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View Full Version : Starskate Senior Bronze?

11-24-2008, 08:46 PM
Hi, i am competiting this weekend, and i am pretty sure for what i will have. What placement do you think i would receive ish, even if it is just a guess, with the jumps: axel, single lutz,double toe,double sal, double saldouble toe, double loop single loop, double flip 6/10 times, and a flying camel with 5 revs, and atelast 3 on all my combo spins, and other stuff..ya :) thanks!

11-24-2008, 11:19 PM
That's not something anyone on here can answer for you because it depends on a lot of things, like: who you're competing against, what they can do, whether or not you land/complete all of your elements, etc, etc.
I think you should just focus on skating well and not obsess over placements.
Good luck!