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View Full Version : ONE narrow heel

07-19-2008, 07:58 PM
:?:What do you do for a narrow heel? My right heel is a half to a full size smaller than the heel of my boot. Right now I jam a cut up gel lace bite pad behind my heel to keep my boot in place. Unfortunately, it's impossible to get the pad in exactly the same position every time I skate and (due to my inexperience I'm sure), it takes me a good 20 min of skating to get that foot to feel right.

I was wondering if there was a more permanent solution. I'm pretty sure gluing something back there won't work, but I've wondered if there's a way to have a specialist sew some leather padding in the heel.

07-19-2008, 08:19 PM
Well, you can order most boots in split widths--ie an A heel and B forefoot. You can also get heel hugger padding. The final option is custom, but customs are pretty expensive, and I don't know if you're willing to pay that much at this point.

07-19-2008, 08:29 PM
Short term, figure out where it hits best on your heel and put the gel pad there and secure to your foot with athletic tape or get the bunga heel sleeve.

If your boots are heat moldable, ask your fitter if he can pinch the heel in tighter while re-heat molding your skates.

Long term, as the above poster stated.

07-19-2008, 08:34 PM
Have you thought about getting a "heel cup" for the inside of the boot. That may take up enough room in the back of the skate and wouldn't really shift since the weight of your heel would keep it down.

Bunga Pads sells a gel pair that are only about $10 off of their website. May be worth a try as it isn't a huge investment.

07-20-2008, 08:02 AM
Maybe try using double sided tape to secure the gel pad in place? When it slips (as it eventually will), you can just replace it. I've had to do this to mine (both heels are too big) and it's worked wonderfully.

07-20-2008, 09:45 PM
Try adhesive-backed MOLESKIN pads. They're just cushioned cotton flannel, not animal skins. (Dumb name if you ask me)

You can cut them to fit and they're very sticky. Stick them to the inside of the boot, not to your sock/foot, lol.

07-21-2008, 09:47 AM
Try adhesive-backed MOLESKIN pads. You can cut them to fit and they're very sticky. Stick them to the inside of the boot, not to your sock/foot, lol.

Isk8NYC - Where do you get these little babies? Dance supply?


07-21-2008, 09:52 AM
I'm sorry - not lambswool, moleskin pads. They're not made of mole skins, they're just thick pieces of flannel that have an adhesive backing. Dr. Scholl's sells them in packages at drug store chains like CVS or RiteAid. Look in the footcare section.


07-21-2008, 10:11 AM
I'm sorry - not lambswool, moleskin pads. They're not made of mole skins, they're just thick pieces of flannel that have an adhesive backing. Dr. Scholl's sells them in packages at drug store chains like CVS or RiteAid. Look in the footcare section.


Ah - I use these all the time in my regular shoes. I was hoping there was something new out there that I wasn't familiar with....but thanks for the info!

07-23-2008, 08:52 PM
Well, thanks for all the advice. I don't think I'm in a place where I can buy new skates (my oil furnace has to be replaced) but I'll certainly remember the split sizing when I can buy new ones. I'll try the alternate fitting suggestions until I can find something that works for me.