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08-17-2008, 08:32 AM
I just had to share the news that I passed my Adult Bronze Mitf yesterday! I passed with a 13 (.5 over the passing average), and I was particularly happy to get above the passing average for each move except the 3-turn pattern which I received exactly passing on. I never expected to get above the average for the 5-step mohawk, and I ended up with a 2.6!! I have worked so hard on that dang thing. Kudos to my coach for getting me from barely passing pre-bronze in the fall 2007 to bronze, even with a back injury and a concussion. I owe it all to her!

The judge was particularly helpful, encouraging and sweet. She said it was a pleasure to watch, and I got the feeling that she really liked seeing adults work hard and try harder.

I'm feeling so good today!

08-17-2008, 09:12 AM
Congratulations! You should feel good. A suggestion if you got a copy of the test paper, maybe make a copy and frame it for your coach as part of your going away present - so she always knows you loved and appreciated her.

08-17-2008, 09:21 AM
Congratulations!!! That's a fantastic achievement.

08-17-2008, 09:35 AM
Congrats!! Keep up the good work!!:D:D:D

08-17-2008, 09:37 AM
Congratulations! You should feel good. A suggestion if you got a copy of the test paper, maybe make a copy and frame it for your coach as part of your going away present - so she always knows you loved and appreciated her.


08-17-2008, 10:35 AM

08-17-2008, 10:58 AM
many congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bow::bow:

08-17-2008, 11:56 AM
CONGRATULATIONS - Those things are harder than they look!!:bow::bow::bow:

08-17-2008, 02:02 PM
CONGRATS, STACY!!! :bow: :bow: :bow:

Yes, those Bronze Moves are harder than they LOOK!!! I, of all people should know... :frus: (... and am VERY thankful that I've finally CONQUERED that dreaded test too!!! :twisted: )

I take it you're taking the Bronze FS test very soon? :)

08-17-2008, 03:23 PM

08-17-2008, 03:40 PM
I take it you're taking the Bronze FS test very soon? :)

I am at a standstill with my backspin - I'm hoping that working on the silver backward 3's will help me to feel more confident with it (and maybe help my loop as well?).

So it doesn't look like I'm taking Bronze FS anytime in the next few months. I was hoping to be able to hit Adult Nationals this year, but it might have to wait. We'll see what happens this fall!

08-17-2008, 04:07 PM
Congratulations!!!! :bow::bow:

08-17-2008, 04:11 PM
Congratulations! You should feel proud of yourself. I've just started in on these. . .

Debbie S
08-17-2008, 04:25 PM
Congratulations!! :bow:

I practiced the power 3's today for the first time since I passed Bronze MIF - over 2 years ago (I'm considering testing Pre-Prelim and Prelim MIF this coming year). I had forgotten how hard that move is!

08-17-2008, 04:36 PM

Terri C
08-17-2008, 04:38 PM
Congratulations!! That's a good way for your coach to remember you.
Where are you moving to?

08-17-2008, 04:43 PM
I'm moving up to North Jersey, so I'll be not so far from Ice House (moves guru, possibly!) in Hackensack, Ice Vault and South Mountain Arena. Lots of wonderful rinks.

08-17-2008, 07:15 PM

(JMO, but I don't think the silver BO threes will help with the backspin because your weight has to be over the little toe for the backspin, but to the mid-back of the blade for the BO threes. Maybe someone else has some input on this.)

08-18-2008, 02:52 AM

08-18-2008, 06:13 AM
(JMO, but I don't think the silver BO threes will help with the backspin because your weight has to be over the little toe for the backspin, but to the mid-back of the blade for the BO threes. Maybe someone else has some input on this.)

So THAT'S what I've been doing wrong...:frus:

Mrs Redboots
08-18-2008, 06:23 AM
http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/501/501581aehjatx3r2.gif (http://www.glitter-graphics.com)

08-18-2008, 09:47 AM
c O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!

08-18-2008, 10:34 AM

08-18-2008, 11:15 AM
Good for you!!

08-18-2008, 11:29 PM
I'm so proud to have you representing us adult skaters with great scores like that! Woo hoo!!! Expecting great things of you at AN once you pass your Bronze FS!! :bow:

08-19-2008, 01:11 AM

(JMO, but I don't think the silver BO threes will help with the backspin because your weight has to be over the little toe for the backspin, but to the mid-back of the blade for the BO threes. Maybe someone else has some input on this.)

Yes, I agree with dbny... the BO3 did NOTHING for me on the backspin!!! I have my BO3's now (both sides) but I STILL don't have much of a backspin. The tip you should try is to practice going in circles on the BO edge on your backspin foot and make sure the curve on the BO edge gets curvier and tighter. The aim is the size of a small saucer dish.

Hope this helps... let us know how it helped.

08-19-2008, 06:49 AM
So maybe more of a back loop (a figure loop, not a jump loop) than a 3? I'll give it a shot tonight and see what happens!
Thanks all - it's so nice to come here and hear encouragement and advice from the people who actually understand what it's all about.

08-19-2008, 01:39 PM
So maybe more of a back loop (a figure loop, not a jump loop) than a 3? I'll give it a shot tonight and see what happens!

Yes, good idea. The thing that I avoid when teaching the backspin (can't get more than 1 rev myself :roll:) is beginning with a FI edge. I'm firmly convinced that learning the backspin with a forward motion only makes it harder, as most end up doing the spin on the FI edge and can't get their weight forward enough to flip to the BO edge. In my experience, once you've got that FI habit, it's very difficult to break.

08-19-2008, 02:12 PM
Woo hooooooo great news, congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bow::bow::bow: