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View Full Version : My Axel!!!!

07-25-2008, 09:54 PM
Hi, My axel is becoming very bad, as if im lazy on it :(:(. I go pretty fast on all of my doubles, but i just cant go fast on. I cant go through with my right leg, its like i hit my toe pick, and i just go right into the jump, and i cant bring my leg up. I also get scared, because I'm going faster and it feels like im falling forward or something. Also, i would go slow, but my coach wont let me because she knows i can go fast..HELP ME FIX MY AXEL--THANKS------------oh oh oh also, my coach says I am straightning my leg to quickly. Thanks

07-25-2008, 10:04 PM
OK, two things to think about:
(1) build up all of your speed *before* you do your mohawk (or however it is you get onto your back outside edge right before the takeoff edge). Don't push into the mohawk or you'll get pitched forward.
(2) ARCH YOUR BACK as you step out onto the takeoff edge. This will keep you from getting too far forward on your blade and pre-rotating.

I'm not sure what's going on with your free leg. It might automatically fix itself if you do the two things above. If it doesn't, just focus on keeping it bent and turned out and *perfectly still* on the takeoff edge. You should never feel your free foot move before takeoff. Also, when you take off, lead with the shin of your free leg (not the knee and not the foot).

I hope some of this helps! Let us know how it goes. . .

07-26-2008, 08:58 AM
Ok, I'm not positive about this, but it sounds like you need to wait longer on your takeoff edge. When you step into the jump you should exaggerate your knee bend and then say your full name in your head before you actually take off. That is what my coach tells me to do when I am having trouble with my axel.

07-28-2008, 02:30 PM
Momsk8r has a good point, too. The faster you're going, the more you have to focus on keeping your takeoff edge long and straight. Look at the spot where you're going to aim the jump, then get backwards on your preparatory edge, then when you step out onto the takeoff edge, spot the same spot again. Then make sure you are still aiming at that spot until takeoff. The timing is a little different for everyone, but what works for my takeoff edge is thinking, "Arch, straight, up!"