to work later (8:30 or 9 rather than 7:30). Hence why I'm not able to skate on days I have school...I have to leave work by 4:45 at the latest, otherwise I hit rush hour and don't have time to review my notes before class, so I have to be at work by about 7:30. Our first session is 6am, so I'd only be able to skate for about 45 minutes (work is about a 35-40 min drive at that hour of the morning in normal weather).

01-18-2009, 08:44 PM
Couldn't agree more (I don't want to be "elderly" in 10 years...), but in Sessy's defence her post referred to "elder" as against "younger" and I think she was trying for the more usual "older"!

Thats exactly what I was trying to say. I apologize if I inadvertedly insulted anyone.

01-19-2009, 03:25 AM
I think those of you who skate before work are lucky. I work an overnight shift -- and skate after work. So I get up at 10:30pm, work until 7am, then dash out the door to be at the rink by 8:15 (it's at least a 75-minute drive to the rinks where I skate). Then I drive the 1-1/2 to 2 hours home (since work is between the rinks and home), and try to be in bed by 4pm, which never seems to happen. If I'm lucky, I sleep from 5pm until 10:30pm. Except on Friday nights when I try to stay up as long as I can stand it, which usually means going to bed about 8pm.. so I'm kind of back to sleeping at night on Saturday so I can actually be on a "normal person" schedule on the weekends. Of course, on Sunday, I have to try to be in bed by 4pm again... and start the cycle all over.

The one advantage I have is I do get to skate with the higher-level skaters at the rinks, but since most of them have to go to school, I also get less crowded sessions for the last half of my skating sessions.

01-19-2009, 04:50 AM
Consistency is the key for my early skating. I've found that if I get up pretty regularly at about the same time, I don't have a problem. Granted, when I first started skating in the morning, it took about 6 months for my body to truly adjust, but once it did, I was okay as long as I was consistent.

And count me in among those whose bodies just need a certain amount of time to become 100% functional in the morning. So no sleeping until the last minute for me.

Rusty Blades
01-19-2009, 08:03 AM
And count me in among those whose bodies just need a certain amount of time to become 100% functional in the morning. So no sleeping until the last minute for me.

Oh no kidding! I am up and dressed by 4 a.m., have coffee and check the emails until 5 - it takes an hour before I feel "together" enough to drive in the dark cold night! An hour to the rink with coffee and a wee bite to eat on the way, and then another hour at the rink to wake up the ol' bod'.

01-19-2009, 09:45 AM
As a child (16-18)I skate a 4:30 am patch, I would get up at 3:30 and try to avoid the 7-11 4am robbery. I only did that 3 x a week but it helped me be a morning person. When I still taught I would skate the 6 am session so I would get up at 4:30 am when I went to one rink and 5:30 2 days a week. It wasn't easy, I would time my lunch around 1:15 and get a soda so I would make it through the 3pm-4pm stretch which was luckily, at the end of my day. I have always taken a nap at eithr 4-5 or 5-6 depending on what job I had. Skating early isn't easy but with time you get used to it. Last summer I skated the 6 am and got up at 4:30am but what was nice was having the rest of the day free.


Mrs Redboots
01-19-2009, 11:04 AM
You do WHAT??? 8O Wash and blow dry your hair so early in the morning? 8O
I really can't believe that. Not only that I am trying to save every minute so that I can sleep even tiny moment longer, so in the morning I get up and leave within 20 minutes, but also the skating makes you sweaty and the damp air is not helping the appearance of your hair anyway, so you have to wash it after skating again, don't you? I just can't imagine that I should get up let's say 15 mins earlier (4.45am then instead of 5am) to wash my hair.

I couldn't skate if I didn't have a very hot shower when I got up - much too old and stiff - so always wash my hair before skating, too. I wouldn't call what I do to it "blow drying", but I do take the worst off with a hot hairdryer! It doesn't take long. And if my hair has got long enough to put up in a comb when I skate, I don't bother to dry it at all.

Our rink is so cold I'm very seldom sweating after skating!

01-19-2009, 12:46 PM
I get up the same time on weekdays for work, so it's just kind of routine for me. also i used to not dry my hair prior to skating and i just find it uncomfortable because on the car ride on the way it still hasn't dried completely. the showering really wakes me up and gets me going. i wear a ponytail when i skate, so it's just better to have it when it's dried than damp oterwise it gets stringy. also for some reason my hair doesn't get frizzy or whatnot even with the rink temperature so it's okay (as long as it's dried beforehand). i'm only in freestyle 3 so i don't sweat as much as you guys probably wit your doubles and stuff :)so i don't have to shower later in the day, unless i'm going out for the evening.

I did not mean you to go there with wet hair. That wouldn't be heathy anyway. I meant perhaps having shower, but not wet the hair at all. Wash them either the night before, or after skating.

I am not too advanced either, I think it would be compared to your freestyle 4. I don't have any doubles, and the highest jump I am working on is just the Lutz, but I do sweat a lot. My coach feels that who doesn't sweat probably doesn't work hard enough, so if she has a feeling that you don't do enough, she would skate just behind you saying push, push, harder, harder, move, move. Today I had my lesson first, so she though that perhaps I did not have enough time to warm up, so the first ten minutes we were warming up (crossovers, Russian stroking etc), and after 10 mins I thought I was going to die. :) I really don't know how I survived my lesson today, because I did work very hard and my T shirt was soaked. But I love it this way. The harder I work, the better I feel afterwards.

01-21-2009, 03:13 PM
On Saturday mornings when I meet my pairs partner - our normal day. I'm up at 6:00am. Call and wake her up at 7:00 (and then call again to make sure she's up), and on the ice at 8:30. I have a long drive to get to the rink near her.

On weekday mornings, when we can fit them in, I'm up at 4:45. Call and wake her up at 5:45, and then on the ice at 6:45. Then, at work by 9:00.

My normal singles/moves sessions are AFTER work. But, that may change. The rink is thinking about cancelling some of the later weekday FS sessions.


01-21-2009, 03:31 PM
My coach feels that who doesn't sweat probably doesn't work hard enough, so if she has a feeling that you don't do enough, she would skate just behind you saying push, push, harder, harder, move, move.

I know I don't work hard enough but I'm also not much of a sweater either - which is a really good thing, because there is zero time for showering after skating and before work!

Even when at the gym or jogging I don't sweat that much...instead, my face turns into a lovely pink splotchy mess that resembles someone who got an uneven sunburn. It's a little weird to see....8O

01-23-2009, 04:41 PM
I have my freestyle lesson Mondays at 7 and figures lesson Thursdays at 7:30 a.m., so I am on the ice 15 min prior; so up at 6 on Mondays and 6:30 on Fridays. I'm not a morning person at all so it's a struggle. On the other hand the rink does clear out around 7:30 when the kids have to get to school.

I don't shower etc. before skating -- what's the point?! I'm up at out the door in 8 min or so. I take a shower when I get to work after skating though, it's essential as I work up a good sweat usually -- it's not the jumps, it's the crossovers!

Many kudos to PedOnSkates and the other Tucson homies for their dedication! I hope there's a rink in Tucson soon -- I'd like to move back, but not without a rink!

01-23-2009, 06:12 PM
You do WHAT??? 8O Wash and blow dry your hair so early in the morning? 8O
I really can't believe that. Not only that I am trying to save every minute so that I can sleep even tiny moment longer, so in the morning I get up and leave within 20 minutes, but also the skating makes you sweaty and the damp air is not helping the appearance of your hair anyway, so you have to wash it after skating again, don't you? I just can't imagine that I should get up let's say 15 mins earlier (4.45am then instead of 5am) to wash my hair.

I wish I could sleep in instead of showering and washing & drying my hair, but I have to go to work as soon as I'm done at the rink in the morning so the only time I can do that is before skating. But the hot shower does tend to get all the kinks out of my body so it's easier to do things that require flexibility once I get on the ice.

Well, doubletoe, 11 more years to go. :lol:

Oh boy, oh boy, finally something to look forward to, LOL! Why do I have the feeling that by the time I finally find it easier to get up at 5:00am, I'll have to give up skating because my knees will be shot, and there will no longer be a reason to get up at 5am. . .:roll:

01-23-2009, 09:37 PM
Sessy, when is this supposed to happen? I just turned 44 and I still can't function on less than 7 hours of sleep. . . and even though I have to get up at 5:00am to skate on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, I end up staying up late and sleeping until 8am on the other days! I wish I could get "older" in that way without getting older in the other ways! :(

I'm with doubletoe. I turned 41 this month, and need 8 hours regularly. I can get by on 7 but not continuously.

01-24-2009, 12:10 AM
I'm with doubletoe. I turned 41 this month, and need 8 hours regularly. I can get by on 7 but not continuously.
I'm with both you ladies. I've turned 41 last November and I only get 6-7 hours sleep. You've probably have read how many I VALUE MY SLEEP and how half the time I'm "sleep-skating thru my lesson???" 8O :giveup:

And speaking of valuing my sleep... I'm going to bed pretty soon and the EARLY MORNING ALARMS are ALL TURNED OFF!!!! http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/muede/g060.gif :twisted: :mrgreen: :bow: Good niiiight!!!

01-24-2009, 01:37 PM
Oh, dear! I am definitely NOT "ON" this year... Body is retailating and wants a break but my waistline wouldn't take a break and keeps wanting to go bigger, which of course affects my center of gravity, lower back, etc... :twisted:

Am NOT motivated so far to skate in the mornings at ALL, but have not much choice since that's when two of my coaches are there and that's the only time I can get in time to run thru the programs!!! I'm just so NOT a morning skater, I tell 'ya... :giveup:

How do you train a person to get up early in the morning when she still has stuff to do 'til late in the evening??? :frus:

01-24-2009, 03:00 PM
How do you train a person to get up early in the morning when she still has stuff to do 'til late in the evening??? :frus:

That's easy jazzpants. Book your lessons for 6.15am for most of days when you need to wake up, and then, as soon as your alarm clock rings, try to imagine your coach not being impressed if you are late or even oversleep. ;)That usually gets me out of bed. I think I would be really embarrased if I knew that she got up because of me and I was not there or was late... :oops:

01-24-2009, 10:30 PM
That's easy jazzpants. Book your lessons for 6.15am for most of days when you need to wake up, and then, as soon as your alarm clock rings, try to imagine your coach not being impressed if you are late or even oversleep. ;)That usually gets me out of bed. I think I would be really embarrased if I knew that she got up because of me and I was not there or was late... :oops:
I would... except I'm smart enough to also know that my coaches DO mind when I'm there on time to warm up to skate at their lessons. I'm usually make it there in time for their lesson and not much earlier than that. Of course, I also know that when they make jokes about me being late to their lessons!!! The few times they noticed that I'm there on time to warm up before their lesson, they raise an even bigger ruckus about it!!! :twisted: :lol: :P