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View Full Version : List the moves you would most love to be able to do as a skater in each Discipline.

07-16-2008, 09:48 AM
Ok people!!!! Before I asked you to name one. Now I want you to list for me all the moves you would love to be able to do if you were (and as) a skater from each Discipline. Please use the following format....For me it's...

As a Freestyle I'd love to be able to do = A Spiral,a Sit-Spin

As a Pairs Skater I'd love to be able to do = A Death Spiral.

As an Ice-Dancer = I'm not sure.

As a Synchronized Skater I'd love to be able to do a = Lift, and a Line.

I'm sure there's more. But I'll add them later. Ok people....GO!!!!!

Mrs Redboots
07-16-2008, 09:52 AM
A spiral isn't difficult - once you have your balance on the ice and are warmed up, you should maybe start trying them! You may land on your nose a time or two, but they are actually pretty good for your skating....

Correction: A spiral isn't difficult to do badly, but you have to be young, or at least flexible, when you start or you never get your knee higher than your hip.... sigh.... but parallel is achievable by most adults, I think.

The move I'd most like to be able to do (and doubt I ever shall) would be change-edge twizzles - they are primarily a dance move, but useful in the other disciplines, too. Realistically, and arguably achievable, only perhaps not yet, would be a waltz-hold spin (dance & pairs).

07-16-2008, 10:34 AM
Pairs: Death Spiral, or a throw twist - yeah, I'm dreaming here.
Singles: A strong camel spin, a nice layback
Synchro: Not asking for much here, just the ability to do turns (mohawk and 3-turn) in the CCW direction fast enough to keep up with the team!
Dance: At this point, I'm still hoping for swing rolls!

07-16-2008, 10:37 AM
Freestyle - I'd love to get my axel back. I'm convinced that won't happen for at least 40 pounds (weight, not money, lol).

Pairs - Pair Sit Spin - it always looks like so much fun. When I skated ISI pairs, we played with that spin, but a four-inch gash to my leg taught me how difficult it can be to master.

Dance - Twizzles! I love twizzles.

Synchro - "Catch on's" to the pinwheels, lol. I'm always the little girl from the Ice Capades chasing the wheel arm!

I'm adding...

Figures - Loops - never really learned them and while I know how to do them, I just don't have the control.

07-16-2008, 02:43 PM
Freestyle: Would love to say within my lifetime that I have an axel!!! On the "dream on" section, an ina bauer or spread eagle. I just don't have that open hip thing to carry it out and will take SURGERY for me to get them that open!!!

Pairs: Not sure. I never thought of doing pairs with ANYONE, though the pairs lift was kinda fun when I tried it at the AN Competitor's party. (Right, NoVa or dcden if they're reading this??? ;) )

Synchro: That back crossover moving circle thing!!! I tried it and it was HARD!!! And yes, the pinwheel... particularly being able to do a Y-spiral at the ends of one of the spokes. :mrgreen:

Ice Dance: At this point, just getting the pattern down? :P :oops:

Figure: Figure loops

Hockey: SPRAY ICE, of course!!! :twisted:

07-16-2008, 02:48 PM
I want killer edges. I want edges so good, people won't even realize I started skating as an adult. Edges so good, that I stroke like I own that ice. And good edges lead to good everything else.

07-16-2008, 05:44 PM
Dance - Step behinds!

Moves - Forward and backward cross strokes REAL ones

Freestyle - Scratch spin with a one foot edge entry

Figures - Figure 8, F & B, Inside and Outside - if someday I could just accomplish that - it would be cool.

Not interested in other disciplines.


07-16-2008, 05:45 PM
Hockey: SPRAY ICE, of course!!! :twisted:

Oh I want to do that too!

07-16-2008, 06:32 PM
Freestyle: Loop, flip, and (as long as we're dreaming...) a lutz, so I can drive the teenagers out of the lutz corner the way they always do to us! Also a Charlotte spiral.

Dance: the Paso Doble and the Quickstep (never in real life, sadly--I would be a hundred and partnering with a walker by the time I got that far!)

Pairs: partnered back outside hydroblade

Figures: any figure besides the waltz eight that I could do without having to flap my arms would be nice!

Hockey: coming out of the neutral zone, splitting the defense and sending the puck ahead, catching it on the other side, passing off to the left wing, and then putting it top shelf, one timer back from the wing, just like Sidney Crosby does.
Or failing that I would just take Sidney Crosby! ;)

07-16-2008, 06:46 PM
Pairs-DEATH SPIRALS! Those look like so much fun. Also throw jumps. I've done throw-axels, but the boy doesn't throw me very much lol.

Singles-Triples. And double axel.

Dance- A dance spin. And awesome twizzles

Synchro-Probably a lift. I don't watch much synchro though.

Moves-The choctaws on the junior moves would be nice.

Figures- GOOD, consistent loops all ways.

07-16-2008, 10:44 PM
Dance - footwork that would make Torvil and Dean drool with envy. I remember watching that close footwork from "Bolero" in Sarajevo and thinking, WOW.

Synchro - I don't know enough about synchro to really be able to answer this one; I'm just learning about this part of skating.

Figure - I lust after a gorgeous layback and a Bauer. I have the hip flexibility for the Bauer, I just need to build to the control required. And I'm with the person who lusts after edges - wouldn't THAT be something?

Pairs - I love a good death spiral, and I agree with ISk8NYC on the pair sit spin.

Really what I spend my time dreaming about (since I don't know how much my knee will allow me to advance in the jumping department at this point) is Tara Lipinkski-style footwork. Anyone ever see her "American Tribute" program? THAT'S what I REALLY want!

07-17-2008, 03:20 AM
Freestyle: Would love to say within my lifetime that I have an axel!!! On the "dream on" section, an ina bauer or spread eagle. I just don't have that open hip thing to carry it out and will take SURGERY for me to get them that open!!!

Hockey: SPRAY ICE, of course!!! :twisted:

I'll bet at some point you end up doing an inside Bauer. My coach put one in an Interp. program a few years ago.. and although it only lasted about 5 counts of music and was a small circle, I could actually do it -- EVENTUALLY. And I have really closed hips. My coach is forever telling me "point your knees out" just to get me to do plain, straight stroking. I'm sure at some point, you will find one of your "skating staff" has you do an inside Bauer... and you will actually do it. When you put your mind to something.. or are challenged to by your coaches to do something, you are unstoppable!

And I want to spray ice too!!! Great idea!

07-17-2008, 05:51 AM
I'd like to be able to do double jumps, and level 4 spins haha
Ina Bauer would be cool too, but with my very very closed hips... not gonna happen no matter how much I stretch.

the only other discipline I'd like to be able to do something in is pairs, and there I'd like to be the one doing the lifting and throwing... which, being a woman, isn't gonna happen either eh...

07-17-2008, 11:24 AM
Oohhh this thread is cool :P

Freestyle: A double axel...and maybe even one triple :)
Pairs: Definitely throw jumps! They look sooo fun.
Synchro: not sure...
Dance: Paso Doble...I can't wait to learn this dance!
Figures: loops...I hve to do them in my skills and oh boy...I am hopeless lol

Skating Jessica
07-17-2008, 04:26 PM
Pairs: Probably some kind of pairs spin. I'm not all that daring. :roll:
Freestyle: Pass my Senior freestyle so that I'd have all 3 Golds!
Dance: Pass some (or all) of my International dances.

07-17-2008, 08:06 PM
Elements I'd love to have one day.
Adult Ladies Singles:
all jumps upto 2 Lutz including combinations with these jumps.
Flying spins, Jeffery Buttle terrific twisty spins. Back Camel. Lightning fast Backspin. OK, no one has one. I just want my Backspin to spin at least as fast as my forward spin.
SpSq4 with + 3 GOE's

Don't care about dance except to Pass all of the Junior Bronze compulsory dance tests and to steal some of the steps for footwork sequences from higher level dances.

No ambition for pairs. I'll just watch it on TV, live at a show or elite competition. I also enjoy watching adult pair skaters perform too at competitions, especially Jan Canlan and Stephane Vachon who won the ISU Adult Competition Gold again this year.

Nope, I want the ice all to myself.

I'd like to improve my speed, flow and turns. I'd also like to get an Ina Bauer. I don't think I'll ever be doing an outside Spread Eagle as my hips just don't go that way. I'd like to someday test Bronze Interpretive.

07-18-2008, 06:20 AM
A spread eagle... My hips are considerably open (at least that's what I think), but it's just not enough to get my feet properly pointing out on ice. *sigh* I'd also like to do a sit spin.

A death spiral. They look so cool!

As for the other disciplines, well, I don't know much about them, so this is all from me.