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View Full Version : Was (is) your Learn to skate coach Male or Female?

09-14-2008, 03:46 PM
Say I don't think this topic has ever been talked about. But I was just wondering how many skater's Learn to Skate Coaches here are (or were) male or Female? To start as a Learn to Skate Skate myself. My coach is Female. Anyone else?

09-14-2008, 04:37 PM
Say I don't think this topic has ever been talked about. But I was just wondering how many skater's Learn to Skate Coaches here are (or were) male or Female? To start as a Learn to Skate Skate myself. My coach is Female. Anyone else?

My very first Learn to Skate coach was male, but the rest were female. My current primary coaches are female, but my choreographer and dance coach are male. I would guess that more people will say they had female Learn to Skate coaches simply because there are more female skaters in general.

09-14-2008, 06:14 PM
I didn't answer the poll because my answer is both.

My first LTS class was taught by a female, my second by a male (those were in Ohio).

Then here in Iowa I've had 4 female LTS instructors and 2 male ones including my current LTS freestyle coach.

My first private coach was a male, but now my coach is a female.

09-15-2008, 10:48 AM
For my UK equivalent - BOTH!

They used to swap coaches around for the groups - when I started, I had a male coach, but for the majority of the time I was doing the SkateUK course, I had a female coach.

Mrs Redboots
09-15-2008, 11:28 AM
For my UK equivalent, mainly male.

09-15-2008, 01:21 PM
I put in Female b/c the first one is a she... but I had at least two other female LTS coaches and at least two male coaches. One of the coaches is now my choreographer. My primary coach for a short time was also my LTS coach (he was subbing) but he was already my private coach by the time I took LTS with him. :P