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10-02-2008, 06:21 PM
I have an old injury that gives me swelling and pain sometimes. I've found that ice, tylenol and massage usually helps when I have a difficult time. This time I wasn't getting relief from the norm and tried wrapping my "weak" spot. Kinda tight. I was fianlly able to get rid of the swelling and my pain is almost gone. My questions, "How long can I wrap? Time on and off? Is there a limit to days? Why is this helping, swelling and pain? Any other important info. I should know?"

Side note that I learned about me and would be interested to know if others have found. When I hurt REALLY bad I can't think. It's sorta sad but my brain turns to mush. I can ignore discomfort but serious pain is another issue. Any one else find this to be true?


10-02-2008, 10:38 PM
The wrapping probably helps because it's a form of compression (compression is the C in RICE therapy--rest, ice, compression, and elevation). I don't know exactly why compression helps, but I would guess it helps reduce inflammation? I'm not a doctor, but compression shouldn't be so tight that you're cutting off circulation (if it's causing tingling or numbness, it's too tight).

AFAIK, Tylenol is not an anti-inflammatory (it does help with pain and fever, though).

10-03-2008, 08:08 PM
When my knee bothers me while skating, I wrap it or put on a brace and it feels much better. I've seen skaters wrap injured areas (usually knees, sometimes wrists) every time they skate. I'm not sure how it would hurt...but then I'm not a doctor.

When I hurt (like this morning) I can't think either. All I can think about is how much it hurts and whether I'm injuring it more by forcing it to move or stretch. This is speculation, but it seems like it's your body's way of telling you to quit pushing it and rest a little. I remember from my one whole anatomy class (won't say how long ago that was!) that pain is the hurt muscle/tendon/whatever's way of telling your brain that something is wrong.

10-03-2008, 11:28 PM
Thanks for the input Morgail and mikawendy. Morgail, I'm glad to hear that someone else finds it hard to think when hurting. I feel less strange. :) Your idea of why this happens sounds right. You know, I have seen skaters wrap before. . .
