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View Full Version : Off-Ice Christmas In July or The Grinch Stole It Again July 21 - 28, 2008

07-21-2008, 11:21 AM
Since it's the week where almost every recreational program and even some advertisements proclaim it's "Christmas In July", I thought we'd go that route with the Off-Ice thread for all our good stuff going on. And of course you can't always have good stuff going on so since the meanie during Christmas is the Grinch, I thought we'd blame the bad stuff on the Grinch with "The Grinch Stole It Again".

Mel On Ice
07-21-2008, 11:32 AM
I judged a Basic Skills comp this weekend and it went great. Judges and coaches competed against the kids in a "Survivor" event, for longest spiral and longest spin, which was a lot of fun, but in brand new skates, I didn't do as well as I'd like. Fun to note the last competition in my old skates was a Surivior challenge too.

Noting the stiffness of the new boots and the work I have to do to break them in, I have to turn down the invitation to compete at a local comp next month. I'm just not ready.

07-21-2008, 12:58 PM
grinch - been off ice for a week, and was I ever creaky this morning. I hate how quickly it goes. I was getting some exercise too, but its never in exactly the same places is it?

07-21-2008, 05:36 PM
HI guys, did you guys notice that this week I moved the words "Off-Ice" to the front of the link/thread title? I think you were talking about on ice things weren't you? ROTFLOL

The Grinch Stole It:
The most exercise I'm going to get today is going shopping for groceries.

Christmas In July:
Oh, wait, I did a few stretches for my back, abs and thighs(sp) in bed before getting up for the day.

07-22-2008, 12:53 PM
Due to a schedule change, I found myself at the rink almost 2 hours early. A buddy was heading into a Pilates class, which I've been meaning to try, so he asked me to join him. "Why not?" I thought. (He even pulled out a mat for me, how chivalrous!)

I'm going to pay for this tomorrow and Thursday, but it was sooooo good while it lasted.
I was so tired, I had to head home after I taught instead of staying to skate myself.

07-22-2008, 01:46 PM
Christmas: Did 45 minutes of water aerobics last night in my complex's pool. Very fun and challenging!

Grinch: Have a blister on my big toe from the pool's bottom.

07-22-2008, 07:45 PM
[QUOTE=singerskates;371484]HI guys, did you guys notice that this week I moved the words "Off-Ice" to the front of the link/thread title? I think you were talking about on ice things weren't you? ROTFLOL

I admit to having fallen for that. I was still in a fog from traveling last week. Although I was off ice last week, I didn't do much actual training. But I did a lot of walking and hiking, some of it pretty steep. I tried to do yoga, but some days my hotel room wasn't big enough.

This week I went to yoga on Sunday, but didn't get to the gym until tonight. Did 25 minutes on the eliptical and a circuit of the weight machines.

07-22-2008, 07:45 PM
double post

07-22-2008, 08:05 PM

Did an hour of step aerobics/strength training class tonight (featuring my coach as the instructor). Who'd have thought 3 months away from the gym would cause so much muscle weakness in my legs?! :giveup: I start my Pilates class this Saturday (and I skate 1 hour afterwards - that's gonna hurt!).

Last week, we actually found and bought a Wii Fit, so I'll begin doing Yoga and strength training at home, as well.


The frustration in knowing that, before my little exercise break, I was much stronger with better stamina. Now, I look like a newbie with my no-riser step and 2 lbs hand weights. :cry:

07-24-2008, 07:17 AM
I just used some credit card points to get a Sears gift card with enough $$$ on it to get Wii Fit and Wii Dance Dance Revolution (DDR). DH only knows about one of the planned purchases...

I am paying for the Pilates class, mostly in my hip flexors. I can tell that class was a good one because muscles hurt that haven't hurt in years, lol.

DH and I walked 2.6 miles to the store and back yesterday. Also did some stretching and light exercises, mostly to loosen up tight muscles.

I've taken my Advil and I'm ready to go to the rink today, lol.

07-24-2008, 05:20 PM
Monday did my 20 minute @ss kicking drill on the track at the health club followed by ab work on the big rolling ball, squats, lunges, and stretching.

Tuesday did the 36 hour fast with my husband as suggested in Men's Health Magazine (June issue) and some very light stretching.

Wednesday did 75 minutes of cardio kickbox in class. This makes my 7th week in the class and man, can you tell the difference between my fitness level (after 7 weeks) and the two new people in class last night!!

The 36 hour fast led to some interesting results which included me washing my warm up jacket for the rink...

Mrs Redboots
07-25-2008, 03:45 AM
I actually did some stretching last night to improve my back spiral, and also because I seem to have tweaked a muscle in my arse (probably from said back spirals!). Either that or I'm getting sciatica again, but I don't think so.

07-25-2008, 04:35 AM
Took the water aerobics class at our local pool for the first (and probably, last) time. Two women talked to each other loudly for the ENTIRE time. Class ended when two young men showed up drunk and started going through our stuff and using our towels.

07-25-2008, 06:28 AM
Two women talked to each other loudly for the ENTIRE time. Class ended when two young men showed up drunk and started going through our stuff and using our towels.

That's discouraging, and a little intimidating. Be careful.

I did an extra ballroom dance practice with Marilyn on Tuesday. One of the regular dance students scheduled a room at the town's community center for the next few weeks. Four couples showed up, and we had fun. It helped a lot.

The last adult roller skate session of the season ended last night. A good-sized group of adults showed up to skate one last time. The air was festive, several skaters whose birthdays fall in August when the rink is closed were given HILARIOUS birthday cards, and cakes and cookies were in abundance.

I skated my feet off.

I did a couple of scratch spins on my PIC skates, and one went on forever (at least by PIC standards). VERY encouraging!

I was jazzed, but very hot and wet when skating ended.

Dashed home for a quick shower, then off to the ballroom dance class at 8:15. Attendance was light, but then you get more personal attention from the instructor. Marilyn and I are getting better at the stuff we already know, but a new series of steps introduced had us both confused. Marilyn's toes took a beating, I'm afraid. I hate that look she gives me when I do that.

We'll probably work on the new steps during Tuesday's practice.

I still miss the ice terribly though.

Mrs Redboots
07-26-2008, 01:28 PM
Christmas in July: Nice long walk in the park this afternoon with Husband.

Grinch: I now have blisters on the underside of each foot, which are going to be sore in my skates tomorrow!

07-26-2008, 05:47 PM
Off to have a drink and a steak dinner!!!!!

07-26-2008, 09:18 PM
Didn't do much off-ice wise this week especially Thursday and Friday.

Thursday, I was so tired after skating that I just headed to the doctor's after riding my bike back from the arena. Found out that my sinuses got infected and had spread to my chest and the rest of my body. So all I did was try to contact the president from Riverside Skating Club. No success. Did visit my niece for a while though and her child. Then I went home and rested the rest of the day.

Friday I didn't ride my bike to and from the rink. I was too tired to drive my bike. See the On-Ice thread. So I took my car. Did do some walking downtown to do a few errands. Did some shopping at our main mall after my friend Misty was done her session and the PAing she had volunteered to do with both Misty and our other friend Marj. Was back home by 9:30 PM and just flaked out.

Saturday: Woke up with a sore throat but with my meds including antibiotic it's starting to feel a bit better. Did shopping with hubby in Amherstburg's Super Walmart and walked around the store a few times checking out the layout because we're going to get a Super Walmart on the East side of Windsor which isn't too far from where I live and also near the new arena out of where my old club, Riverside Skating Club that I'm rejoining in August, will be operating.

07-26-2008, 09:33 PM

07-26-2008, 09:44 PM
Off to have a drink and a steak dinner!!!!!

Congratulations! Did you have to wait a long time to find out your results, or did you get them right after the exam?

07-27-2008, 07:36 AM
Congratulations! Did you have to wait a long time to find out your results, or did you get them right after the exam?

They sent me out into the hall, then called me back in after five or ten minutes.Then they said,"Congratulations!" so i knew I'd passed (anything else would have been a bit cruel!)

07-27-2008, 10:22 AM
Off to have a drink and a steak dinner!!!!!

Weeeeeee!!!!! I hope you had more than one drink! Congatulations!!