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View Full Version : Overlooked: Skating Benefit Shows (Chicago)

Black Sheep
09-14-2008, 09:58 AM
There are two of them coming up in the Chicago area:

"Frenchie Skate": http://www.northshoreicearena.org/Pages/FrenchieSkate_Program_Ad.pdf

"An Evening of Hope": http://www.stephaniejoseph.com/events.html

In both of these shows, skaters from around the Chicago area are invited to perform to help raise money for charity. I don't mean to be a self-promoting whiner (really, I don't!), but it hurts my feelings that, as an Adult Gold figure skater, I haven't been asked to perform in either of these.

I don't need it for the honor, mind you. I just need another chance to perform my new "long program" cleanly in front of an audience before I take it to a competition. I debuted it last month at my practice rink's End-of-Summer exhibition last month, and it turned out HORRIBLE!

For your viewing displeasure/amusement: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B54PEIb0M4Y

It turned out that way because I was having a bad day. It is in no way a reflection of my "real" skating. I'd hate to be left out as a result of this.

That's all I have to say because I'm starting to sound desparate (I think I am, a little).

09-14-2008, 11:52 AM
I'm confused.....Did you submit your name? How are people chosen to skate in the show? The evening of hope looks like a big show with big names and probably skaters that have been to sectionals and nationals. As for the other one, not enough info to know. Not to rain on your prade, but adult skaters don't bring in the money. It's nice to be included but until you know the criteria don't worry about it. How many other adult skaters are in the area? Maybe the way the people were chosen had to do with results for qualifying and nationals.

As my dad loves to tell me all the time....worry about yourself and not about others. :)

Hang in there, one of these days a show may come along

09-14-2008, 03:54 PM
I love your new music, very cool! The program layout is nice and for a first time out, you should be proud!

As for not getting asked to skate in the benefit shows, I don't know of any adult skaters who were asked and you'd think if any adults who would be, I would share a coach with one of them, and she's not. I would suspect the "local talent" would include Jason Brown and Danny O'Shea who have both done a fantastic job at the National level (Intermediate and Novice medalists respectively) and perhaps Megan Hyatt, the Starlights or Jazz Synchro teams. Don't sweat the competitive debut, there are people who still haven't even STARTED skating their programs! 8O

09-14-2008, 07:37 PM
Don't sweat the competitive debut, there are people who still haven't even STARTED skating their programs! 8O

Or even finished choreographing them past the first 10 seconds! :oops:

09-15-2008, 07:28 AM
Jenny Needham-Wall did Skate for Hope in Columbus. An adult skater right up there on the poster advertising the event, next to some big names--Alissa Cizney, Rachael Flatt, Emily Hughes, Hinzman/Parchem, Parker Pennington, etc. I thought that was really cool when I saw that hanging in my rink.

I'd say it all depends on what type of benefit show it is. Is it a smaller show put on by a local club or group of clubs without a lot of "big" names?