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View Full Version : 2008 Holiday Season Competition--Columbus Ohio

11-02-2008, 04:23 PM
Any adults planning on going? I think I will, it's only 2 hrs and it's after my law school finals so it'll be a nice reward!

Applications due Saturday.

I might sign up for silver free and compulsory. Not sure if many adults will sign up, looks like they had a good turnout last year though. But what's the worst that could happen, they have to send me a refund because no one else signs up?

11-03-2008, 04:00 PM
I haven't attended the Holiday Competition for a few years, but I remember that there were a fair number of adult skaters when I last watched. If I recall correctly, there were quite a few from Cincinnati and some from other states. Some of the adult skaters were quite good - well beyond what I expected to see.

11-25-2008, 06:51 AM
Good turnout for this--I guess there are like 7 in the adult silver group!