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06-27-2008, 05:42 PM
Just posting to let everyone know I had my surgery today, and it all went well. I had a fasciotomy of the lateral compartment in my right lower leg to treat chronic compartment syndrome and a nerve entrapment (caused by a muscle hernia caused by the compartment syndrome). I didn't speak to the doctor, but my mom did. He said it looked a little different than he had anticipated, and the fascial defect was larger than he thought it would be, but that it all went perfectly. Post-op pain was pretty bad at first, but they gave me two IV injections of Fentanyl as well as Percocet. That helped a lot lol. I have Percocet post-op for pain. The doctor said my incision is about 3 inches long. He said he sutured it plastic surgery style so the scarring should be minimal.

Don't know how long I'll be off the ice for, but I'm already weight bearing. Just a matter of wound healing...

06-27-2008, 06:01 PM
Thanks for the update! I was hoping everything was going well for you today. Don't enjoy those pain-killers too much. . . :lol:

06-27-2008, 07:06 PM
oh don't worry--percocet makes me super itchy. i will not be an oxy junkie

06-27-2008, 07:27 PM
Glad to hear it went well - keep us posted! 8-)

06-27-2008, 07:29 PM
Oooo! I didn't know you were having surgery again!! :cry:Quick recovery!! Too wraped up in my own stuff I guess.

This wasn't in the same leg that was 'thinner' or something after the hip surgery was it?

06-27-2008, 07:52 PM
Same leg. All of my surgeries have been on that leg :roll: And my landing leg too, naturally.

06-27-2008, 08:24 PM
Hopefully this will be one of your last surgery for a while now and that everything is fixed. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

06-28-2008, 03:20 AM
I had exactly that procedure done (to my landing leg too!) about 18mos ago. It was hell getting it diagnosed, but the surgery solved the problem completely. My personal experience was that I didn't need the crutches they gave me - it was sore, but didn't actively hurt.

As for getting back on the ice, the muscle was fine very quickly - the problem was in the tendon, far below the incision. It felt like a bad case of lace bite. I was back on the ice after a couple of weeks, doing whatever I could tolerate, but that wasn't much, considering the pressure of my boot on the tendon was so uncomfortable that I couldn't lace tightly or bend my knees much. And as lacebite does, one day it just disappeared, and it's been fine ever since.

Best of luck with the recovery!

Skating Jessica
06-28-2008, 09:13 AM
Glad to hear everything is going well for you! Heal quick and stay safe! :D

06-28-2008, 05:46 PM
I had exactly that procedure done (to my landing leg too!) about 18mos ago. It was hell getting it diagnosed, but the surgery solved the problem completely. My personal experience was that I didn't need the crutches they gave me - it was sore, but didn't actively hurt.

As for getting back on the ice, the muscle was fine very quickly - the problem was in the tendon, far below the incision. It felt like a bad case of lace bite. I was back on the ice after a couple of weeks, doing whatever I could tolerate, but that wasn't much, considering the pressure of my boot on the tendon was so uncomfortable that I couldn't lace tightly or bend my knees much. And as lacebite does, one day it just disappeared, and it's been fine ever since.

Best of luck with the recovery!

I haven't needed the crutches either. I'm glad to hear that everything went well for you! I wonder if CCS is actually really common in figure skaters. The research I did said it tends to affect teenage girls most, as well as jumps that involve jumping and pressure around the calf. It makes me think that there might be many skaters out there with the condition. I wrote Mr. Edge based on his other injury articles to tell him about CCS, and he might do an article on it featuring me!

I'm hoping to be back on the ice fairly quickly. I am afraid that I'm going to need new boots, though. I think mine are a little too stiff. However, I'm sending them back to Klingbeil for other problems, and maybe he can take out some of the support.

Pain has been OK today, manageable by meds. I went to a midnight movie showing last night, and survived that just fine. My leg is sore right now when I walk, but I don't think the meds have kicked in yet.

06-29-2008, 11:07 AM
Keep on healing Sarah! I can't wait to see you back on the ice.

06-29-2008, 11:39 AM
Glad it went well :) Hopefully you'll be back on the ice in no time!

07-03-2008, 09:48 PM
I had a good post-op visit today! The incision is healing very nicely. It's long- over 3 inches, but he closed it like a plastic surgeon (stitches on the inside only), so it will heal without scarring badly.

Here's the good news...I asked him about skating, and he said that he'll see me back next week to pull the rip cord out (there's a line of thread coming from each end of my incision, holding the stitches together for now I assume), and that he think i can skate any time after that! He had originally told me 6-8 weeks, then 3, then 6. This will be 2!

07-03-2008, 09:51 PM
congrats on the fast recovery

07-03-2008, 10:29 PM
Great! Glad all went well and you are recovering quickly.