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01-07-2009, 06:38 AM
I am not about to get new boots and blades yet but it will be something I will have to think about in the not too distant future. Boots are not a problem as I know what to get blades are the issue. I have a pair of 4 year old John Watts Evolution blades. I think they still have life in them but if I get new boots I might also get new blades rather than mount my 4 yr old blades to new boots only to then have to replace them again a couple of years down the line.

Now since they don't make John Watts Evolution blades anymore (or am I wrong on this count?) I was wondering if anyone knew of an equivalent blade by another manufacturer. I want to go for something with very similar specs so I don't have to have too much readjustment time.

Any suggestions appreciated.

Oh and yes I am aware that I have blades that are way too advanced for my skill level but I love them :)

01-07-2009, 07:06 AM
I think you're right about John Watts not manufacturing blades any more, but a few of the online retailers may still have some in stock, so if you know what size you want you might be able to get the same again for the new boots. However, I think you ought not leave it too long in getting it, because I've heard of one coach who needed new John Watts blades and went hunting for them and I'm sure there must be other people out there.

01-07-2009, 07:15 AM
Thanks. I will try although the problem is I'm a lefty and so I need the toe picks 'backwards' from the normal way - I wonder if there are any available. I will have a look. I will still investigate back ups just in case....

01-07-2009, 09:39 AM
Thanks. I will try although the problem is I'm a lefty and so I need the toe picks 'backwards' from the normal way - I wonder if there are any available. I will have a look. I will still investigate back ups just in case....

There are lefty toepicks?! Do they make a difference? I've never heard of that, and having given up the leftie fountain pen for a normal one years ago I've not gone looking for leftie skating products...

01-07-2009, 09:51 AM
As far as I know it is only for JW Evolution blades that there is a lefty toe pick. Part of the design was an angled toe pick to assist flips and lutzes and again an differently angled toe pick to assist toe loops so obviously depending on which is your picking and landing foot for each jump there is a difference and you had to specify which you wanted when ordering the blades....

01-07-2009, 12:40 PM
Wow, different toepicks depending on CW vs CCW skating? That's a new one! There seem to be some in stock (if you wear size 9-1/4, 9-1/2 or 9-3/4) at these online stores:
but of course you would have to e-mail them to ask if they are the "lefty" design.

Another thought is that even if you manage to find a pair now, it's highly unlikely you'll find a pair the next time you need blades (since they have been discontinued), so maybe it would make sense to just start looking for a new model of blade that would be a good substitute? Since the Evolution has an 8' rocker, you could bring your current blades to your local skate shop and compare the rocker profile to either the Wilson Pattern 99 or WIlson Gold Seal and see which one is closer (while both have an 8' rocker, the Pattern 99 has a flatter rocker shape with a sweet spot that is a little farther back,while the Gold Seal has a fuller rocker, so you roll up onto more of a pointed toe as you take off on an axel).

Of course you could also stick with the John Watts brand and get the next model down, if it's still available. I'm guessing it would be the same or similar rocker profile so would require the least amount of adjustment.

Here's a great chart that compares blade specs:

01-07-2009, 03:02 PM
The advantage to having your old blades mounted on your new skates is that you don't have to get used to a new blade at the same time you're getting accustomed to a new boot. It makes things a little easier.

01-09-2009, 08:58 PM
Maybe MK Phantom or John Wilson Pattern 99 will do...